MAIN {PRIMARY} {SECONDARY} PRIMARY {NAME} is {CLASS:indefinite} commonly used to treat {syndrome}. {NAME} is {CLASS:indefinite} primarily used for {syndrome}. {NAME} is {CLASS:indefinite} prescribed for {syndrome}. {NAME} is {CLASS:indefinite} approved for treatment of {syndrome}, {syndrome}, and {syndrome}. {NAME} is {CLASS:indefinite} used for {syndrome} and {syndrome}. {NAME} is {CLASS:indefinite} used with {existent} to treat {syndrome}. {NAME} is {CLASS:indefinite} used in cases of {EXISTENT} overdose. {NAME} is {CLASS:indefinite} used recreationally as {CLASS:indefinite}. SECONDARY Developed in {year} due to the Great {Noun} Epidemic in {Region}. Frequently prescribed off-label for {syndrome}. Sometimes used for {syndrome} because of its {verbing} effect. Illegal to own in the US because of its {verbing} effect. Developed in {year} to replace {EXISTENT}. Overtook {EXISTENT} as the primary treatment, having fewer side effects. Synthesized by {FamousName} in {year} in a {verbing} accident. Used mainly in {year}, before {EXISTENT} became popular. Only legal in {Region} because of its {verbing} effect. SYNDROME Irritable {Noun} Syndrome {Adjective} {Noun} Syndrome Severe {Noun} Major {Adjective} Disorder {Adjective} {Noun} Disorder Obsessive {Noun} Disorder Clinical {Noun} {Adjective} Personality Disorder Respiratory {Adjective} Disease {Bodypart} Cancer Restless {Bodypart} {Bodypart} Failure Congenital {Noun} Disease {FamousName}'s disease CLASS analgesic painkiller anaesthetic antihistamine anticonvulsant antiepileptic antidepressant antimigraine antipsychotic benzodiazepine antiparkinsonian immunosuppressive antianaemia anticoagulant blood thinner antiarrhythmic antithrombotic antifungal anti-infective anti-inflammatory disinfectant antispetic antiemetic diuretic opiod painkiller antiulcer laxative sedative hormone estrogen androgen contraceptive ovulation inducer thyroid stimulant antithyroid insulin vaccine oxytocin SSRI anxiolytic antipanic agent tricyclic MAOI SNRI antiandrogen psychedelic vitamin probiotic antibiotic antiviral drug stimulant depressant aphrodisiac EXISTENT fluoxetine Prozac sertraline Zoloft escitalopram Lexapro venlafaxine Effexor aripiprazole Abilify alprazolam Xanax diazepam Valium lamotrigine Lamictal gabapentin Neurontin acetaminophen Tylenol ibuprofin Advil lurasidone Latuda lithium activated charcoal estradiol AndroGel ziprasidone Geodon risperidone Risperdal quetiapine Seroquel Cymbalta duloxetine bupropion Welbutrin buspirone Buspar oxycontin Oxycodone Concerta methylphenidate Ritalin Vyvanse lisdexamfetamine Adderall epinephrine adrenaline testosterone gel Cialis Viagra heroin morphine crystal meth NAME {PRENAME}{NAMEMID}{NAMEIFX} PRENAME Oxy Ari Zi Quetia Mor Her Cia Via He Con Flu Ser Es Ven Al Dia Lamo Gaba Aceta Ibu Lura Ris Li Estra Du Bus Epin NAMEMID pipra pi to stero cer oxe tra cita lo la fa pra zo ze tri pen mino pro si peri thi loxe con epher {NAMEMID}{NAMEMID} {NAMEMID}{NAMEMID} NAMEIFX zole ne tine lin tamine gra phine ta line pram xine lam pam gine tin phen fin done um diol tin rone ine