namespace(function() { var BBOX_DEBUG = false function clamp(value, min, max) { return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value } class BoundingBox { constructor(x1, x2, y1, y2, sym=false) { this.raw = {'x1':x1, 'x2':x2, 'y1':y1, 'y2':y2} this.sym = sym if (BBOX_DEBUG === true) { this.debug = createElement('rect') data.svg.appendChild(this.debug) this.debug.setAttribute('opacity', 0.5) this.debug.setAttribute('style', 'pointer-events: none;') if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_NONE) { this.debug.setAttribute('fill', 'white') } else { if (this.sym !== true) { this.debug.setAttribute('fill', 'blue') } else { this.debug.setAttribute('fill', 'orange') } } } this._update() } shift(dir, pixels) { if (dir === 'left') { this.raw.x2 = this.raw.x1 this.raw.x1 -= pixels } else if (dir === 'right') { this.raw.x1 = this.raw.x2 this.raw.x2 += pixels } else if (dir === 'top') { this.raw.y2 = this.raw.y1 this.raw.y1 -= pixels } else if (dir === 'bottom') { this.raw.y1 = this.raw.y2 this.raw.y2 += pixels } this._update() } inMain(x, y) { var inMainBox = (this.x1 < x && x < this.x2) && (this.y1 < y && y < this.y2) var inRawBox = (this.raw.x1 < x && x < this.raw.x2) && (this.raw.y1 < y && y < this.raw.y2) return inMainBox && !inRawBox } _update() { this.x1 = this.raw.x1 this.x2 = this.raw.x2 this.y1 = this.raw.y1 this.y2 = this.raw.y2 // Check for endpoint adjustment. // Pretend it's not an endpoint if the sym cell isn't an endpoint. if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { var cell1 = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y) var cell2 = data.puzzle.getSymmetricalCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y) if ((cell1.end == null) != (cell2.end == null)) { var cell = {'end': 'none'} } else if (this.sym !== true) { var cell = cell1 } else { var cell = cell2 } } else { var cell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y) } if (cell.end === 'left') { this.x1 -= 24 } else if (cell.end === 'right') { this.x2 += 24 } else if (cell.end === 'top') { this.y1 -= 24 } else if (cell.end === 'bottom') { this.y2 += 24 } this.middle = { // Note: Middle of the raw object 'x':(this.raw.x1 + this.raw.x2)/2, 'y':(this.raw.y1 + this.raw.y2)/2 } if (this.debug != null) { this.debug.setAttribute('x', this.x1) this.debug.setAttribute('y', this.y1) this.debug.setAttribute('width', this.x2 - this.x1) this.debug.setAttribute('height', this.y2 - this.y1) } } } class PathSegment { constructor(dir) { this.poly1 = createElement('polygon') this.circ = createElement('circle') this.poly2 = createElement('polygon') this.pillarCirc = createElement('circle') this.dir = dir data.svg.insertBefore(this.circ, data.cursor) data.svg.insertBefore(this.poly2, data.cursor) data.svg.insertBefore(this.pillarCirc, data.cursor) this.circ.setAttribute('cx', data.bbox.middle.x) this.circ.setAttribute('cy', data.bbox.middle.y) if (data.puzzle.pillar === true) { // cx/cy are updated in redraw(), since pillarCirc tracks the cursor this.pillarCirc.setAttribute('cy', data.bbox.middle.y) this.pillarCirc.setAttribute('r', 12) if (data.pos.x === 0 && this.dir === MOVE_RIGHT) { this.pillarCirc.setAttribute('cx', data.bbox.x1) this.pillarCirc.setAttribute('static', true) } else if (data.pos.x === data.puzzle.width - 1 && this.dir === MOVE_LEFT) { this.pillarCirc.setAttribute('cx', data.bbox.x2) this.pillarCirc.setAttribute('static', true) } else { this.pillarCirc.setAttribute('cx', data.bbox.middle.x) } } if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_NONE) { this.poly1.setAttribute('class', 'line-1 ' + this.circ.setAttribute('class', 'line-1 ' + this.poly2.setAttribute('class', 'line-1 ' + this.pillarCirc.setAttribute('class', 'line-1 ' + } else { this.poly1.setAttribute('class', 'line-2 ' + this.circ.setAttribute('class', 'line-2 ' + this.poly2.setAttribute('class', 'line-2 ' + this.pillarCirc.setAttribute('class', 'line-2 ' + this.symPoly1 = createElement('polygon') this.symCirc = createElement('circle') this.symPoly2 = createElement('polygon') this.symPillarCirc = createElement('circle') data.svg.insertBefore(this.symCirc, data.cursor) data.svg.insertBefore(this.symPoly2, data.cursor) data.svg.insertBefore(this.symPillarCirc, data.cursor) if (data.puzzle.settings.INVISIBLE_SYMMETRY) { this.symPoly1.setAttribute('class', 'line-4 ' + this.symCirc.setAttribute('class', 'line-4 ' + this.symPoly2.setAttribute('class', 'line-4 ' + this.symPillarCirc.setAttribute('class', 'line-4 ' + } else { this.symPoly1.setAttribute('class', 'line-3 ' + this.symCirc.setAttribute('class', 'line-3 ' + this.symPoly2.setAttribute('class', 'line-3 ' + this.symPillarCirc.setAttribute('class', 'line-3 ' + } this.symCirc.setAttribute('cx', data.symbbox.middle.x) this.symCirc.setAttribute('cy', data.symbbox.middle.y) if (data.puzzle.pillar === true) { // cx/cy are updated in redraw(), since symPillarCirc tracks the cursor this.symPillarCirc.setAttribute('cy', data.symbbox.middle.y) this.symPillarCirc.setAttribute('r', 12) var symmetricalDir = getSymmetricalDir(data.puzzle, this.dir) if (data.sym.x === 0 && symmetricalDir === MOVE_RIGHT) { this.symPillarCirc.setAttribute('cx', data.symbbox.x1) this.symPillarCirc.setAttribute('static', true) } else if (data.sym.x === data.puzzle.width - 1 && symmetricalDir === MOVE_LEFT) { this.symPillarCirc.setAttribute('cx', data.symbbox.x2) this.symPillarCirc.setAttribute('static', true) } else { this.symPillarCirc.setAttribute('cx', data.symbbox.middle.x) } } } if (this.dir === MOVE_NONE) { // Start point this.circ.setAttribute('r', 24) this.circ.setAttribute('class', this.circ.getAttribute('class') + ' start') if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { this.symCirc.setAttribute('r', 24) this.symCirc.setAttribute('class', this.symCirc.getAttribute('class') + ' start') } } else { // Only insert poly1 in non-startpoints data.svg.insertBefore(this.poly1, data.cursor) this.circ.setAttribute('r', 12) if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { data.svg.insertBefore(this.symPoly1, data.cursor) this.symCirc.setAttribute('r', 12) } } } destroy() { data.svg.removeChild(this.poly1) data.svg.removeChild(this.circ) data.svg.removeChild(this.poly2) data.svg.removeChild(this.pillarCirc) if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { data.svg.removeChild(this.symPoly1) data.svg.removeChild(this.symCirc) data.svg.removeChild(this.symPoly2) data.svg.removeChild(this.symPillarCirc) } } redraw() { // Uses raw bbox because of endpoints // Move the cursor and related objects var x = clamp(data.x, data.bbox.x1, data.bbox.x2) var y = clamp(data.y, data.bbox.y1, data.bbox.y2) data.cursor.setAttribute('cx', x) data.cursor.setAttribute('cy', y) if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { data.symcursor.setAttribute('cx', this._reflX(x,y)) data.symcursor.setAttribute('cy', this._reflY(x,y)) } if (data.puzzle.pillar === true) { if (this.pillarCirc.getAttribute('static') == null) { this.pillarCirc.setAttribute('cx', x) this.pillarCirc.setAttribute('cy', y) } if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { if (this.symPillarCirc.getAttribute('static') == null) { this.symPillarCirc.setAttribute('cx', this._reflX(x,y)) this.symPillarCirc.setAttribute('cy', this._reflY(x,y)) } } } // Draw the first-half box var points1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.bbox.raw)) if (this.dir === MOVE_LEFT) { points1.x1 = clamp(data.x, data.bbox.middle.x, data.bbox.x2) } else if (this.dir === MOVE_RIGHT) { points1.x2 = clamp(data.x, data.bbox.x1, data.bbox.middle.x) } else if (this.dir === MOVE_TOP) { points1.y1 = clamp(data.y, data.bbox.middle.y, data.bbox.y2) } else if (this.dir === MOVE_BOTTOM) { points1.y2 = clamp(data.y, data.bbox.y1, data.bbox.middle.y) } this.poly1.setAttribute('points', points1.x1 + ' ' + points1.y1 + ',' + points1.x1 + ' ' + points1.y2 + ',' + points1.x2 + ' ' + points1.y2 + ',' + points1.x2 + ' ' + points1.y1 ) var firstHalf = false var isEnd = (data.puzzle.grid[data.pos.x][data.pos.y].end != null) // The second half of the line uses the raw so that it can enter the endpoint properly. var points2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.bbox.raw)) if (data.x < data.bbox.middle.x && this.dir !== MOVE_RIGHT) { points2.x1 = clamp(data.x, data.bbox.x1, data.bbox.middle.x) points2.x2 = data.bbox.middle.x if (isEnd && data.pos.x%2 === 0 && data.pos.y%2 === 1) { points2.y1 += 17 points2.y2 -= 17 } } else if (data.x > data.bbox.middle.x && this.dir !== MOVE_LEFT) { points2.x1 = data.bbox.middle.x points2.x2 = clamp(data.x, data.bbox.middle.x, data.bbox.x2) if (isEnd && data.pos.x%2 === 0 && data.pos.y%2 === 1) { points2.y1 += 17 points2.y2 -= 17 } } else if (data.y < data.bbox.middle.y && this.dir !== MOVE_BOTTOM) { points2.y1 = clamp(data.y, data.bbox.y1, data.bbox.middle.y) points2.y2 = data.bbox.middle.y if (isEnd && data.pos.x%2 === 1 && data.pos.y%2 === 0) { points2.x1 += 17 points2.x2 -= 17 } } else if (data.y > data.bbox.middle.y && this.dir !== MOVE_TOP) { points2.y1 = data.bbox.middle.y points2.y2 = clamp(data.y, data.bbox.middle.y, data.bbox.y2) if (isEnd && data.pos.x%2 === 1 && data.pos.y%2 === 0) { points2.x1 += 17 points2.x2 -= 17 } } else { firstHalf = true } this.poly2.setAttribute('points', points2.x1 + ' ' + points2.y1 + ',' + points2.x1 + ' ' + points2.y2 + ',' + points2.x2 + ' ' + points2.y2 + ',' + points2.x2 + ' ' + points2.y1 ) // Show the second poly only in the second half of the cell this.poly2.setAttribute('opacity', (firstHalf ? 0 : 1)) // Show the circle in the second half of the cell AND in the start if (firstHalf && this.dir !== MOVE_NONE) { this.circ.setAttribute('opacity', 0) } else { this.circ.setAttribute('opacity', 1) } // Draw the symmetrical path based on the original one if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { this.symPoly1.setAttribute('points', this._reflX(points1.x2, points1.y2) + ' ' + this._reflY(points1.x2, points1.y2) + ',' + this._reflX(points1.x2, points1.y2) + ' ' + this._reflY(points1.x1, points1.y1) + ',' + this._reflX(points1.x1, points1.y1) + ' ' + this._reflY(points1.x1, points1.y1) + ',' + this._reflX(points1.x1, points1.y1) + ' ' + this._reflY(points1.x2, points1.y2) ) this.symPoly2.setAttribute('points', this._reflX(points2.x2, points2.y2) + ' ' + this._reflY(points2.x2, points2.y2) + ',' + this._reflX(points2.x2, points2.y2) + ' ' + this._reflY(points2.x1, points2.y1) + ',' + this._reflX(points2.x1, points2.y1) + ' ' + this._reflY(points2.x1, points2.y1) + ',' + this._reflX(points2.x1, points2.y1) + ' ' + this._reflY(points2.x2, points2.y2) ) this.symCirc.setAttribute('opacity', this.circ.getAttribute('opacity')) this.symPoly2.setAttribute('opacity', this.poly2.getAttribute('opacity')) } } _reflX(x,y) { if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_NONE) return x if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_VERTICAL || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATIONAL || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_PARALLEL_H_FLIP) { // Mirror position inside the bounding box return (data.bbox.middle.x - x) + data.symbbox.middle.x } if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_HORIZONTAL || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_PARALLEL_H || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_PARALLEL_V || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_PARALLEL_V_FLIP) { // Copy position inside the bounding box return (x - data.bbox.middle.x) + data.symbbox.middle.x } if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATE_LEFT || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_FLIP_XY) { // Rotate position left inside the bounding box return (y - data.bbox.middle.y) + data.symbbox.middle.x } if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATE_RIGHT || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_FLIP_NEG_XY) { // Rotate position right inside the bounding box return (data.bbox.middle.y - y) + data.symbbox.middle.x } } _reflY(x,y) { if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_NONE) return y if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_HORIZONTAL || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATIONAL || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_PARALLEL_V_FLIP) { // Mirror position inside the bounding box return (data.bbox.middle.y - y) + data.symbbox.middle.y } if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_VERTICAL || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_PARALLEL_V || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_PARALLEL_H || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_PARALLEL_H_FLIP) { // Copy position inside the bounding box return (y - data.bbox.middle.y) + data.symbbox.middle.y } if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATE_RIGHT || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_FLIP_XY) { // Rotate position left inside the bounding box return (x - data.bbox.middle.x) + data.symbbox.middle.y } if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATE_LEFT || data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_FLIP_NEG_XY) { // Rotate position right inside the bounding box return (data.bbox.middle.x - x) + data.symbbox.middle.y } } } var data = {} function clearGrid(svg, puzzle) { if (data.bbox != null && data.bbox.debug != null) { data.svg.removeChild(data.bbox.debug) data.bbox = null } if (data.symbbox != null && data.symbbox.debug != null) { data.svg.removeChild(data.symbbox.debug) data.symbbox = null } window.deleteElementsByClassName(svg, 'cursor') window.deleteElementsByClassName(svg, 'line-1') window.deleteElementsByClassName(svg, 'line-2') window.deleteElementsByClassName(svg, 'line-3') window.deleteElementsByClassName(svg, 'line-4') puzzle.clearLines() } // This copy is an exact copy of puzzle.getSymmetricalDir, except that it uses MOVE_* values instead of strings function getSymmetricalDir(puzzle, dir) { if (puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_VERTICAL || puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATIONAL || puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_PARALLEL_H_FLIP) { if (dir === MOVE_LEFT) return MOVE_RIGHT if (dir === MOVE_RIGHT) return MOVE_LEFT } if (puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_HORIZONTAL || puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATIONAL || puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_PARALLEL_V_FLIP) { if (dir === MOVE_TOP) return MOVE_BOTTOM if (dir === MOVE_BOTTOM) return MOVE_TOP } if (puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATE_LEFT || puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_FLIP_NEG_XY) { if (dir === MOVE_LEFT) return MOVE_BOTTOM if (dir === MOVE_RIGHT) return MOVE_TOP } if (puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATE_RIGHT || puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_FLIP_NEG_XY) { if (dir === MOVE_TOP) return MOVE_RIGHT if (dir === MOVE_BOTTOM) return MOVE_LEFT } if (puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATE_LEFT || puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_FLIP_XY) { if (dir === MOVE_TOP) return MOVE_LEFT if (dir === MOVE_BOTTOM) return MOVE_RIGHT } if (puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_ROTATE_RIGHT || puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_FLIP_XY) { if (dir === MOVE_RIGHT) return MOVE_BOTTOM if (dir === MOVE_LEFT) return MOVE_TOP } return dir } window.trace = function(event, puzzle, pos, start, symStart=null) { /*if (data.start == null) {*/ if (data.tracing !== true) { // could be undefined or false var svg = start.parentElement data.tracing = true window.PLAY_SOUND('start') // Cleans drawn lines & puzzle state clearGrid(svg, puzzle) onTraceStart(puzzle, pos, svg, start, symStart) data.animations.insertRule('.' + + '.start {animation: 150ms 1 forwards start-grow}\n') hookMovementEvents(start) } else { event.stopPropagation() // Signal the onMouseMove to stop accepting input (race condition) data.tracing = false // At endpoint and in main box var cell = puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y) if (cell.end != null && data.bbox.inMain(data.x, data.y)) { data.cursor.onpointerdown = null setTimeout(function() { // Run validation asynchronously so we can free the pointer immediately. puzzle.endPoint = data.pos var puzzleData = window.validate(puzzle, false) // We want all invalid elements so we can show the user. for (var negation of puzzleData.negations) { console.debug('Rendering negation', negation) data.animations.insertRule('.' + + '_' + negation.source.x + '_' + negation.source.y + ' {animation: 0.75s 1 forwards fade}\n') data.animations.insertRule('.' + + '_' + + '_' + + ' {animation: 0.75s 1 forwards fade}\n') } if (puzzleData.valid()) { window.PLAY_SOUND('success') // !important to override the child animation data.animations.insertRule('.' + + ' {animation: 1s 1 forwards line-success !important}\n') // Convert the traced path into something suitable for solve.drawPath (for publishing purposes) var rawPath = [puzzle.startPoint] for (var i=1; i 1) { // Stop tracing for two+ finger touches (the equivalent of a right click on desktop) window.trace(event, data.puzzle, null, null, null) return } data.lastTouchPos = event.position } document.ontouchmove = function(event) { if (data.tracing !== true) return var eventIsWithinPuzzle = false for (var node =; node != null; node = node.parentElement) { if (node == data.svg) { eventIsWithinPuzzle = true break } } if (!eventIsWithinPuzzle) return // Ignore drag events that aren't within the puzzle event.preventDefault() // Prevent accidental scrolling if the touch event is within the puzzle. var newPos = event.position onMove(newPos.x - data.lastTouchPos.x, newPos.y - data.lastTouchPos.y) data.lastTouchPos = newPos } document.ontouchend = function(event) { data.lastTouchPos = null // Only call window.trace (to stop tracing) if we're really in an endpoint. var cell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y) if (cell.end != null && data.bbox.inMain(data.x, data.y)) { window.trace(event, data.puzzle, null, null, null) } } } // @Volatile -- must match order of PATH_* in solve var MOVE_NONE = 0 var MOVE_LEFT = 1 var MOVE_RIGHT = 2 var MOVE_TOP = 3 var MOVE_BOTTOM = 4 window.onMove = function(dx, dy) { { // Also handles some collision var collidedWith = pushCursor(dx, dy) console.spam('Collided with', collidedWith) } while (true) { hardCollision() // Potentially move the location to a new cell, and make absolute boundary checks var moveDir = move() data.path[data.path.length - 1].redraw() if (moveDir === MOVE_NONE) break console.debug('Moved', ['none', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'][moveDir]) // Potentially adjust data.x/data.y if our position went around a pillar if (data.puzzle.pillar === true) pillarWrap(moveDir) var lastDir = data.path[data.path.length - 1].dir var backedUp = ((moveDir === MOVE_LEFT && lastDir === MOVE_RIGHT) || (moveDir === MOVE_RIGHT && lastDir === MOVE_LEFT) || (moveDir === MOVE_TOP && lastDir === MOVE_BOTTOM) || (moveDir === MOVE_BOTTOM && lastDir === MOVE_TOP)) if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { var symMoveDir = getSymmetricalDir(data.puzzle, moveDir) } // If we backed up, remove a path segment and mark the old cell as unvisited if (backedUp) { data.path.pop().destroy() data.puzzle.updateCell2(data.pos.x, data.pos.y, 'line', window.LINE_NONE) if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { if (data.puzzle.getLine(data.sym.x, data.sym.y) == window.LINE_OVERLAP) { data.puzzle.updateCell2(data.sym.x, data.sym.y, 'line', window.LINE_BLUE) } else { data.puzzle.updateCell2(data.sym.x, data.sym.y, 'line', window.LINE_NONE) } } } // Move to the next cell changePos(data.bbox, data.pos, moveDir) if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { changePos(data.symbbox, data.sym, symMoveDir) } // If we didn't back up, add a path segment and mark the new cell as visited if (!backedUp) { data.path.push(new PathSegment(moveDir)) if (data.puzzle.symType == SYM_TYPE_NONE) { data.puzzle.updateCell2(data.pos.x, data.pos.y, 'line', window.LINE_BLACK) } else { data.puzzle.updateCell2(data.pos.x, data.pos.y, 'line', window.LINE_BLUE) if (data.puzzle.getLine(data.sym.x, data.sym.y) == window.LINE_BLUE) { data.puzzle.updateCell2(data.sym.x, data.sym.y, 'line', window.LINE_OVERLAP) } else { data.puzzle.updateCell2(data.sym.x, data.sym.y, 'line', window.LINE_YELLOW) } } } } } // Helper function for pushCursor. Used to determine the direction and magnitude of redirection. function push(dx, dy, dir, targetDir) { // Fraction of movement to redirect in the other direction var movementRatio = null if (targetDir === 'left' || targetDir === 'top') { movementRatio = -3 } else if (targetDir === 'right' || targetDir === 'bottom') { movementRatio = 3 } if (window.settings.disablePushing === true) movementRatio *= 1000 if (dir === 'left') { var overshoot = data.bbox.x1 - (data.x + dx) + 12 if (overshoot > 0) { data.y += dy + overshoot / movementRatio data.x = data.bbox.x1 + 12 return true } } else if (dir === 'right') { var overshoot = (data.x + dx) - data.bbox.x2 + 12 if (overshoot > 0) { data.y += dy + overshoot / movementRatio data.x = data.bbox.x2 - 12 return true } } else if (dir === 'leftright') { data.y += dy + Math.abs(dx) / movementRatio return true } else if (dir === 'top') { var overshoot = data.bbox.y1 - (data.y + dy) + 12 if (overshoot > 0) { data.x += dx + overshoot / movementRatio data.y = data.bbox.y1 + 12 return true } } else if (dir === 'bottom') { var overshoot = (data.y + dy) - data.bbox.y2 + 12 if (overshoot > 0) { data.x += dx + overshoot / movementRatio data.y = data.bbox.y2 - 12 return true } } else if (dir === 'topbottom') { data.x += dx + Math.abs(dy) / movementRatio return true } return false } // Redirect momentum from pushing against walls, so that all further moment steps // will be strictly linear. Returns a string for logging purposes only. function pushCursor(dx, dy) { // Outer wall collision var cell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y) if (cell == null) return 'nothing' // Only consider non-endpoints or endpoints which are parallel if ([undefined, 'top', 'bottom'].includes(cell.end)) { var leftCell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x - 1, data.pos.y) if (leftCell == null || === window.GAP_FULL) { if (push(dx, dy, 'left', 'top')) return 'left outer wall' } var rightCell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x + 1, data.pos.y) if (rightCell == null || === window.GAP_FULL) { if (push(dx, dy, 'right', 'top')) return 'right outer wall' } } // Only consider non-endpoints or endpoints which are parallel if ([undefined, 'left', 'right'].includes(cell.end)) { var topCell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y - 1) if (topCell == null || === window.GAP_FULL) { if (push(dx, dy, 'top', 'right')) return 'top outer wall' } var bottomCell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y + 1) if (bottomCell == null || === window.GAP_FULL) { if (push(dx, dy, 'bottom', 'right')) return 'bottom outer wall' } } // Inner wall collision if (cell.end == null) { if (data.pos.x%2 === 1 && data.pos.y%2 === 0) { // Horizontal cell if (data.x < data.bbox.middle.x) { push(dx, dy, 'topbottom', 'left') return 'topbottom inner wall, moved left' } else { push(dx, dy, 'topbottom', 'right') return 'topbottom inner wall, moved right' } } else if (data.pos.x%2 === 0 && data.pos.y%2 === 1) { // Vertical cell if (data.y < data.bbox.middle.y) { push(dx, dy, 'leftright', 'top') return 'leftright inner wall, moved up' } else { push(dx, dy, 'leftright', 'bottom') return 'leftright inner wall, moved down' } } } // Intersection & endpoint collision // Ratio of movement to be considered turning at an intersection var turnMod = 2 if ((data.pos.x%2 === 0 && data.pos.y%2 === 0) || cell.end != null) { if (data.x < data.bbox.middle.x) { push(dx, dy, 'topbottom', 'right') // Overshot the intersection and appears to be trying to turn if (data.x > data.bbox.middle.x && Math.abs(dy) * turnMod > Math.abs(dx)) { data.y += Math.sign(dy) * (data.x - data.bbox.middle.x) data.x = data.bbox.middle.x return 'overshot moving right' } return 'intersection moving right' } else if (data.x > data.bbox.middle.x) { push(dx, dy, 'topbottom', 'left') // Overshot the intersection and appears to be trying to turn if (data.x < data.bbox.middle.x && Math.abs(dy) * turnMod > Math.abs(dx)) { data.y += Math.sign(dy) * (data.bbox.middle.x - data.x) data.x = data.bbox.middle.x return 'overshot moving left' } return 'intersection moving left' } if (data.y < data.bbox.middle.y) { push(dx, dy, 'leftright', 'bottom') // Overshot the intersection and appears to be trying to turn if (data.y > data.bbox.middle.y && Math.abs(dx) * turnMod > Math.abs(dy)) { data.x += Math.sign(dx) * (data.y - data.bbox.middle.y) data.y = data.bbox.middle.y return 'overshot moving down' } return 'intersection moving down' } else if (data.y > data.bbox.middle.y) { push(dx, dy, 'leftright', 'top') // Overshot the intersection and appears to be trying to turn if (data.y < data.bbox.middle.y && Math.abs(dx) * turnMod > Math.abs(dy)) { data.x += Math.sign(dx) * (data.bbox.middle.y - data.y) data.y = data.bbox.middle.y return 'overshot moving up' } return 'intersection moving up' } } // No collision, limit movement to X or Y only to prevent out-of-bounds if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) { data.x += dx return 'nothing, x' } else { data.y += dy return 'nothing, y' } } // Check to see if we collided with any gaps, or with a symmetrical line, or a startpoint. // In any case, abruptly zero momentum. function hardCollision() { var lastDir = data.path[data.path.length - 1].dir var cell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y) if (cell == null) return var gapSize = 0 if ( === window.GAP_BREAK) { console.spam('Collided with a gap') gapSize = 21 } else { var nextCell = null if (lastDir === MOVE_LEFT) nextCell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x - 1, data.pos.y) if (lastDir === MOVE_RIGHT) nextCell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x + 1, data.pos.y) if (lastDir === MOVE_TOP) nextCell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y - 1) if (lastDir === MOVE_BOTTOM) nextCell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y + 1) if (nextCell != null && nextCell.start === true && nextCell.line > window.LINE_NONE) { gapSize = -5 } } if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { if (data.sym.x === data.pos.x && data.sym.y === data.pos.y) { console.spam('Collided with our symmetrical line') gapSize = 13 } else if (data.puzzle.getCell(data.sym.x, data.sym.y).gap === window.GAP_BREAK) { console.spam('Symmetrical line hit a gap') gapSize = 21 } } if (gapSize === 0) return // Didn't collide with anything if (lastDir === MOVE_LEFT) { data.x = Math.max(data.bbox.middle.x + gapSize, data.x) } else if (lastDir === MOVE_RIGHT) { data.x = Math.min(data.x, data.bbox.middle.x - gapSize) } else if (lastDir === MOVE_TOP) { data.y = Math.max(data.bbox.middle.y + gapSize, data.y) } else if (lastDir === MOVE_BOTTOM) { data.y = Math.min(data.y, data.bbox.middle.y - gapSize) } } // Check to see if we've gone beyond the edge of puzzle cell, and if the next cell is safe, // i.e. not out of bounds. Reports the direction we are going to move (or none), // but does not actually change data.pos function move() { var lastDir = data.path[data.path.length - 1].dir if (data.x < data.bbox.x1 + 12) { // Moving left var cell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x - 1, data.pos.y) if (cell == null || cell.type !== 'line' || === window.GAP_FULL) { console.spam('Collided with outside / gap-2', cell) data.x = data.bbox.x1 + 12 } else if (cell.line > window.LINE_NONE && lastDir !== MOVE_RIGHT) { console.spam('Collided with other line', cell.line) data.x = data.bbox.x1 + 12 } else if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { var symCell = data.puzzle.getSymmetricalCell(data.pos.x - 1, data.pos.y) if (symCell == null || symCell.type !== 'line' || === window.GAP_FULL) { console.spam('Collided with symmetrical outside / gap-2', cell) data.x = data.bbox.x1 + 12 } } if (data.x < data.bbox.x1) { return MOVE_LEFT } } else if (data.x > data.bbox.x2 - 12) { // Moving right var cell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x + 1, data.pos.y) if (cell == null || cell.type !== 'line' || === window.GAP_FULL) { console.spam('Collided with outside / gap-2', cell) data.x = data.bbox.x2 - 12 } else if (cell.line > window.LINE_NONE && lastDir !== MOVE_LEFT) { console.spam('Collided with other line', cell.line) data.x = data.bbox.x2 - 12 } else if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { var symCell = data.puzzle.getSymmetricalCell(data.pos.x + 1, data.pos.y) if (symCell == null || symCell.type !== 'line' || === window.GAP_FULL) { console.spam('Collided with symmetrical outside / gap-2', cell) data.x = data.bbox.x2 - 12 } } if (data.x > data.bbox.x2) { return MOVE_RIGHT } } else if (data.y < data.bbox.y1 + 12) { // Moving up var cell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y - 1) if (cell == null || cell.type !== 'line' || === window.GAP_FULL) { console.spam('Collided with outside / gap-2', cell) data.y = data.bbox.y1 + 12 } else if (cell.line > window.LINE_NONE && lastDir !== MOVE_BOTTOM) { console.spam('Collided with other line', cell.line) data.y = data.bbox.y1 + 12 } else if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { var symCell = data.puzzle.getSymmetricalCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y - 1) if (symCell == null || symCell.type !== 'line' || === window.GAP_FULL) { console.spam('Collided with symmetrical outside / gap-2', cell) data.y = data.bbox.y1 + 12 } } if (data.y < data.bbox.y1) { return MOVE_TOP } } else if (data.y > data.bbox.y2 - 12) { // Moving down var cell = data.puzzle.getCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y + 1) if (cell == null || cell.type !== 'line' || === window.GAP_FULL) { console.spam('Collided with outside / gap-2') data.y = data.bbox.y2 - 12 } else if (cell.line > window.LINE_NONE && lastDir !== MOVE_TOP) { console.spam('Collided with other line', cell.line) data.y = data.bbox.y2 - 12 } else if (data.puzzle.symType != SYM_TYPE_NONE) { var symCell = data.puzzle.getSymmetricalCell(data.pos.x, data.pos.y + 1) if (symCell == null || symCell.type !== 'line' || === window.GAP_FULL) { console.spam('Collided with symmetrical outside / gap-2', cell) data.y = data.bbox.y2 - 12 } } if (data.y > data.bbox.y2) { return MOVE_BOTTOM } } return MOVE_NONE } // Check to see if you moved beyond the edge of a pillar. // If so, wrap the cursor x to preserve momentum. // Note that this still does not change the position. function pillarWrap(moveDir) { if (moveDir === MOVE_LEFT && data.pos.x === 0) { data.x += data.puzzle.width * 41 } if (moveDir === MOVE_RIGHT && data.pos.x === data.puzzle.width - 1) { data.x -= data.puzzle.width * 41 } } // Actually change the data position. (Note that this takes in pos to allow easier symmetry). // Note that this doesn't zero the momentum, so that we can adjust appropriately on further loops. // This function also shifts the bounding box that we use to determine the bounds of the cell. function changePos(bbox, pos, moveDir) { if (moveDir === MOVE_LEFT) { pos.x-- // Wrap around the left if (data.puzzle.pillar === true && pos.x < 0) { pos.x += data.puzzle.width bbox.shift('right', data.puzzle.width * 41 - 82) bbox.shift('right', 58) } else { bbox.shift('left', (pos.x%2 === 0 ? 24 : 58)) } } else if (moveDir === MOVE_RIGHT) { pos.x++ // Wrap around to the right if (data.puzzle.pillar === true && pos.x >= data.puzzle.width) { pos.x -= data.puzzle.width bbox.shift('left', data.puzzle.width * 41 - 82) bbox.shift('left', 24) } else { bbox.shift('right', (pos.x%2 === 0 ? 24 : 58)) } } else if (moveDir === MOVE_TOP) { pos.y-- bbox.shift('top', (pos.y%2 === 0 ? 24 : 58)) } else if (moveDir === MOVE_BOTTOM) { pos.y++ bbox.shift('bottom', (pos.y%2 === 0 ? 24 : 58)) } } })