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path: root/app/views/puzzles
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authorStar Rauchenberger <fefferburbia@gmail.com>2023-11-30 13:29:08 -0500
committerStar Rauchenberger <fefferburbia@gmail.com>2023-11-30 13:29:08 -0500
commit0929719a845897cc8567cf972e07a69a71f0fa6f (patch)
tree2b6f69c1d906abb6e0abf8a0f1d51725bc78087d /app/views/puzzles
parent01c1947537e4e23ded0c16812a7cd9d49ad88356 (diff)
Migrate to a full rails app
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views/puzzles')
6 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/puzzles/_handle_puzzle.html.erb b/app/views/puzzles/_handle_puzzle.html.erb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0e3227 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/puzzles/_handle_puzzle.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
1<script type="text/javascript">
2var totalSeconds = 0
3var startTime = 0
4var timerInterval
6function pad(val) {
7 var valString = val + ""
8 if (valString.length < 2)
9 {
10 return "0" + valString
11 } else {
12 return valString
13 }
15function setTime() {
16 totalSeconds = Math.floor((Date.now() - startTime) / 1000)
17 $("#seconds").text(pad(totalSeconds%60))
18 $("#minutes").text(pad(parseInt(totalSeconds/60)))
21window.onload = function() {
22 <% if @playable or @puzzle.latest? %>
23 $("#sens").val(window.settings.sensitivity)
24 $("#sens").on("change", function() {
25 window.settings.sensitivity = this.value
26 })
27 $("#volume").val(parseFloat(window.settings.volume))
28 $("#volume").on("change", function() {
29 window.settings.volume = this.value
30 })
31 <% end %>
33 <% if @playable %>
34 <% if @already_started %>
35 var puzzle = window.deserializePuzzle("<%= @puzzle.data %>")
36 draw(puzzle)
37 <% else %>
38 $("#activation-button button").on("click", function() {
39 var puzzle = window.deserializePuzzle("<%= @puzzle.data %>")
40 draw(puzzle)
42 $("#activation-button").hide()
44 startTime = Date.now()
45 timerInterval = setInterval(setTime, 1000);
47 $.ajax({
48 type: "POST",
49 url: "<%= start_puzzle_path(@puzzle, format: :js) %>"
50 })
51 })
52 <% end %>
53 <% else %>
54 var puzzle = window.deserializePuzzle("<%= @puzzle.data %>")
55 draw(puzzle)
56 drawPath(puzzle, JSON.parse("<%= escape_javascript(sanitize @solution) %>"))
57 <% unless @puzzle.latest? %>
58 window.trace = function() {}
59 <% end %>
60 <% end %>
63<% if @playable %>
64window.TRACE_COMPLETION_FUNC = function(puzzle, rawPath) {
65 clearInterval(timerInterval)
66 setTime()
68 $.ajax({
69 type: "POST",
70 url: "<%= solve_puzzle_path(@puzzle, format: :js) %>",
71 data: { solved: JSON.stringify(rawPath) <% unless @already_started %> , time: totalSeconds <% end %> }
72 })
75<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/puzzles/_submission.html.haml b/app/views/puzzles/_submission.html.haml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3d0740 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/puzzles/_submission.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1%h3 Congrats!
2%p Would you like to submit your time?
3= form_with url: submit_puzzle_path(@puzzle) do |form|
4 - unless @time.nil?
5 = form.hidden_field :time, value: @time
6 %p
7 = form.label :name, "Name:"
8 = form.text_field :name
9 %p= form.submit "Submit"
diff --git a/app/views/puzzles/about.html.haml b/app/views/puzzles/about.html.haml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1f7aa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/puzzles/about.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
1%p.summary <strong>Wittle</strong> gives you daily randomly-generated puzzles in the style of those from the 2016 indie game, <a href="http://the-witness.net">The Witness</a>. There are three difficulties of puzzles to choose from:
2%h2#current-date= @normal_puzzle.created_at.localtime.strftime("%B %-d, %Y")
4 #normal-link
5 = link_to "Normal", @normal_puzzle
6 - if @normal_solved
7 %p.puzzle-status Solved!
8 - elsif @normal_started
9 %p.puzzle-status Started
10 #hard-link
11 = link_to "Hard", @hard_puzzle
12 - if @hard_solved
13 %p.puzzle-status Solved!
14 - elsif @hard_started
15 %p.puzzle-status Started
16 #expert-link
17 = link_to "Expert", @expert_puzzle
18 - if @expert_solved
19 %p.puzzle-status Solved!
20 - elsif @expert_started
21 %p.puzzle-status Started
23 - if @normal_puzzle.created_at.localtime.to_date != DateTime.now.localtime.to_date
24 New puzzles are being generated...
25 - else
26 Time until new puzzles: <span id="hours">00</span>:<span id="minutes">00</span>:<span id="seconds">00</span>
27 :javascript
28 function pad(val) {
29 var valString = val + ""
30 if (valString.length < 2)
31 {
32 return "0" + valString
33 } else {
34 return valString
35 }
36 }
37 function setTime() {
38 --totalSeconds
39 if (totalSeconds == 0)
40 {
41 $("#new-puzzles").text("Refresh the page for today's puzzles!")
42 clearInterval(timerInterval)
43 } else {
44 $("#seconds").text(pad(totalSeconds%60))
45 $("#minutes").text(pad(parseInt(totalSeconds/60)%60))
46 $("#hours").text(pad(parseInt(parseInt(totalSeconds/60)/60)))
47 }
48 }
49 var totalSeconds = #{(Time.now.tomorrow.beginning_of_day - Time.now).to_i + 1}
50 setTime()
51 var timerInterval = setInterval(setTime, 1000);
52%p.summary Wittle was created by <a href="https://www.fourisland.com/">Hatkirby</a>, with major help from <a href="https://github.com/sigma144/witness-randomizer">Sigma144</a> (who wrote the puzzle generation code) and <a href="https://github.com/jbzdarkid/jbzdarkid.github.io">jbzdarkid</a> (who wrote the puzzle solving web interface). The source code is available <a href="https://code.fourisland.com/wittle">here</a>. If you encounter any bugs, or have feedback regarding puzzle difficulty level, feel free to contact me! I am <code>hatkirby</code> on Discord, and you can also find me in the <a href="https://discord.gg/0nJwyUyYIfTEgSz0">Witness Speedrunning server</a>.
53%p.summary There is an <a href="#{ archive_path }">archive of past puzzles</a> for those interested.
diff --git a/app/views/puzzles/index.html.haml b/app/views/puzzles/index.html.haml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe497e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/puzzles/index.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
1.breadcrumb= link_to "← Back to home page", root_path
2%h1 Archive
4 %tr
5 %th
6 %th Normal
7 %th Hard
8 %th Expert
9 - @puzzles.each do |date, dps|
10 %tr{ class: cycle("even", "odd") }
11 %td= date.strftime("%B %-d, %Y")
12 %td
13 - if dps.has_key? "normal"
14 %ul
15 - dps["normal"].each do |puzzle|
16 %li= link_to "\##{puzzle.id}", puzzle
17 %td
18 - if dps.has_key? "hard"
19 %ul
20 - dps["hard"].each do |puzzle|
21 %li= link_to "\##{puzzle.id}", puzzle
22 %td
23 - if dps.has_key? "expert"
24 %ul
25 - dps["expert"].each do |puzzle|
26 %li= link_to "\##{puzzle.id}", puzzle
diff --git a/app/views/puzzles/show.html.haml b/app/views/puzzles/show.html.haml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47db8f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/puzzles/show.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
1.breadcrumb= link_to "← Back to home page", root_path
2%h1 Wittle ##{@puzzle.id}
3.puzzle-description #{@puzzle.category.capitalize} - #{@puzzle.created_at.localtime.strftime("%B %-d, %Y")}
4#puzzle-container{ style: "display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center" }
5 %svg#puzzle{ style: "pointer-events: auto"}
7- if @playable
8 - unless @already_started
9 #activation-button
10 %button{ type: "button" } Reveal Puzzle
11 #timer
12 %label#minutes 00
13 %label#colon :
14 %label#seconds 00
15- if @playable or @puzzle.latest?
16 %details#trace-settings
17 %summary Settings
18 .things
19 %label{ for: "sens" } Mouse Speed 2D
20 %input#sens{ type: "range", min: "0.1", max: "1.3", step: "0.1" }
21 %label{ for: "volume" } Volume
22 %input#volume{ type: "range", min: "0", max: "0.24", step: "0.02" }
23- unless @playable
24 #scores
25 #by-time
26 %h2 Fastest Solves
27 %table
28 - @puzzle.scores.where("seconds_taken IS NOT NULL").order(seconds_taken: :asc, created_at: :asc).limit(100).each_with_index do |score, i|
29 %tr
30 %td #{(i + 1)}.
31 %td= score.name
32 %td.score-field= humanize_interval(score.seconds_taken)
33 #by-when
34 %h2 Completion Order
35 %table
36 - @puzzle.scores.order(created_at: :asc).limit(100).each_with_index do |score, i|
37 %tr
38 %td #{(i + 1)}.
39 %td= score.name
40 %td.score-field= score.created_at.getlocal().strftime("%-I:%M:%S%P")
41= render partial: "handle_puzzle"
diff --git a/app/views/puzzles/solve.js.erb b/app/views/puzzles/solve.js.erb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2aa22e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/puzzles/solve.js.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1$("#submission-form").html('<%= escape_javascript(render partial: "submission") %>');
2$("#submission-form #name").val(window.settings.player_name)
3$("#submission-form #name").on("change", function() {
4 window.settings.player_name = this.value