function namespace(code) { code() } namespace(function() { /*** Start cross-compatibility ***/ // Used to detect if IDs include a direction, e.g. resize-top-left if (!String.prototype.includes) { String.prototype.includes = function() { return String.prototype.indexOf.apply(this, arguments) !== -1 } } Event.prototype.movementX = Event.prototype.movementX || Event.prototype.mozMovementX Event.prototype.movementY = Event.prototype.movementY || Event.prototype.mozMovementY Event.prototype.isRightClick = function() { return this.which === 3 || (this.touches && this.touches.length > 1) } Element.prototype.disable = function() { this.disabled = true = 'none' this.className = 'noselect' } Element.prototype.enable = function() { this.disabled = false = null this.className = null } Object.defineProperty(Event.prototype, 'position', { 'get': function() { return { 'x': event.pageX || event.clientX || (event.touches && event.touches[0].pageX) || null, 'y': event.pageY || event.clientY || (event.touches && event.touches[0].pageY) || null, } } }) /*** End cross-compatibility ***/ var proxy = { 'get': function(_, key) { try { return this._map[key] } catch (e) { return null } }, 'set': function(_, key, value) { if (value == null) { delete this._map[key] } else { this._map[key] = value.toString() window.localStorage.setItem('settings', JSON.stringify(this._map)) } }, 'init': function() { this._map = {} try { var j = window.localStorage.getItem('settings') if (j != null) this._map = JSON.parse(j) } catch (e) {/* Do nothing */} function setIfNull(map, key, value) { if (map[key] == null) map[key] = value } // Set any values which are not defined setIfNull(this._map, 'theme', 'light') setIfNull(this._map, 'volume', '0.12') setIfNull(this._map, 'sensitivity', '0.7') setIfNull(this._map, 'expanded', 'false') setIfNull(this._map, 'customMechanics', 'false') return this }, } window.settings = new Proxy({}, proxy.init()) var tracks = { 'start': new Audio(src = '<%= asset_url("panel_start_tracing.aac") %>'), 'success': new Audio(src = '<%= asset_url("panel_success.aac") %>'), 'fail': new Audio(src = '<%= asset_url("panel_failure.aac") %>'), 'abort': new Audio(src = '<%= asset_url("panel_abort_tracing.aac") %>'), } var currentAudio = null window.PLAY_SOUND = function(name) { if (currentAudio) currentAudio.pause() var audio = tracks[name] audio.load() audio.volume = parseFloat(window.settings.volume) { currentAudio = audio }).catch(function() { // Do nothing. }) } window.LINE_PRIMARY = '#8FF' window.LINE_SECONDARY = '#FF2' if (window.settings.theme == 'night') { window.BACKGROUND = '#221' window.OUTER_BACKGROUND = '#070704' window.FOREGROUND = '#751' window.BORDER = '#666' window.LINE_DEFAULT = '#888' window.LINE_SUCCESS = '#BBB' window.LINE_FAIL = '#000' window.CURSOR = '#FFF' window.TEXT_COLOR = '#AAA' window.PAGE_BACKGROUND = '#000' window.ALT_BACKGROUND = '#333' // An off-black. Good for mild contrast. window.ACTIVE_COLOR = '#555' // Color for 'while the element is being pressed' } else if (window.settings.theme == 'light') { window.BACKGROUND = '#0A8' window.OUTER_BACKGROUND = '#113833' window.FOREGROUND = '#344' window.BORDER = '#000' window.LINE_DEFAULT = '#AAA' window.LINE_SUCCESS = '#FFF' window.LINE_FAIL = '#000' window.CURSOR = '#FFF' window.TEXT_COLOR = '#000' window.PAGE_BACKGROUND = '#FFF' window.ALT_BACKGROUND = '#EEE' // An off-white. Good for mild contrast. window.ACTIVE_COLOR = '#DDD' // Color for 'while the element is being pressed' } window.LINE_NONE = 0 window.LINE_BLACK = 1 window.LINE_BLUE = 2 window.LINE_YELLOW = 3 window.LINE_OVERLAP = 4 window.DOT_NONE = 0 window.DOT_BLACK = 1 window.DOT_BLUE = 2 window.DOT_YELLOW = 3 window.DOT_INVISIBLE = 4 window.GAP_NONE = 0 window.GAP_BREAK = 1 window.GAP_FULL = 2 var animations = '' var l = function(line) {animations += line + '\n'} // pointer-events: none; allows for events to bubble up (so that editor hooks still work) l('.line-1 {') l(' fill: ' + window.LINE_DEFAULT + ';') l(' pointer-events: none;') l('}') l('.line-2 {') l(' fill: ' + window.LINE_PRIMARY + ';') l(' pointer-events: none;') l('}') l('.line-3 {') l(' fill: ' + window.LINE_SECONDARY + ';') l(' pointer-events: none;') l('}') l('.line-4 {') l(' display: none;') l(' pointer-events: none;') l('}') l('@keyframes line-success {to {fill: ' + window.LINE_SUCCESS + ';}}') l('@keyframes line-fail {to {fill: ' + window.LINE_FAIL + ';}}') l('@keyframes error {to {fill: red;}}') l('@keyframes fade {to {opacity: 0.35;}}') l('@keyframes start-grow {from {r:12;} to {r:24;}}') // Neutral button style l('button {') l(' background-color: ' + window.ALT_BACKGROUND + ';') l(' border: 1px solid ' + window.BORDER + ';') l(' border-radius: 2px;') l(' color: ' + window.TEXT_COLOR + ';') l(' display: inline-block;') l(' margin: 0px;') l(' outline: none;') l(' opacity: 1.0;') l(' padding: 1px 6px;') l(' -moz-appearance: none;') l(' -webkit-appearance: none;') l('}') // Active (while held down) button style l('button:active {background-color: ' + window.ACTIVE_COLOR + ';}') // Disabled button style l('button:disabled {opacity: 0.5;}') // Selected button style (see l('button:focus {outline: none;}') l = null var style = document.createElement('style') style.type = 'text/css' style.title = 'animations' style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(animations)) document.head.appendChild(style) // Custom logging to allow leveling var consoleError = console.error var consoleWarn = console.warn var consoleInfo = console.log var consoleLog = console.log var consoleDebug = console.log var consoleSpam = console.log var consoleGroup = var consoleGroupEnd = console.groupEnd window.setLogLevel = function(level) { console.error = function() {} console.warn = function() {} = function() {} console.log = function() {} console.debug = function() {} console.spam = function() {} = function() {} console.groupEnd = function() {} if (level === 'none') return // Instead of throw, but still red flags and is easy to find console.error = consoleError if (level === 'error') return // Less serious than error, but flagged nonetheless console.warn = consoleWarn if (level === 'warn') return // Default visible, important information = consoleInfo if (level === 'info') return // Useful for debugging (mainly validation) console.log = consoleLog if (level === 'log') return // Useful for serious debugging (mainly graphics/misc) console.debug = consoleDebug if (level === 'debug') return // Useful for insane debugging (mainly tracing/recursion) console.spam = consoleSpam = consoleGroup console.groupEnd = consoleGroupEnd if (level === 'spam') return } setLogLevel('info') window.deleteElementsByClassName = function(rootElem, className) { var elems = [] while (true) { elems = rootElem.getElementsByClassName(className) if (elems.length === 0) break elems[0].remove() } } // Automatically solve the puzzle window.solvePuzzle = function() { if (window.setSolveMode) window.setSolveMode(false) document.getElementById('solutionViewer').style.display = 'none' document.getElementById('progressBox').style.display = null document.getElementById('solveAuto').innerText = 'Cancel Solving' document.getElementById('solveAuto').onpointerdown = function() { this.innerText = 'Cancelling...' this.onpointerdown = null window.setTimeout(window.cancelSolving, 0) } window.solve(window.puzzle, function(percent) { document.getElementById('progressPercent').innerText = percent + '%' document.getElementById('progress').style.width = percent + '%' }, function(paths) { document.getElementById('progressBox').style.display = 'none' document.getElementById('solutionViewer').style.display = null document.getElementById('progressPercent').innerText = '0%' document.getElementById('progress').style.width = '0%' document.getElementById('solveAuto').innerText = 'Solve (automatically)' document.getElementById('solveAuto').onpointerdown = solvePuzzle window.puzzle.autoSolved = true paths = window.onSolvedPuzzle(paths) window.showSolution(window.puzzle, paths, 0) }) } window.showSolution = function(puzzle, paths, num, suffix) { if (suffix == null) { var previousSolution = document.getElementById('previousSolution') var solutionCount = document.getElementById('solutionCount') var nextSolution = document.getElementById('nextSolution') } else if (suffix instanceof Array) { var previousSolution = document.getElementById('previousSolution-' + suffix[0]) var solutionCount = document.getElementById('solutionCount-' + suffix[0]) var nextSolution = document.getElementById('nextSolution-' + suffix[0]) } else { var previousSolution = document.getElementById('previousSolution-' + suffix) var solutionCount = document.getElementById('solutionCount-' + suffix) var nextSolution = document.getElementById('nextSolution-' + suffix) } if (paths.length === 0) { // 0 paths, arrows are useless solutionCount.innerText = '0 of 0' previousSolution.disable() nextSolution.disable() return } while (num < 0) num = paths.length + num while (num >= paths.length) num = num - paths.length if (paths.length === 1) { // 1 path, arrows are useless solutionCount.innerText = '1 of 1' if (paths.length >= window.MAX_SOLUTIONS) solutionCount.innerText += '+' previousSolution.disable() nextSolution.disable() } else { solutionCount.innerText = (num + 1) + ' of ' + paths.length if (paths.length >= window.MAX_SOLUTIONS) solutionCount.innerText += '+' previousSolution.enable() nextSolution.enable() previousSolution.onpointerdown = function(event) { if (event.shiftKey) { window.showSolution(puzzle, paths, num - 10, suffix) } else { window.showSolution(puzzle, paths, num - 1, suffix) } } nextSolution.onpointerdown = function(event) { if (event.shiftKey) { window.showSolution(puzzle, paths, num + 10, suffix) } else { window.showSolution(puzzle, paths, num + 1, suffix) } } } if (paths[num] != null) { if (puzzle instanceof Array) { // Special case for multiple related panels for (var i = 0; i < puzzle.length; i++) { // Save the current path on the puzzle object (so that we can pass it along with publishing) puzzle.path = paths[num][i] // Draws the given path, and also updates the puzzle to have path annotations on it. window.drawPath(puzzle[i], paths[num][i], suffix[i]) } } else { // Default case for a single panel // Save the current path on the puzzle object (so that we can pass it along with publishing) puzzle.path = paths[num] // Draws the given path, and also updates the puzzle to have path annotations on it. window.drawPath(puzzle, paths[num], suffix) } } } window.createCheckbox = function() { var checkbox = document.createElement('div') = '22px' = '22px' = '6px' = 'inline-block' = 'text-bottom' = '6px' = '1.5px' = 'solid' = window.BORDER = window.PAGE_BACKGROUND = window.TEXT_COLOR return checkbox } // Required global variables/functions: <-- HINT: This means you're writing bad code. // window.puzzle // window.onSolvedPuzzle() // window.MAX_SOLUTIONS // defined by solve.js window.addSolveButtons = function() { var parent = document.currentScript.parentElement var solveMode = createCheckbox() = 'solveMode' parent.appendChild(solveMode) solveMode.onpointerdown = function() { this.checked = !this.checked = (this.checked ? window.BORDER : window.PAGE_BACKGROUND) document.getElementById('solutionViewer').style.display = 'none' if (window.setSolveMode) window.setSolveMode(this.checked) } var solveManual = document.createElement('label') parent.appendChild(solveManual) = 'solveManual' solveManual.onpointerdown = function() {solveMode.onpointerdown()} solveManual.innerText = 'Solve (manually)' = 'margin-right: 8px' var solveAuto = document.createElement('button') parent.appendChild(solveAuto) = 'solveAuto' solveAuto.innerText = 'Solve (automatically)' solveAuto.onpointerdown = solvePuzzle = 'margin-right: 8px' var div = document.createElement('div') parent.appendChild(div) = 'display: inline-block; vertical-align:top' var progressBox = document.createElement('div') div.appendChild(progressBox) = 'progressBox' = 'display: none; width: 220px; border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 2px' var progressPercent = document.createElement('label') progressBox.appendChild(progressPercent) = 'progressPercent' = 'float: left; margin-left: 4px' progressPercent.innerText = '0%' var progress = document.createElement('div') progressBox.appendChild(progress) = 'progress' = 'z-index: -1; height: 38px; width: 0%; background-color: #390' var solutionViewer = document.createElement('div') div.appendChild(solutionViewer) = 'solutionViewer' = 'display: none' var previousSolution = document.createElement('button') solutionViewer.appendChild(previousSolution) = 'previousSolution' previousSolution.innerHTML = '←' var solutionCount = document.createElement('label') solutionViewer.appendChild(solutionCount) = 'solutionCount' = 'padding: 6px' var nextSolution = document.createElement('button') solutionViewer.appendChild(nextSolution) = 'nextSolution' nextSolution.innerHTML = '→' } var SECONDS_PER_LOOP = 1 window.httpGetLoop = function(url, maxTimeout, action, onError, onSuccess) { if (maxTimeout <= 0) { onError() return } sendHttpRequest('GET', url, SECONDS_PER_LOOP, null, function(httpCode, response) { if (httpCode >= 200 && httpCode <= 299) { var output = action(JSON.parse(response)) if (output) { onSuccess(output) return } // Retry if action returns null } // Retry on non-success HTTP codes window.setTimeout(function() { httpGetLoop(url, maxTimeout - SECONDS_PER_LOOP, action, onError, onSuccess) }, 1000) }) } window.fireAndForget = function(verb, url, body) { sendHttpRequest(verb, url, 600, body, function() {}) } // Only used for errors var HTTP_STATUS = { 401: '401 unauthorized', 403: '403 forbidden', 404: '404 not found', 409: '409 conflict', 413: '413 payload too large', 500: '500 internal server error', } var etagCache = {} function sendHttpRequest(verb, url, timeoutSeconds, data, onResponse) { currentHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest() currentHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState != XMLHttpRequest.DONE) return etagCache[url] = this.getResponseHeader('ETag') currentHttpRequest = null onResponse(this.status, this.responseText || HTTP_STATUS[this.status]) } currentHttpRequest.ontimeout = function() { currentHttpRequest = null onResponse(0, 'Request timed out') } currentHttpRequest.timeout = timeoutSeconds * 1000, url, true) currentHttpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') var etag = etagCache[url] if (etag != null) currentHttpRequest.setRequestHeader('If-None-Match', etag) currentHttpRequest.send(data) } function sendFeedback(feedback) { console.error('Please disregard the following CORS exception. It is expected and the request will succeed regardless.') } })