#include "Generate.h" #include #include std::vector Generate::_DIRECTIONS1 = {Point(0, 1), Point(0, -1), Point(1, 0), Point(-1, 0)}; std::vector Generate::_8DIRECTIONS1 = { Point(0, 1), Point(0, -1), Point(1, 0), Point(-1, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(1, -1), Point(-1, -1), Point(-1, 1)}; std::vector Generate::_DIRECTIONS2 = {Point(0, 2), Point(0, -2), Point(2, 0), Point(-2, 0)}; std::vector Generate::_8DIRECTIONS2 = { Point(0, 2), Point(0, -2), Point(2, 0), Point(-2, 0), Point(2, 2), Point(2, -2), Point(-2, -2), Point(-2, 2)}; std::vector Generate::_DISCONNECT = { Point(0, 2), Point(0, -2), Point(2, 0), Point(-2, 0), Point(2, 2), Point(2, -2), Point(-2, -2), Point(-2, 2), Point(0, 2), Point(0, -2), Point(2, 0), Point(-2, 0), Point(2, 2), Point(2, -2), Point(-2, -2), Point(-2, 2), Point(0, 4), Point(0, -4), Point(4, 0), Point(-4, 0), // Used to make the discontiguous shapes }; std::vector Generate::_SHAPEDIRECTIONS = {}; // This will eventually be set to one of the above lists // Make a maze puzzle. The maze will have one solution. id - id of the puzzle /*void Generate::generateMaze(int id) { while (!generate_maze(id, 0, 0)) ; } // Make a maze puzzle. The maze will have one solution. id - id of the puzzle. // numStarts - how many starts to add (only one will be valid). numExits - how // many exits to add. All will work Setting numStarts or numExits to 0 will keep // the starts/exits where they originally were, otherwise the starts/exits // originally there will be removed and new ones randomly placed. void Generate::generateMaze(int id, int numStarts, int numExits) { while (!generate_maze(id, numStarts, numExits)) ; }*/ // Read in default panel data, such as dimensions, symmetry, starts/exits, etc. // id - id of the puzzle void Generate::initPanel() { _panel = std::make_unique(); _panel->Resize(_width, _height); // erase_path(); //_panelData.resize(_height); // for (auto& row : _panelData) row.resize(_width); if (hasFlag(Config::TreehouseLayout)) { init_treehouse_layout(); } if (hasFlag(Config::RegularStartEnd)) { if (_symmetry == Panel::Rotational) { setSymbol(Decoration::Start, 0, 0); setSymbol(Decoration::Exit, 0, _panel->height() - 1); setSymbol(Decoration::Start, _panel->width() - 1, _panel->height() - 1); setSymbol(Decoration::Exit, _panel->width() - 1, 0); } else if (_symmetry == Panel::Vertical) { setSymbol(Decoration::Exit, 0, 0); setSymbol(Decoration::Start, 0, _panel->height() - 1); setSymbol(Decoration::Start, _panel->width() - 1, _panel->height() - 1); setSymbol(Decoration::Exit, _panel->width() - 1, 0); } else if (_symmetry == Panel::Horizontal) { setSymbol(Decoration::Start, 0, 0); setSymbol(Decoration::Start, 0, _panel->height() - 1); setSymbol(Decoration::Exit, _panel->width() - 1, _panel->height() - 1); setSymbol(Decoration::Exit, _panel->width() - 1, 0); } else { setSymbol(Decoration::Start, 0, _panel->height() - 1); setSymbol(Decoration::Exit, _panel->width() - 1, 0); } } if (_custom_grid.size() > 0) { // If we want to start with a certain default grid when generating if (_custom_grid.size() < _panel->width()) { _custom_grid.resize(_panel->width()); } if (_custom_grid[_custom_grid.size() - 1].size() < _panel->height()) { for (auto& row : _custom_grid) { row.resize(_panel->height()); } } for (int x = 0; x < _panel->width(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < _panel->height(); y++) { set(x, y, _custom_grid[x][y]); } } } // Sync up start/exit points between panel and generator. If both are // different, the generator's start/exit point list will be used for (Point e : _starts) { _panel->SetGridSymbol(e.first, e.second, Decoration::Start, Decoration::Color::None); } for (Point e : _exits) { _panel->SetGridSymbol(e.first, e.second, Decoration::Exit, Decoration::Color::None); } // Fill gridpos with every available grid block _gridpos.clear(); for (int x = 1; x < _panel->width(); x += 2) { for (int y = 1; y < _panel->height(); y += 2) { /*if (!(hasFlag(Config::PreserveStructure) && (get(x, y) & Decoration::Empty) == Decoration::Empty))*/ _gridpos.emplace(Point(x, y)); } } // Init the open positions available for symbols. Defaults to every grid block // unless a custom openpos has been specified if (openPos.size() > 0) _openpos = openPos; else _openpos = _gridpos; for (Point p : blockPos) _openpos.erase(p); // Remove the points which the user has defined to not // place symbols on for (Point p : _splitPoints) _openpos.erase(p); // The split points will have erasers and cannot have // any other symbols placed on them _fullGaps = hasFlag(Config::FullGaps); _panel->symmetry = _symmetry; // Init user-defined puzzle symmetry if not "None". // 0x00076 (Symmetry Island Fading Lines 7) and 0x01D3F (Keep Blue Pressure // Plates) are exceptions because they need to have symmetry removed if (pathWidth != 1) _panel->pathWidth = pathWidth; // Init path scale. "1" is considered the // default, and therefore means no change. if (hasFlag(Config::WriteInvisible)) { _panel->SetInvisibleSymmetry(true); } } // Place a specific symbol into the puzzle at the specified location. The // generator will add other symbols, but will leave the set ones where they are. // symbol - the symbol to place. //x, y - the coordinates to put it at. (0, 0) // is at top left. Lines are at even coordinates and grid blocks at odd // coordinates void Generate::setSymbol(Decoration::Shape symbol, int x, int y) { if (_custom_grid.size() < x + 1) { _custom_grid.resize(x + 1, std::vector()); for (auto& row : _custom_grid) { row.resize(_custom_grid[0].size(), 0); } } for (auto& row : _custom_grid) { if (row.size() < y + 1) { row.resize(y + 1, 0); } } if (symbol == Decoration::Start) _starts.emplace(Point(x, y)); else if (symbol == Decoration::Exit) _exits.emplace(Point(x, y)); else _custom_grid[x][y] = symbol; // Starts and exits are not set into the grid } // Set the dimensions of the puzzles. This setting will persist between puzzle // generation calls. (0, 0) will have the generator use the same dimensions as // the orignal puzzle. width, height - the dimensions to use, measured in grid // blocks. void Generate::setGridSize(int width, int height) { if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { _width = 0; _height = 0; } else { _width = width * 2 + 1; _height = height * 2 + 1; } } // Set the type of symmetry to use. This setting will persist between puzzle // generation calls. Using "None" will make the generator use the existing // puzzle symmetry. void Generate::setSymmetry(Panel::Symmetry symmetry) { _symmetry = symmetry; if (_symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelV || _symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelVFlip) { std::vector points; for (int y = 0; y < _height; y += 2) points.emplace_back(Point(_width / 2, y)); setObstructions(points); // This prevents the generator from invalidly // passing through the center line } if (_symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelH || _symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelHFlip) { std::vector points; for (int x = 0; x < _width; x += 2) points.emplace_back(Point(x, _height / 2)); setObstructions(points); // This prevents the generator from invalidly // passing through the center line } } // Write out panel data to the puzzle with the given id void Generate::write(int id) { std::vector> backupGrid; /* if (hasFlag(Config::DisableReset)) backupGrid = _panel->_grid; // Allows panel data to be preserved after writing. // Normally writing erases the panel data.*/ erase_path(); // TODO: write // Undo any one-time config changes if (_oneTimeAdd) { _config &= ~_oneTimeAdd; _oneTimeAdd = 0; } if (_oneTimeRemove) { _config |= _oneTimeRemove; _oneTimeRemove = 0; } // Manually advance seed by 1 each generation to prevent seeds "funneling" // from repeated fails Random::seed(_seed); _seed = Random::rand(); } // Reset all config flags and persistent settings, including width/height and // symmetry. void Generate::resetConfig() { setGridSize(0, 0); _symmetry = Panel::Symmetry::None; pathWidth = 1; if (hasFlag(Config::DisableReset)) { resetVars(); } _config = 0; _oneTimeAdd = Config::None; _oneTimeRemove = Config::None; arrowColor = backgroundColor = successColor = {0, 0, 0, 0}; } //----------------------Private-------------------------- // Add the point (pos) to the intended solution path, using symmetry if // applicable. void Generate::set_path(Point pos) { set(pos, PATH); _path.insert(pos); if (_panel->symmetry) { _path1.insert(pos); Point sp = get_sym_point(pos); set(sp, PATH); _path.insert(sp); _path2.insert(sp); } } // Remove the path and all symbols from the grid. This does not affect // starts/exits. If PreserveStructure is active, open gaps will be kept. If a // custom grid is set, this will reset it back to the custom grid state. void Generate::clear() { if (_custom_grid.size() > 0) { for (int x = 0; x < _panel->width(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < _panel->height(); y++) { set(x, y, _custom_grid[x][y]); } } } else for (int x = 0; x < _panel->width(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < _panel->height(); y++) { /*if (hasFlag(Config::PreserveStructure) && (_panel->_grid[x][y] == OPEN || (_panel->_grid[x][y] & 0x60000f) == NO_POINT || (_panel->_grid[x][y] & Decoration::Empty) == Decoration::Empty)) continue;*/ set(x, y, 0); } } //_panel->_style &= ~0x2ff8; // Remove all element flags _path.clear(); _path1.clear(); _path2.clear(); } // Reset generator variables and lists used when generating puzzles. (not config // settings) void Generate::resetVars() { _panel = NULL; // This is needed for the generator to read in the next panel _starts.clear(); _exits.clear(); _custom_grid.clear(); hitPoints.clear(); _obstructions.clear(); openPos.clear(); blockPos.clear(); _splitPoints.clear(); } // Place start and exits in central positions like in the treehouse void Generate::init_treehouse_layout() { // bool pivot = _panel->_endpoints.size() > 2; bool pivot = false; setSymbol(Decoration::Start, _panel->width() / 2, _panel->height() - 1); setSymbol(Decoration::Exit, _panel->width() / 2, 0); if (pivot) { setSymbol(Decoration::Exit, _panel->width() - 1, _panel->height() / 2); setSymbol(Decoration::Exit, 0, _panel->height() / 2); } } /* // Private version of generateMaze. Should be called again if false is returned. // The algorithm works by generating a correct path, then extending lines off of // it until the maze is filled. bool Generate::generate_maze(int id, int numStarts, int numExits) { initPanel(id); if (numStarts > 0) place_start(numStarts); if (numExits > 0) place_exit(numExits); // Prevent start and exit from overlapping, except in one one particular // puzzle (0x00083). if (id == 0x00083 && _width == 15 && _height == 15) { clear(); _panel->_endpoints.clear(); _exits.clear(); Point start = pick_random(_starts); _panel->SetGridSymbol(start.first, start.second, Decoration::Exit, Decoration::Color::None); Point sp = get_sym_point(start); _panel->SetGridSymbol(sp.first, sp.second, Decoration::Exit, Decoration::Color::None); set_path(start); set_path(sp); } else { for (Point p : _starts) if (_exits.count(p)) return false; clear(); if (hasFlag(Generate::Config::ShortPath)) { while (!generate_path_length( (_panel->width() + _panel->height()), min((_panel->width() + _panel->height()) * 2, (_panel->width() / 2 + 1) * (_panel->height() / 2 + 1) * 1 / 2))) clear(); } while (!generate_path_length( (_panel->width() + _panel->height()), min((_panel->width() + _panel->height()) * 2, (_panel->width() / 2 + 1) * (_panel->height() / 2 + 1) * 4 / 5))) clear(); } std::set path = _path; // Backup // Extra false starts are tracked in a separate list so that the generator can // make sure to extend each of them by a higher amount than usual. std::set extraStarts; for (Point pos : _starts) { if (!_path.count(pos)) { extraStarts.insert(pos); } set_path(pos); } // Check to see if the correct path runs over any of the false start points. // If so, start over if (extraStarts.size() != (_panel->symmetry ? _starts.size() / 2 - 1 : _starts.size() - 1)) return false; std::set check; std::vector deadEndH, deadEndV; for (Point p : _path) { if (p.first % 2 == 0 && p.second % 2 == 0) check.insert(p); // Only extend off of the points at grid intersections. } while (check.size() > 0) { // Pick a random extendable point and extend it for some randomly chosen // amount of units. Point randomPos = (extraStarts.size() > 0 ? pick_random(extraStarts) : pick_random(check)); Point pos = randomPos; for (int i = (extraStarts.size() > 0 ? 7 : 1); i >= 0; i--) { // False starts are extended by up to 7 units. Other points are // extended 1 unit at a time std::vector validDir; for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS2) { if (!off_edge(pos + dir) && get(pos + dir) == 0) { validDir.push_back(dir); } } if (validDir.size() < 2) check.erase(pos); // If there are 0 or 1 open directions, the point // cannot be extended again. if (validDir.size() == 0) { if (extraStarts.size() > 0) { return false; // Not all the starts were extended successfully. } // If full gaps mode is enabled, detect dead ends, so that square tips // can be put on them if (_fullGaps && !_exits.count(pos) && !_starts.count(pos)) { int countOpenRow = 0, countOpenColumn = 0; for (Point dir2 : _DIRECTIONS1) { Point added = pos + dir2; if (!off_edge(added) && _drawnPath[added.second][added.first]) { if (dir2.first == 0) countOpenColumn++; else countOpenRow++; } } if (countOpenRow + countOpenColumn == 1) { if (countOpenRow) deadEndH.push_back(pos); else deadEndV.push_back(pos); } } break; // A dead end has been reached, extend a different point } Point dir = pick_random(validDir); Point newPos = pos + dir; set_path(newPos); set_path(pos + dir / 2); check.insert(newPos); pos = newPos; } if (extraStarts.size() > 0) extraStarts.erase(randomPos); } // Put openings or gaps in any unused row or column segment for (int y = 0; y < _panel->height(); y++) { for (int x = (y + 1) % 2; x < _panel->width(); x += 2) { if (!_drawnPath[y][x]) { _panel->SetGridSymbol(x, y, _fullGaps ? OPEN : x % 2 == 0 ? Decoration::Gap_Column : Decoration::Gap_Row); if (_panel->symmetry) { Point sp = get_sym_point(Point(x, y)); if (sp.first == x && sp.second == y || sp.first == x && x % 2 == 0 && abs(sp.second - y) <= 2 || sp.second == y && y % 2 == 0 && abs(sp.first - x) <= 2 || abs(sp.first - x) == 1) { _drawnPath[y][x] = true; } else if (Random::rand() % 2 == 0) { _drawnPath[sp.second][sp.first] = true; } else { _drawnPath[y][x] = true; _panel->SetGridSymbol(sp, _fullGaps ? OPEN : x % 2 == 0 ? Decoration::Gap_Column : Decoration::Gap_Row); } } } } } // Put square ends on any dead ends for (Point p : deadEndH) { _panel->SetGridSymbol(p, Decoration::Gap_Row); } for (Point p : deadEndV) { _panel->SetGridSymbol(p, Decoration::Gap_Column); } _path = path; // Restore backup of the correct solution for testing purposes std::vector solution; // For debugging only for (int y = 0; y < _panel->height(); y++) { std::string row; for (int x = 0; x < _panel->width(); x++) { if (_path.count(Point(x, y))) { row += "xx"; } else row += " "; } solution.push_back(row); } if (!hasFlag(Config::DisableWrite)) write(id); return true; }*/ void Generate::generate(int width, int height, PuzzleSymbols symbols) { while (!generateInternal(width, height, symbols)); } // The primary generation function. id - id of the puzzle. symbols - a structure // representing the amount and types of each symbol to add to the puzzle The // algorithm works by making a random path and then adding the chosen symbols to // the grid in such a way that they will be satisfied by the path. if at some // point the generator fails to add a symbol while still making the solution // correct, the function returns false and must be called again. bool Generate::generateInternal(int width, int height, PuzzleSymbols symbols) { _width = width * 2 + 1; _height = height * 2 + 1; initPanel(); // Multiple erasers are forced to be separate by default. This is because // combining them causes unpredictable and inconsistent behavior. if (symbols.getNum(Decoration::Eraser) > 1 && !hasFlag(Config::CombineErasers)) { setSymbol(Decoration::Gap_Row, 1, 0); setSymbol(Decoration::Gap_Row, _panel->width() - 2, _panel->height() - 1); _splitPoints = {Point(1, 1), Point(_panel->width() - 2, _panel->height() - 2)}; initPanel(); // Re-initing to account for the newly added information } // Init parity for full dot puzzles if (symbols.getNum(Decoration::Dot) >= _panel->get_num_grid_points() - 2) _parity = (_panel->get_parity() + (!symbols.any(Decoration::Start) ? get_parity(pick_random(_starts)) : !symbols.any(Decoration::Exit) ? get_parity(pick_random(_exits)) : Random::rand() % 2)) % 2; else _parity = -1; //-1 indicates a non-full dot puzzle if (symbols.any(Decoration::Start)) place_start(symbols.getNum(Decoration::Start)); if (symbols.any(Decoration::Exit)) place_exit(symbols.getNum(Decoration::Exit)); // Make a random path unless a fixed one has been defined if (customPath.size() == 0) { int fails = 0; while (!generate_path(symbols)) { if (fails++ > 20) return false; // It gets several chances to make a path so that the // whole init process doesn't have to be repeated so many // times } } else _path = customPath; std::vector solution; // For debugging only for (int y = 0; y < _panel->height(); y++) { std::string row; for (int x = 0; x < _panel->width(); x++) { if (get(x, y) == PATH) { row += "xx"; } else row += " "; } solution.push_back(row); } // Attempt to add the symbols if (!place_all_symbols(symbols)) return false; for (const auto& row : solution) { std::cout << row << std::endl; } erase_path(); std::cout << _panel->Write() << std::endl; return true; } // Place the provided symbols onto the puzzle. symbols - a structure describing // types and amounts of symbols to add. bool Generate::place_all_symbols(PuzzleSymbols& symbols) { std::vector eraseSymbols; std::vector eraserColors; // If erasers are present, choose symbols to be erased and remove them // pre-emptively for (std::pair s : symbols[Decoration::Eraser]) { for (int i = 0; i < s.second; i++) { eraserColors.push_back(s.first & 0xf); eraseSymbols.push_back(hasFlag(Config::FalseParity) ? Decoration::Dot_Intersection : symbols.popRandomSymbol()); } } // Symbols are placed in stages according to their type // In each of these loops, s.first is the symbol and s.second is the amount of // it to add _SHAPEDIRECTIONS = (hasFlag(Config::DisconnectShapes) ? _DISCONNECT : _DIRECTIONS2); int numShapes = 0, numRotate = 0, numNegative = 0; std::vector colors, negativeColors; for (std::pair s : symbols[Decoration::Poly]) { for (int i = 0; i < s.second; i++) { if (s.first & Decoration::Can_Rotate) numRotate++; if (s.first & Decoration::Negative) { numNegative++; negativeColors.push_back(s.first & 0xf); } else { numShapes++; colors.push_back(s.first & 0xf); } } } if (numShapes > 0 && !place_shapes(colors, negativeColors, numShapes, numRotate, numNegative) || numShapes == 0 && numNegative > 0) return false; _stoneTypes = static_cast(symbols[Decoration::Stone].size()); _bisect = true; // This flag helps the generator prevent making two adjacent // regions of stones the same color for (std::pair s : symbols[Decoration::Stone]) if (!place_stones(s.first & 0xf, s.second)) return false; for (std::pair s : symbols[Decoration::Triangle]) if (!place_triangles(s.first & 0xf, s.second, s.first >> 16)) return false; for (std::pair s : symbols[Decoration::Arrow]) if (!place_arrows(s.first & 0xf, s.second, s.first >> 12)) return false; for (std::pair s : symbols[Decoration::Star]) if (!place_stars(s.first & 0xf, s.second)) return false; if (symbols.style == Panel::Style::HAS_STARS && hasFlag(Generate::Config::TreehouseLayout) && !checkStarZigzag()) return false; if (eraserColors.size() > 0 && !place_erasers(eraserColors, eraseSymbols)) return false; for (std::pair s : symbols[Decoration::Dot]) if (!place_dots(s.second, static_cast(s.first & 0xf), (s.first & ~0xf) == Decoration::Dot_Intersection)) return false; for (std::pair s : symbols[Decoration::Gap]) if (!place_gaps(s.second)) return false; return true; } // Generate a random path for a puzzle with the provided symbols. // The path starts at a random start and will not cross through walls or // symbols. Puzzle symbols are provided because they can influence how long the // path should be. bool Generate::generate_path(PuzzleSymbols& symbols) { clear(); if (_obstructions.size() > 0) { std::vector walls = pick_random(_obstructions); for (Point p : walls) if (get(p) == 0) set(p, p.first % 2 == 0 ? Decoration::Gap_Column : Decoration::Gap_Row); bool result = (hasFlag(Config::ShortPath) ? generate_path_length(1) : _parity != -1 ? generate_longest_path() : hitPoints.size() > 0 ? generate_special_path() : generate_path_length(_panel->get_num_grid_points() * 3 / 4)); for (Point p : walls) if (get(p) & Decoration::Gap) set(p, 0); return result; } if (hitPoints.size() > 0) { return generate_special_path(); } if (_parity != -1 || hasFlag(Generate::LongestPath)) { return generate_longest_path(); } if (hasFlag(Config::ShortPath)) return generate_path_length(1); // The diagonal symmetry puzzles have a lot of points that can't be hit, so I // have to reduce the path length if (_panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::FlipXY || _panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::FlipNegXY) { return generate_path_length(_panel->get_num_grid_points() * 3 / 4 - _panel->width() / 2); } // Dot puzzles have a longer path by default. Vertical/horizontal symmetry // puzzles are also longer because they tend to be too simple otherwise if (hasFlag(Config::LongPath) || symbols.style == Panel::Style::HAS_DOTS && !hasFlag(Config::PreserveStructure) && !(_panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::Vertical && (_panel->width() / 2) % 2 == 0 || _panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::Horizontal && (_panel->height() / 2) % 2 == 0)) { return generate_path_length(_panel->get_num_grid_points() * 7 / 8); } // For stone puzzles, the path must have a certain number of regions if (symbols.style == Panel::Style::HAS_STONES && _splitPoints.size() == 0) return generate_path_regions( std::min(symbols.getNum(Decoration::Stone), (_panel->width() / 2 + _panel->height() / 2) / 2 + 1)); if (symbols.style == Panel::Style::HAS_SHAPERS) { if (hasFlag(Config::SplitShapes)) { return generate_path_regions(symbols.getNum(Decoration::Poly) + 1); } return generate_path_length(_panel->get_num_grid_points() / 2); } return generate_path_length(_panel->get_num_grid_points() * 3 / 4); } // Generate a random path with the provided minimum length. bool Generate::generate_path_length(int minLength, int maxLength) { int fails = 0; Point pos = adjust_point(pick_random(_starts)); Point exit = adjust_point(pick_random(_exits)); if (off_edge(pos) || off_edge(exit)) return false; set_path(pos); while (pos != exit) { if (fails++ > 20) return false; Point dir = pick_random(_DIRECTIONS2); Point newPos = pos + dir; Point directed = pos + dir / 2; if (off_edge(newPos) || hasSymbolOrPath(newPos) || hasSymbolOrPath(directed) || newPos == exit && _path.size() / 2 + 2 < minLength) continue; if (_panel->symmetry && (off_edge(get_sym_point(newPos)) || newPos == get_sym_point(newPos))) continue; set_path(newPos); set_path(pos + dir / 2); pos = newPos; fails = 0; } return _path.size() / 2 + 1 >= minLength && _path.size() / 2 + 1 <= maxLength; } // Generate a path with the provided number of regions. bool Generate::generate_path_regions(int minRegions) { int fails = 0; int regions = 1; Point pos = adjust_point(pick_random(_starts)); Point exit = adjust_point(pick_random(_exits)); if (off_edge(pos) || off_edge(exit)) return false; set_path(pos); while (pos != exit) { if (fails++ > 20) return false; Point dir = pick_random(_DIRECTIONS2); Point newPos = pos + dir; Point directed = pos + dir / 2; if (off_edge(newPos) || hasSymbolOrPath(newPos) || hasSymbolOrPath(directed) || newPos == exit && regions < minRegions) continue; if (_panel->symmetry && (off_edge(get_sym_point(newPos)) || newPos == get_sym_point(newPos))) continue; set_path(newPos); set_path(pos + dir / 2); if (!on_edge(newPos) && on_edge(pos)) { regions++; if (_panel->symmetry) regions++; } pos = newPos; fails = 0; } return regions >= minRegions; } // Generate a path that covers the maximum number of points. bool Generate::generate_longest_path() { Point pos = adjust_point(pick_random(_starts)); Point exit = adjust_point(pick_random(_exits)); if (off_edge(pos) || off_edge(exit)) return false; Point block(-10, -10); if (hasFlag(Config::FalseParity)) { // If false parity, one dot must be left // uncovered if (get_parity(pos + exit) == _panel->get_parity()) return false; block = Point(Random::rand() % (_panel->width() / 2 + 1) * 2, Random::rand() % (_panel->height() / 2 + 1) * 2); while (pos == block || exit == block) { block = Point(Random::rand() % (_panel->width() / 2 + 1) * 2, Random::rand() % (_panel->height() / 2 + 1) * 2); } set_path(block); } else if (get_parity(pos + exit) != _panel->get_parity()) return false; int fails = 0; int reqLength = _panel->get_num_grid_points() + static_cast(_path.size()) / 2; bool centerFlag = !on_edge(pos); set_path(pos); while (pos != exit && !(_panel->symmetry && get_sym_point(pos) == exit)) { std::vector solution; // For debugging only for (int y = 0; y < _panel->height(); y++) { std::string row; for (int x = 0; x < _panel->width(); x++) { if (get(x, y) == PATH) { row += "xx"; } else row += " "; } solution.push_back(row); } if (fails++ > 20) return false; Point dir = pick_random(_DIRECTIONS2); for (Point checkDir : _DIRECTIONS2) { Point check = pos + checkDir; if (off_edge(check) || hasSymbolOrPath(check)) continue; if (check == exit) continue; int open = 0; for (Point checkDir2 : _DIRECTIONS2) { Point added = check + checkDir2; if (!off_edge(added) && !hasSymbolOrPath(added)) { if (++open >= 2) break; } } if (open < 2) { dir = checkDir; break; } } Point newPos = pos + dir; Point directed = pos + dir / 2; // Various checks to see if going this direction will lead to any issues if (off_edge(newPos) || hasSymbolOrPath(newPos) || hasSymbolOrPath(directed) || newPos == exit && _path.size() / 2 + 3 < reqLength || _panel->symmetry && get_sym_point(newPos) == exit && _path.size() / 2 + 3 < reqLength) continue; if (_panel->symmetry && (off_edge(get_sym_point(newPos)) || newPos == get_sym_point(newPos))) continue; Point added = newPos + dir; if (on_edge(newPos) && _panel->symmetry != Panel::Symmetry::Horizontal && added != block && (off_edge(added) || hasSymbolOrPath(added))) { if (centerFlag && off_edge(added)) { centerFlag = false; } else { int open = 0; for (Point checkDir : _DIRECTIONS2) { Point extorted = newPos + checkDir; if (!off_edge(extorted) && !hasSymbolOrPath(extorted)) { if (++open >= 2) break; } } if (open >= 2) continue; } } set_path(newPos); set_path(pos + dir / 2); pos = newPos; fails = 0; } if (!off_edge(block)) // Uncover the one dot for false parity set(block, 0); return _path.size() / 2 + 1 == reqLength; } // Generate path that passes through all of the hitPoints in order bool Generate::generate_special_path() { Point pos = adjust_point(pick_random(_starts)); Point exit = adjust_point(pick_random(_exits)); if (off_edge(pos) || off_edge(exit)) return false; set_path(pos); for (Point p : hitPoints) { set(p, PATH); } int hitIndex = 0; int minLength = _panel->get_num_grid_points() * 3 / 4; while (pos != exit) { std::vector validDir; for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS2) { Point newPos = pos + dir; if (off_edge(newPos)) continue; Point connectPos = pos + dir / 2; // Go through the hit point if passing next to it if (get(connectPos) == PATH && hitIndex < hitPoints.size() && connectPos == hitPoints[hitIndex]) { validDir = {dir}; hitIndex++; break; } if (hasSymbolOrPath(newPos) || hasSymbolOrPath(connectPos) || newPos == exit && (hitIndex != hitPoints.size() || _path.size() / 2 + 2 < minLength)) continue; if (_panel->symmetry && newPos == get_sym_point(newPos)) continue; bool fail = false; for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS1) { Point added = newPos + dir; if (!off_edge(added) && get(added) == PATH && newPos + dir != hitPoints[hitIndex]) { fail = true; break; } } if (fail) continue; validDir.push_back(dir); } if (validDir.size() == 0) return false; Point dir = pick_random(validDir); set_path(pos + dir); set_path(pos + dir / 2); pos = pos + dir; } return hitIndex == hitPoints.size() && _path.size() >= minLength; } // Eerase the path from the puzzle grid void Generate::erase_path() { /*_drawnPath.clear(); _drawnPath.resize(_height); for (auto& row : _drawnPath) row.resize(_width);*/ for (int x = 0; x < _panel->width(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < _panel->height(); y++) { if (get(x, y) == PATH) set(x, y, 0); } } } // If a point is on an edge, bump it randomly to an adjacent vertex. Otherwise, // the point is untouched Point Generate::adjust_point(Point pos) { if (pos.first % 2 != 0) { if (hasSymbolOrPath(pos)) return {-10, -10}; set_path(pos); return Point(pos.first - 1 + Random::rand() % 2 * 2, pos.second); } if (pos.second % 2 != 0) { if (hasSymbolOrPath(pos)) return {-10, -10}; set_path(pos); return Point(pos.first, pos.second - 1 + Random::rand() % 2 * 2); } if (_panel->symmetry && _exits.count(pos) && !_exits.count(get_sym_point(pos))) return {-10, -10}; return pos; } // Get the set of points in region containing the point (pos) std::set Generate::get_region(Point pos) { std::set region; std::vector check; check.push_back(pos); region.insert(pos); while (check.size() > 0) { Point p = check[check.size() - 1]; check.pop_back(); for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS1) { Point p1 = p + dir; if (on_edge(p1)) continue; if (get(p1) == PATH || get(p1) == OPEN) continue; Point p2 = p + dir * 2; if ((get(p2) & Decoration::Empty) == Decoration::Empty) continue; if (region.insert(p2).second) { check.push_back(p2); } } } return region; } // Get all the symbols in the region containing including the point (pos) std::vector Generate::get_symbols_in_region(Point pos) { return get_symbols_in_region(get_region(pos)); } // Get all the symbols in the given region std::vector Generate::get_symbols_in_region( const std::set& region) { std::vector symbols; for (Point p : region) { if (get(p)) symbols.push_back(get(p)); } return symbols; } // Place a start point in a random location bool Generate::place_start(int amount) { _starts.clear(); _panel->ClearStartpoints(); while (amount > 0) { Point pos = Point(Random::rand() % (_panel->width() / 2 + 1) * 2, Random::rand() % (_panel->height() / 2 + 1) * 2); if (hasFlag(Config::StartEdgeOnly)) switch (Random::rand() % 4) { case 0: pos.first = 0; break; case 1: pos.second = 0; break; case 2: pos.first = _panel->width() - 1; break; case 3: pos.second = _panel->height() - 1; break; } if (_parity != -1 && get_parity(pos) != (amount == 1 ? _parity : !_parity)) continue; if (_starts.count(pos) || _exits.count(pos)) continue; if (_panel->symmetry && pos == get_sym_point(pos)) continue; // Highly discourage putting start points adjacent bool adjacent = false; for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS2) { if (!off_edge(pos + dir) && get(pos + dir) == Decoration::Start) { adjacent = true; break; } } if (adjacent && Random::rand() % 10 > 0) continue; _starts.insert(pos); _panel->SetGridSymbol(pos.first, pos.second, Decoration::Start, Decoration::Color::None); amount--; if (_panel->symmetry) { Point sp = get_sym_point(pos); _starts.insert(sp); _panel->SetGridSymbol(sp.first, sp.second, Decoration::Start, Decoration::Color::None); } } return true; } // Place an exit point in a random location on the edge of the grid bool Generate::place_exit(int amount) { _exits.clear(); _panel->ClearExits(); while (amount > 0) { Point pos = Point(Random::rand() % (_panel->width() / 2 + 1) * 2, Random::rand() % (_panel->height() / 2 + 1) * 2); switch (Random::rand() % 4) { case 0: pos.first = 0; break; case 1: pos.second = 0; break; case 2: pos.first = _panel->width() - 1; break; case 3: pos.second = _panel->height() - 1; break; } if (_parity != -1 && (get_parity(pos) + _panel->get_parity()) % 2 != (amount == 1 ? _parity : !_parity)) continue; if (_starts.count(pos) || _exits.count(pos)) continue; if (_panel->symmetry && pos == get_sym_point(pos)) continue; if (_panel->symmetry && get_sym_point(pos).first != 0 && get_sym_point(pos).second != 0) continue; // Prevent putting exit points adjacent bool adjacent = false; for (Point dir : _8DIRECTIONS2) { if (!off_edge(pos + dir) && get(pos + dir) == Decoration::Exit) { adjacent = true; break; } } if (adjacent) continue; _exits.insert(pos); _panel->SetGridSymbol(pos.first, pos.second, Decoration::Exit, Decoration::Color::None); amount--; if (_panel->symmetry) { Point sp = get_sym_point(pos); _exits.insert(sp); _panel->SetGridSymbol(sp.first, sp.second, Decoration::Exit, Decoration::Color::None); } } return true; } // Check if a gap can be placed at pos. bool Generate::can_place_gap(Point pos) { // Prevent putting open gaps at edges of the puzzle if (pos.first == 0 || pos.second == 0) { if (hasFlag(Config::FullGaps)) return false; } else if (Random::rand() % 2 == 0) return false; // Encourages gaps on outside border // Prevent putting a gap on top of a start/end point if (_starts.count(pos) || _exits.count(pos)) return false; // For symmetry puzzles, prevent putting two gaps symmetrically opposite if (_panel->symmetry && (get_sym_point(pos) == pos) || (get(get_sym_point(pos)) & Decoration::Gap)) return false; if ((_panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelH || _panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelHFlip) && pos.second == _panel->height() / 2) return false; if ((_panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelV || _panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelVFlip) && pos.first == _panel->width() / 2) return false; if (_panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::FlipNegXY && (pos.first + pos.second == _width - 1 || pos.first + pos.second == _width + 1)) return false; if (_panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::FlipXY && (pos.first - pos.second == 1 || pos.first - pos.second == -1)) return false; if (hasFlag(Config::FullGaps)) { // Prevent forming dead ends with open gaps std::vector checkPoints = (pos.first % 2 == 0 ? std::vector({Point(pos.first, pos.second - 1), Point(pos.first, pos.second + 1)}) : std::vector({Point(pos.first - 1, pos.second), Point(pos.first + 1, pos.second)})); for (Point check : checkPoints) { int valid = 4; for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS1) { Point p = check + dir; if (off_edge(p) || get(p) & GAP || get(p) == OPEN) { if (--valid <= 2) { return false; } } } } } return true; } // Place the given amount of gaps radomly around the puzzle bool Generate::place_gaps(int amount) { std::set open; for (int y = 0; y < _panel->height(); y++) { for (int x = (y + 1) % 2; x < _panel->width(); x += 2) { if (get(x, y) == 0 && (!_fullGaps || !on_edge(Point(x, y)))) { open.emplace(Point(x, y)); } } } while (amount > 0) { if (open.size() == 0) return false; Point pos = pick_random(open); if (can_place_gap(pos)) { set(pos, _fullGaps ? static_cast(OPEN) : pos.first % 2 == 0 ? Decoration::Gap_Column : Decoration::Gap_Row); amount--; } open.erase(pos); } return true; } // Check if a dot can be placed at pos. bool Generate::can_place_dot(Point pos, bool intersectionOnly) { if (get(pos) & DOT) return false; if (_panel->symmetry) { // For symmetry puzzles, make sure the current pos and symmetric pos are // both valid Point symPos = get_sym_point(pos); if (symPos == pos) return false; Panel::Symmetry backupSym = _panel->symmetry; _panel->symmetry = Panel::Symmetry::None; // To prevent endless recursion // if (!can_place_dot(get_sym_point(pos))) { if (!can_place_dot(symPos, intersectionOnly)) { _panel->symmetry = backupSym; return false; } _panel->symmetry = backupSym; } if (_panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::RotateLeft && _path1.count(pos) && _path2.count(pos)) return false; // Prevent sharing of dots between symmetry lines if (hasFlag(Config::DisableDotIntersection)) return true; for (Point dir : _8DIRECTIONS1) { Point p = pos + dir; if (!off_edge(p) && (get(p) & DOT)) { // Don't allow adjacent dots if (dir.first == 0 || dir.second == 0) return false; // Allow diagonally adjacent placement some of the time if (Random::rand() % 2 > 0) return false; } } // Allow 2-space horizontal/vertical placement some of the time if (Random::rand() % (intersectionOnly ? 10 : 5) > 0) { for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS2) { Point p = pos + dir; if (!off_edge(p) && (get(p) & DOT)) { return false; } } } return true; } // Place the given amount of dots at random points on the path bool Generate::place_dots(int amount, int color, bool intersectionOnly) { if (_parity != -1) { // For full dot puzzles, don't put dots on the starts // and exits unless there are multiple for (int x = 0; x < _panel->width(); x += 2) { for (int y = 0; y < _panel->height(); y += 2) { if (_starts.size() == 1 && _starts.count(Point(x, y))) continue; if (_exits.size() == 1 && _exits.count(Point(x, y))) continue; if (!hasSymbolOrPath(x, y)) continue; set(x, y, Decoration::Dot_Intersection); } } amount -= _panel->get_num_grid_points(); if (amount <= 0) return true; intersectionOnly = false; setFlagOnce(Config::DisableDotIntersection); } if (color == Decoration::Color::Blue || color == Decoration::Color::Cyan) color = IntersectionFlags::DOT_IS_BLUE; else if (color == Decoration::Color::Yellow || color == Decoration::Color::Orange) color = IntersectionFlags::DOT_IS_ORANGE; else color = 0; std::set open = (color == 0 ? _path : (color == IntersectionFlags::DOT_IS_BLUE) ? _path1 : _path2); for (Point p : _starts) open.erase(p); for (Point p : _exits) open.erase(p); for (Point p : blockPos) open.erase(p); if (intersectionOnly) { std::set intersections; for (Point p : open) { if (p.first % 2 == 0 && p.second % 2 == 0) intersections.insert(p); } open = intersections; } if (hasFlag(Config::DisableDotIntersection)) { std::set intersections; for (Point p : open) { if (p.first % 2 != 0 || p.second % 2 != 0) intersections.insert(p); } open = intersections; } while (amount > 0) { if (open.size() == 0) return false; Point pos = pick_random(open); open.erase(pos); if (!can_place_dot(pos, intersectionOnly)) continue; Decoration::Shape symbol = (pos.first & 1) == 1 ? Decoration::Dot_Row : (pos.second & 1) == 1 ? Decoration::Dot_Column : Decoration::Dot_Intersection; set(pos, symbol | color); for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS1) { open.erase(pos + dir); } // If symmetry, set a flag to break the point symmetric to the dot if (_panel->symmetry) { Point sp = get_sym_point(pos); symbol = (sp.first & 1) == 1 ? Decoration::Dot_Row : (sp.second & 1) == 1 ? Decoration::Dot_Column : Decoration::Dot_Intersection; if (symbol != Decoration::Dot_Intersection) set(sp, symbol & ~Decoration::Dot); open.erase(sp); for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS1) { open.erase(sp + dir); } } amount--; } return true; } // Check if a stone can be placed at pos. bool Generate::can_place_stone(const std::set& region, int color) { for (Point p : region) { int sym = get(p); if (get_symbol_type(sym) == Decoration::Stone) return (sym & 0xf) == color; } return true; } // Place the given amount of stones with the given color bool Generate::place_stones(int color, int amount) { std::set open = _openpos; std::set open2; // Used to store open points removed from the first pass, to make // sure a stone is put in every non-adjacent region int passCount = 0; int originalAmount = amount; while (amount > 0) { if (open.size() == 0) { // Make sure there is room for the remaining stones and enough partitions // have been made (based on the grid size) if (open2.size() < amount || _bisect && passCount < std::min(originalAmount, (_panel->width() / 2 + _panel->height() / 2 + 2) / 4)) return false; // Put remaining stones wherever they will fit Point pos = pick_random(open2); set(pos, Decoration::Stone | color); _openpos.erase(pos); open2.erase(pos); amount--; continue; } Point pos = pick_random(open); std::set region = get_region(pos); if (!can_place_stone(region, color)) { for (Point p : region) { open.erase(p); } continue; } if (_stoneTypes > 2) { // If more than two colors, group stones together, // otherwise it takes too long to generate. open.clear(); for (Point p : region) { if (_openpos.count(p)) open.insert(p); } } open.erase(pos); if (_panel->symmetry) { open.erase(get_sym_point(pos)); } if (_stoneTypes == 2) { for (Point p : region) { if (open.erase(p)) open2.insert(p); } // Remove adjacent regions from the open list for (Point p : region) { for (Point dir : _8DIRECTIONS2) { Point pos2 = p + dir; if (open.count(pos2) && !region.count(pos2)) { for (Point P : get_region(pos2)) { open.erase(P); } } } } } set(pos, Decoration::Stone | color); _openpos.erase(pos); amount--; passCount++; } _bisect = false; // After placing one color, adjacent regions are allowed _stoneTypes--; return true; } // Generate a random shape. region - the region of points to choose from; points // chosen will be removed. bufferRegion - points that may be chosen twice due to // overlapping shapes; points will be removed from here before points in region. // maxSize - the maximum size of the generated shape. Whether the points can be // contiguous or not is determined by local variable _SHAPEDIRECTIONS Shape Generate::generate_shape(std::set& region, std::set& bufferRegion, Point pos, int maxSize) { Shape shape; shape.insert(pos); if (!bufferRegion.erase(pos)) region.erase(pos); while (shape.size() < maxSize && region.size() > 0) { pos = pick_random(shape); int i = 0; for (; i < 10; i++) { Point dir = pick_random(_SHAPEDIRECTIONS); Point p = pos + dir; if (region.count(p) && !shape.count(p)) { shape.insert(p); if (!bufferRegion.erase(p)) region.erase(p); break; } } if (i == 10) return shape; } return shape; } // Get the integer representing the shape, accounting for whether it is rotated // or negative. -1 rotation means a random rotation, depth is for controlling // recursion and should be set to 0 int Generate::make_shape_symbol(Shape shape, bool rotated, bool negative, int rotation, int depth) { int symbol = static_cast(Decoration::Poly); if (rotated) { if (rotation == -1) { if (make_shape_symbol(shape, rotated, negative, 0, depth + 1) == make_shape_symbol(shape, rotated, negative, 1, depth + 1)) return 0; // Check to make sure the shape is not the same when rotated rotation = Random::rand() % 4; } symbol |= Decoration::Can_Rotate; Shape newShape; // Rotate shape points according to rotation for (Point p : shape) { switch (rotation) { case 0: newShape.insert(p); break; case 1: newShape.emplace(Point(p.second, -p.first)); break; case 2: newShape.emplace(Point(-p.second, p.first)); break; case 3: newShape.emplace(Point(-p.first, -p.second)); break; } } shape = newShape; } if (negative) symbol |= Decoration::Negative; int xmin = INT_MAX, xmax = INT_MIN, ymin = INT_MAX, ymax = INT_MIN; for (Point p : shape) { if (p.first < xmin) xmin = p.first; if (p.first > xmax) xmax = p.first; if (p.second < ymin) ymin = p.second; if (p.second > ymax) ymax = p.second; } if (xmax - xmin > 6 || ymax - ymin > 6) { // Shapes cannot be more than 4 in width and height return 0; } // Translate to the corner and set bit flags (16 bits, 1 where a shape block // is present) for (Point p : shape) { symbol |= (1 << ((p.first - xmin) / 2 + (ymax - p.second) * 2)) << 16; } if (Random::rand() % 4 > 0) { // The generator makes a certain type of symbol way too often (2x2 // square with another square attached), this makes it much less // frequent int type = symbol >> 16; if (type == 0x0331 || type == 0x0332 || type == 0x0037 || type == 0x0067 || type == 0x0133 || type == 0x0233 || type == 0x0073 || type == 0x0076) return 0; } return symbol; } // Place the given amount of shapes with random colors selected from the color // vectors. colors - colors for regular shapes, negativeColors - colors for // negative shapes, amount - how many normal shapes numRotated - how many // rotated shapes, numNegative - how many negative shapes bool Generate::place_shapes(const std::vector& colors, const std::vector& negativeColors, int amount, int numRotated, int numNegative) { std::set open = _openpos; int shapeSize = hasFlag(Config::SmallShapes) ? 2 : hasFlag(Config::BigShapes) ? amount == 1 ? 8 : 6 : 4; int targetArea = amount * shapeSize * 7 / 8; // Average size must be at least 7/8 of the target size if (amount * shapeSize > _panel->get_num_grid_blocks()) targetArea = _panel->get_num_grid_blocks(); int originalAmount = amount; if (hasFlag(Generate::Config::MountainFloorH) && _panel->width() == 9) { // The 4 small puzzles shape size may vary depending on the path targetArea = 0; removeFlag(Generate::Config::MountainFloorH); } int totalArea = 0; int minx = _panel->width(), miny = _panel->height(), maxx = 0, maxy = 0; int colorIndex = Random::rand() % colors.size(); int colorIndexN = Random::rand() % (negativeColors.size() + 1); bool shapesCanceled = false, shapesCombined = false, flatShapes = true; if (amount == 1) shapesCombined = true; while (amount > 0) { if (open.size() == 0) return false; Point pos = pick_random(open); std::set region = get_region(pos); std::set bufferRegion; std::set open2; // Open points for just that region for (Point p : region) { if (open.erase(p)) open2.insert(p); } if (region.size() + totalArea == _panel->get_num_grid_blocks() && targetArea != _panel->get_num_grid_blocks()) continue; // To prevent shapes from filling every grid point std::vector shapes; std::vector shapesN; int numShapesN = std::min( Random::rand() % (numNegative + 1), static_cast(region.size()) / 3); // Negative blocks may be at max 1/3 of the regular blocks if (amount == 1) numShapesN = numNegative; if (numShapesN) { std::set regionN = _gridpos; int maxSize = static_cast(region.size()) - numShapesN * 3; // Max size of negative shapes if (maxSize == 0) maxSize = 1; for (int i = 0; i < numShapesN; i++) { pos = pick_random(region); // Try to pick a random point adjacent to a shape for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Point p = pos + pick_random(_SHAPEDIRECTIONS); if (regionN.count(p) && !region.count(p)) { pos = p; break; } } if (!regionN.count(pos)) return false; Shape shape = generate_shape(regionN, pos, std::min(Random::rand() % 3 + 1, maxSize)); shapesN.push_back(shape); for (Point p : shape) { if (region.count(p)) bufferRegion.insert( p); // Buffer region stores overlap between shapes else region.insert(p); } } } int numShapes = static_cast(region.size() + bufferRegion.size()) / (shapeSize + 1) + 1; // Pick a number of shapes to make. I tried different ones until I // found something that made a good variety of shapes if (numShapes == 1 && bufferRegion.size() > 0) numShapes++; // If there is any overlap, we need at least two shapes if (numShapes < amount && region.size() > shapeSize && Random::rand() % 2 == 1) numShapes++; // Adds more variation to the shape sizes if (region.size() <= shapeSize + 1 && bufferRegion.size() == 0 && Random::rand() % 2 == 1) numShapes = 1; // For more variation, sometimes make a bigger shape than // the target if the size is close if (hasFlag(Config::MountainFloorH)) { if (region.size() < 19) continue; numShapes = 6; // The big mountain floor puzzle on hard mode needs // additional shapes since some combine targetArea = 19; } if (hasFlag(Config::SplitShapes) && numShapes != 1) continue; if (hasFlag(Config::RequireCombineShapes) && numShapes == 1) continue; bool balance = false; if (numShapes > amount // The region is too big for the number of shapes chosen ) { if (numNegative < 2 || hasFlag(Config::DisableCancelShapes)) continue; // Make balancing shapes - Positive and negative will be switched so that // code can be reused balance = true; std::set regionN = _gridpos; numShapes = std::max( 2, Random::rand() % numNegative + 1); // Actually the negative shapes numShapesN = std::min(amount, 1); // Actually the positive shapes if (numShapesN >= numShapes * 3 || numShapesN * 5 <= numShapes) continue; shapes.clear(); shapesN.clear(); region.clear(); bufferRegion.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < numShapesN; i++) { Shape shape = generate_shape(regionN, pick_random(regionN), std::min(shapeSize + 1, numShapes * 2 / numShapesN + Random::rand() % 3 - 1)); shapesN.push_back(shape); for (Point p : shape) { region.insert(p); } } shapesCanceled = true; // Let the rest of the algorithm create the cancelling shapes } if (_panel->symmetry && numShapes == originalAmount && numShapes >= 3 && !region.count(Point((_panel->width() / 4) * 2 + 1, (_panel->height() / 4) * 2 + 1))) continue; // Prevent it from shoving all shapes to one side of symmetry if ((_panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelH || _panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelV || _panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelHFlip || _panel->symmetry == Panel::Symmetry::ParallelVFlip) && region.count(Point((_panel->width() / 4) * 2 + 1, (_panel->height() / 4) * 2 + 1))) continue; // Prevent parallel symmetry from making regions through the // center line (this tends to make the puzzles way too hard) if (!balance && numShapesN && (numShapesN > 1 && numRotated > 0 || numShapesN > 2 || numShapes + numShapesN > 6)) continue; // Trying to prevent the game's shape calculator from lagging // too much if (!(hasFlag(Config::MountainFloorH) && _panel->width() == 11) && open2.size() < numShapes + numShapesN) continue; // Not enough space to put the symbols if (numShapes == 1) { shapes.push_back(region); region.clear(); } else for (; numShapes > 0; numShapes--) { if (region.size() == 0) break; Shape shape = generate_shape(region, bufferRegion, pick_random(region), balance ? Random::rand() % 3 + 1 : shapeSize); if (!balance && numShapesN) for (Shape s : shapesN) if (std::equal(shape.begin(), shape.end(), s.begin(), s.end())) return false; // Prevent unintentional in-group canceling shapes.push_back(shape); } // Take remaining area and try to stick it to existing shapes multibreak: while (region.size() > 0) { pos = pick_random(region); for (Shape& shape : shapes) { if (shape.size() > shapeSize || shape.count(pos) > 0) continue; for (Point p : shape) { for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS2) { if (pos + dir == p) { shape.insert(pos); if (!bufferRegion.erase(pos)) region.erase(pos); goto multibreak; } } } } // Failed to cover entire region, need to pick a different region break; } if (region.size() > 0) continue; if (balance) { // Undo swap for balancing shapes std::swap(shapes, shapesN); } numShapes = static_cast(shapes.size()); for (Shape& shape : shapesN) { shapes.push_back(shape); } if (hasFlag(Config::DisconnectShapes)) { // Make sure at least one shape is disconnected bool disconnect = false; for (Shape& shape : shapes) { if (shape.size() == 1) continue; disconnect = true; for (Point p : shape) { for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS2) { if (shape.count(p + dir)) { disconnect = false; break; } } if (!disconnect) break; } if (disconnect) break; } if (!disconnect) continue; } if (numShapes > 1) shapesCombined = true; numNegative -= static_cast(shapesN.size()); if (hasFlag(Generate::Config::MountainFloorH) && amount == 6) { // For mountain floor, combine some of the shapes together if (!combine_shapes(shapes) || !combine_shapes( shapes)) // Must call this twice b/c there are two combined areas return false; amount -= 2; } for (Shape& shape : shapes) { int symbol = make_shape_symbol(shape, (numRotated-- > 0), (numShapes-- <= 0)); if (symbol == 0) return false; if (!((symbol >> 16) == 0x000F || (symbol >> 16) == 0x1111)) flatShapes = false; // Attempt not to put shape symbols adjacent Point pos; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (open2.size() == 0) return false; pos = pick_random(open2); bool pass = true; for (Point dir : _8DIRECTIONS2) { Point p = pos + dir; if (!off_edge(p) && get(p) & Decoration::Poly) { pass = false; break; } } if (pass) break; } if (symbol & Decoration::Negative) set(pos, symbol | negativeColors[(colorIndexN++) % negativeColors.size()]); else { set(pos, symbol | colors[(colorIndex++) % colors.size()]); totalArea += static_cast(shape.size()); amount--; } open2.erase(pos); _openpos.erase(pos); if (_panel->symmetry && originalAmount >= 3) { for (const Point& p : shape) { if (p.first < minx) minx = p.first; if (p.second < miny) miny = p.second; if (p.first > maxx) maxx = p.first; if (p.second > maxy) maxy = p.second; } } } } // Do some final checks - make sure targetArea has been reached, all shapes // have been placed, and that config requirements have been met if (totalArea < targetArea || numNegative > 0 || hasFlag(Config::RequireCancelShapes) && !shapesCanceled || hasFlag(Config::RequireCombineShapes) && !shapesCombined || originalAmount > 1 && flatShapes) return false; // If symmetry, make sure it didn't shove all the shapes to one side if (_panel->symmetry && originalAmount >= 3 && (minx >= _panel->width() / 2 || maxx <= _panel->width() / 2 || miny >= _panel->height() / 2 || maxy <= _panel->height() / 2)) return false; return true; } // Count the occurrence of the given symbol color in the given region (for the // stars) int Generate::count_color(const std::set& region, int color) { int count = 0; for (Point p : region) { int sym = get(p); if (sym && (sym & 0xf) == color) if (count++ == 2) return count; } return count; } // Place the given amount of stars with the given color bool Generate::place_stars(int color, int amount) { std::set open = _openpos; while (amount > 0) { if (open.size() == 0) return false; Point pos = pick_random(open); std::set region = get_region(pos); std::set open2; // All of the open points in that region for (Point p : region) { if (open.erase(p)) open2.insert(p); } int count = count_color(region, color); if (count >= 2) continue; // Too many of that color if (open2.size() + count < 2) continue; // Not enough space to get 2 of that color if (count == 0 && amount == 1) continue; // If one star is left, it needs a pair set(pos, Decoration::Star | color); _openpos.erase(pos); amount--; if (count == 0) { // Add a second star of the same color open2.erase(pos); if (open2.size() == 0) return false; pos = pick_random(open2); set(pos, Decoration::Star | color); _openpos.erase(pos); amount--; } } return true; } // Check if there is a star in the given region bool Generate::has_star(const std::set& region, int color) { for (Point p : region) { if (get(p) == (Decoration::Star | color)) return true; } return false; } bool Generate::checkStarZigzag() { if (_panel->width() <= 5 || _panel->height() <= 5) return true; for (int y = 1; y < _panel->height(); y += 2) { std::map colorCount; for (int x = 1; x < _panel->width(); x += 2) { int color = get(x, y); if (color == 0) continue; if (!colorCount.count(color)) colorCount[color] = 0; colorCount[color] += 1; } for (std::pair count : colorCount) if (count.second % 2 != 0) return true; } return false; } // Place the given amount of triangles with the given color. targetCount is how // many triangles are in the symbol, or 0 for random bool Generate::place_triangles(int color, int amount, int targetCount) { /*if (_panel->id == 0x033EA) { // Keep Yellow Pressure Plate int count = count_sides({1, 3}); set({1, 3}, Decoration::Triangle | (count << 16) | color); _openpos.erase({1, 3}); }*/ std::set open = _openpos; int count1 = 0, count2 = 0, count3 = 0; while (amount > 0) { if (open.size() == 0) return false; Point pos = pick_random(open); int count = count_sides(pos); open.erase(pos); if (_panel->symmetry) { open.erase(get_sym_point(pos)); } if (count == 0 || targetCount && count != targetCount) continue; if (hasFlag(Config::TreehouseLayout) /*|| _panel->id == 0x289E7*/) { // If the block is adjacent to a start or // exit, don't place a triangle there bool found = false; for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS1) { if (_starts.count(pos + dir) || _exits.count(pos + dir)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) continue; } if (count == 1) { if (!targetCount && count1 * 2 > count2 + count3 && Random::rand() % 2 == 0) continue; count1++; } if (count == 2) { if (!targetCount && count2 * 2 > count1 + count3 && Random::rand() % 2 == 0) continue; count2++; } if (count == 3) { if (!targetCount && count3 * 2 > count1 + count2 && Random::rand() % 2 == 0) continue; count3++; } set(pos, Decoration::Triangle | (count << 16) | color); _openpos.erase(pos); amount--; } return true; } // Count how many sides are touched by the line (for the triangles) int Generate::count_sides(Point pos) { int count = 0; for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS1) { Point p = pos + dir; if (!off_edge(p) && get(p) == PATH) { count++; } } return count; } // Place the given amount of arrows with the given color. targetCount is how // many ticks on the arrows, or 0 for random The color won't actually be // reflected, ArrowRecolor must be used instead bool Generate::place_arrows(int color, int amount, int targetCount) { std::set open = _openpos; while (amount > 0) { if (open.size() == 0) return false; Point pos = pick_random(open); open.erase(pos); if (pos.first == _panel->width() / 2) continue; // Because of a glitch where arrows in the center column won't // draw right int fails = 0; while (fails++ < 20) { // Keep picking random directions until one works int choice = (_parity == -1 ? Random::rand() % 8 : Random::rand() % 4); Point dir = _8DIRECTIONS2[choice]; int count = count_crossings(pos, dir); if (count == 0 || count > 3 || targetCount && count != targetCount) continue; if (dir.first < 0 && count == (pos.first + 1) / 2 || dir.first > 0 && count == (_panel->width() - pos.first) / 2 || dir.second < 0 && count == (pos.second + 1) / 2 || dir.second > 0 && count == (_panel->height() - pos.second) / 2 && Random::rand() % 10 > 0) continue; // Make it so that there will be some possible edges that // aren't passed, in the vast majority of cases //_panel->SetGridSymbol(pos, Decoration::Arrow | color | (count << 12) | //(choice << 16)); _openpos.erase(pos); amount--; break; } } return true; } // Count the number of times the given vector is passed through (for the arrows) int Generate::count_crossings(Point pos, Point dir) { pos = pos + dir / 2; int count = 0; while (!off_edge(pos)) { if (get(pos) == PATH) count++; pos = pos + dir; } return count; } // Place the given amount of erasers with the given colors. eraseSymbols are the // symbols that were erased bool Generate::place_erasers(const std::vector& colors, const std::vector& eraseSymbols) { std::set open = _openpos; /*if (_panel->id == 0x288FC && hasFlag(Generate::Config::DisableWrite)) open.erase({5, 5}); // For the puzzle in the cave with a pillar in middle*/ int amount = static_cast(colors.size()); while (amount > 0) { if (open.size() == 0) return false; int toErase = eraseSymbols[amount - 1]; int color = colors[amount - 1]; Point pos = pick_random(open); std::set region = get_region(pos); std::set open2; for (Point p : region) { if (open.erase(p)) open2.insert(p); } if (_splitPoints.size() > 0) { // Make sure this is one of the split point regions bool found = false; for (Point p : _splitPoints) { if (region.count(p)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) continue; } /*if (_panel->id == 0x288FC && hasFlag(Generate::Config::DisableWrite) && !region.count({5, 5})) continue; // For the puzzle in the cave with a pillar in middle*/ if (hasFlag(Config::MakeStonesUnsolvable)) { std::set valid; for (Point p : open2) { // Try to make a checkerboard pattern with the stones if (!off_edge(p + Point(2, 2)) && get(p + Point(2, 2)) == toErase && get(p + Point(0, 2)) != 0 && get(p + Point(0, 2)) != toErase && get(p + Point(2, 0)) != 0 && get(p + Point(2, 0)) != toErase || !off_edge(p + Point(-2, 2)) && get(p + Point(-2, 2)) == toErase && get(p + Point(0, 2)) != 0 && get(p + Point(0, 2)) != toErase && get(p + Point(-2, 0)) != 0 && get(p + Point(-2, 0)) != toErase || !off_edge(p + Point(2, -2)) && get(p + Point(2, -2)) == toErase && get(p + Point(0, -2)) != 0 && get(p + Point(0, -2)) != toErase && get(p + Point(2, 0)) != 0 && get(p + Point(2, 0)) != toErase || !off_edge(p + Point(-2, -2)) && get(p + Point(-2, -2)) == toErase && get(p + Point(0, -2)) != 0 && get(p + Point(0, -2)) != toErase && get(p + Point(-2, 0)) != 0 && get(p + Point(-2, 0)) != toErase) valid.insert(p); } open2 = valid; } if ((open2.size() == 0 || _splitPoints.size() == 0 && open2.size() == 1) && !(toErase & Decoration::Dot)) continue; bool canPlace = false; if (get_symbol_type(toErase) == Decoration::Stone) { canPlace = !can_place_stone(region, (toErase & 0xf)); } else if (get_symbol_type(toErase) == Decoration::Star) { canPlace = (count_color(region, (toErase & 0xf)) + (color == (toErase & 0xf) ? 1 : 0) != 1); } else canPlace = true; if (!canPlace) continue; if (get_symbol_type(toErase) == Decoration::Stone || get_symbol_type(toErase) == Decoration::Star) { set(pos, toErase); } else if (toErase & Decoration::Dot) { // Find an open edge to put the dot on std::set openEdge; for (Point p : region) { for (Point dir : _8DIRECTIONS1) { if (toErase == Decoration::Dot_Intersection && (dir.first == 0 || dir.second == 0)) continue; Point p2 = p + dir; if (!hasSymbolOrPath(p2) && (hasFlag(Config::FalseParity) || can_place_dot(p2, false))) { openEdge.insert(p2); } } } if (openEdge.size() == 0) continue; pos = pick_random(openEdge); toErase &= ~IntersectionFlags::INTERSECTION; if ((toErase & 0xf) == Decoration::Color::Blue || (toErase & 0xf) == Decoration::Color::Cyan) toErase |= IntersectionFlags::DOT_IS_BLUE; if ((toErase & 0xf) == Decoration::Color::Yellow || (toErase & 0xf) == Decoration::Color::Orange) toErase |= IntersectionFlags::DOT_IS_ORANGE; toErase &= ~0x4000f; // Take away extra flags from the symbol if ((pos.first & 1) == 0 && (pos.second & 1) == 0) toErase |= Decoration::Dot_Intersection; else if ((pos.second & 1) == 0) toErase |= Decoration::Dot_Row; set(pos, ((pos.first & 1) == 1 ? Decoration::Dot_Row : (pos.second & 1) == 1 ? Decoration::Dot_Column : Decoration::Dot_Intersection) | (toErase & 0xffff)); } else if (get_symbol_type(toErase) == Decoration::Poly) { int symbol = 0; // Make a random shape to cancel while (symbol == 0) { std::set area = _gridpos; int shapeSize; if ((toErase & Decoration::Negative) || hasFlag(Config::SmallShapes)) shapeSize = Random::rand() % 3 + 1; else { shapeSize = Random::rand() % 5 + 1; if (shapeSize < 3) shapeSize += Random::rand() % 3; } Shape shape = generate_shape(area, pick_random(area), shapeSize); if (shape.size() == region.size()) continue; // Don't allow the shape to match the region, to guarantee // it will be wrong symbol = make_shape_symbol(shape, toErase & Decoration::Can_Rotate, toErase & Decoration::Negative); } set(pos, symbol | (toErase & 0xf)); } else if (get_symbol_type(toErase) == Decoration::Triangle) { if (hasFlag(Config::TreehouseLayout) /*|| _panel->id == 0x289E7*/) { // If the block is adjacent to a start or // exit, don't place a triangle there bool found = false; for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS1) { if (_starts.count(pos + dir) || _exits.count(pos + dir)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) continue; } int count = count_sides(pos); if (count == 0) count = Random::rand() % 3 + 1; else count = (count + (Random::rand() & 1)) % 3 + 1; set(pos, toErase | (count << 16)); } if (!(toErase & Decoration::Dot)) { _openpos.erase(pos); open2.erase(pos); } // Place the eraser at a random open point if (_splitPoints.size() == 0) pos = pick_random(open2); else for (Point p : _splitPoints) if (region.count(p)) { pos = p; break; } /*if (_panel->id == 0x288FC && hasFlag(Generate::Config::DisableWrite)) { if (hasSymbolOrPath(5, 5)) return false; pos = {5, 5}; // For the puzzle in the cave with a pillar in middle }*/ set(pos, Decoration::Eraser | color); _openpos.erase(pos); amount--; } return true; } // For the mountain floor puzzle on hard mode. Combine two tetris shapes into // one bool Generate::combine_shapes(std::vector& shapes) { for (int i = 0; i < shapes.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < shapes.size(); j++) { if (i == j) continue; if (shapes[i].size() + shapes[j].size() <= 5) continue; if (shapes[i].size() > 5 || shapes[j].size() > 5) continue; // Look for adjacent points for (Point p1 : shapes[i]) { for (Point p2 : shapes[j]) { for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS2) { if (p1 + dir == p2) { // Combine shapes for (Point p : shapes[i]) shapes[j].insert(p); // Make sure there are no holes std::set area = _gridpos; for (Point p : shapes[j]) area.erase(p); while (area.size() > 0) { std::set region; std::vector check; check.push_back(*area.begin()); region.insert(*area.begin()); while (check.size() > 0) { Point p = check[check.size() - 1]; check.pop_back(); for (Point dir : _DIRECTIONS1) { Point p2 = p + dir * 2; if (area.count(p2) && region.insert(p2).second) { check.push_back(p2); } } } bool connected = false; for (Point p : region) { if (p.first == 1 || p.second == 1 || p.first == _panel->width() - 2 || p.second == _panel->height() - 2) { connected = true; break; } } if (!connected) return false; for (Point p : region) area.erase(p); } shapes.erase(shapes.begin() + i); return true; } } } } } } return false; } bool Generate::hasSymbolOrPath(int x, int y) { return get(x, y) != 0; } std::string Generate::AsCode() { return _panel->Write(); }