namespace(function() { window.serializePuzzle = function(puzzle) { var s = new Serializer('w') var version = 0 s.writeInt(version) s.writeByte(puzzle.width) s.writeByte(puzzle.height) s.writeString( var genericFlags = 0 if (puzzle.autoSolved) genericFlags |= GENERIC_FLAG_AUTOSOLVED if (puzzle.symmetry) { genericFlags |= GENERIC_FLAG_SYMMETRICAL if (puzzle.symmetry.x) genericFlags |= GENERIC_FLAG_SYMMETRY_X if (puzzle.symmetry.y) genericFlags |= GENERIC_FLAG_SYMMETRY_Y } if (puzzle.pillar) genericFlags |= GENERIC_FLAG_PILLAR s.writeByte(genericFlags) for (var x=0; x 0) { s.writeInt(puzzle.path.length) s.writeByte(startPos.x) s.writeByte(startPos.y) for (var dir of puzzle.path) s.writeByte(dir) } } else { s.writeInt(0) } var settingsFlags = 0 if (puzzle.settings.NEGATIONS_CANCEL_NEGATIONS) settingsFlags |= SETTINGS_FLAG_NCN if (puzzle.settings.SHAPELESS_ZERO_POLY) settingsFlags |= SETTINGS_FLAG_SZP if (puzzle.settings.PRECISE_POLYOMINOS) settingsFlags |= SETTINGS_FLAG_PP if (puzzle.settings.FLASH_FOR_ERRORS) settingsFlags |= SETTINGS_FLAG_FFE if (puzzle.settings.FAT_STARTPOINTS) settingsFlags |= SETTINGS_FLAG_FS if (puzzle.settings.CUSTOM_MECHANICS) settingsFlags |= SETTINGS_FLAG_CM if (puzzle.settings.INVISIBLE_SYMMETRY) settingsFlags |= SETTINGS_FLAG_IS s.writeByte(settingsFlags) s.writeByte(puzzle.symType) return s.str() } window.deserializePuzzle = function(data) { // Data is JSON, so decode it with the old deserializer if (data[0] == '{') return Puzzle.deserialize(data) var s = new Serializer('r', data) var version = s.readInt() if (version > 0) throw Error('Cannot read data from unknown version: ' + version) var width = s.readByte() var height = s.readByte() var puzzle = new Puzzle(Math.floor(width / 2), Math.floor(height / 2)) = s.readString() var genericFlags = s.readByte() puzzle.autoSolved = genericFlags & GENERIC_FLAG_AUTOSOLVED puzzle.symType = SYM_TYPE_NONE if ((genericFlags & GENERIC_FLAG_SYMMETRICAL) != 0) { if ((genericFlags & GENERIC_FLAG_SYMMETRY_X) != 0) { if ((genericFlags & GENERIC_FLAG_SYMMETRY_Y) != 0) { puzzle.symType = SYM_TYPE_ROTATIONAL } else { puzzle.symType = SYM_TYPE_VERTICAL } } else if ((genericFlags & GENERIC_FLAG_SYMMETRY_Y) != 0) { puzzle.symType = SYM_TYPE_HORIZONTAL } } puzzle.pillar = (genericFlags & GENERIC_FLAG_PILLAR) != 0 for (var x=0; x 0) { var path = [{ 'x': s.readByte(), 'y': s.readByte(), }] for (var i=0; i= numBytes) } readByte() { this._checkRead() return } writeByte(b) { if (b < 0 || b > 0xFF) throw Error('Cannot write out-of-range byte ' + b) += String.fromCharCode(b) } readInt() { var b1 = this.readByte() << 0 var b2 = this.readByte() << 8 var b3 = this.readByte() << 16 var b4 = this.readByte() << 24 return b1 | b2 | b3 | b4 } writeInt(i) { if (i < 0 || i > 0xFFFFFFFF) throw Error('Cannot write out-of-range int ' + i) var b1 = (i & 0x000000FF) >> 0 var b2 = (i & 0x0000FF00) >> 8 var b3 = (i & 0x00FF0000) >> 16 var b4 = (i & 0xFF000000) >> 24 this.writeByte(b1) this.writeByte(b2) this.writeByte(b3) this.writeByte(b4) } readLong() { var i1 = this.readInt() << 32 var i2 = this.readInt() return i1 | i2 } writeLong(l) { if (l < 0 || l > 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) throw Error('Cannot write out-of-range long ' + l) var i1 = l & 0xFFFFFFFF var i2 = (l - i1) / 0x100000000 this.writeInt(i1) this.writeInt(i2) } readString() { var len = this.readInt() this._checkRead(len) var str =, len) this.index += len return str } writeString(s) { if (s == null) { this.writeInt(0) return } this.writeInt(s.length) += s } readColor() { var r = this.readByte().toString() var g = this.readByte().toString() var b = this.readByte().toString() var a = this.readByte().toString() return 'rgba(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ', ' + a + ')' } writeColor(c) { // Adapted from this.colorConverter.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' // Load a default in case we are passed garbage this.colorConverter.clearRect(0, 0, 1, 1) this.colorConverter.fillStyle = c this.colorConverter.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1) var rgba = this.colorConverter.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data this.writeByte(rgba[0]) this.writeByte(rgba[1]) this.writeByte(rgba[2]) this.writeByte(rgba[3]) } readCell() { var cellType = this.readByte() if (cellType === CELL_TYPE_NULL) return null var cell = {} cell.dir = null cell.line = 0 if (cellType === CELL_TYPE_LINE) { cell.type = 'line' cell.line = this.readByte() var dot = this.readByte() if (dot != 0) = dot var gap = this.readByte() if (gap != 0) = gap } else if (cellType === CELL_TYPE_SQUARE) { cell.type = 'square' cell.color = this.readColor() } else if (cellType === CELL_TYPE_STAR) { cell.type = 'star' cell.color = this.readColor() } else if (cellType === CELL_TYPE_NEGA) { cell.type = 'nega' cell.color = this.readColor() } else if (cellType === CELL_TYPE_TRIANGLE) { cell.type = 'triangle' cell.color = this.readColor() cell.count = this.readByte() } else if (cellType === CELL_TYPE_POLY) { cell.type = 'poly' cell.color = this.readColor() cell.polyshape = this.readLong() } else if (cellType === CELL_TYPE_YLOP) { cell.type = 'ylop' cell.color = this.readColor() cell.polyshape = this.readLong() } else if (cellType == CELL_TYPE_NONCE) { cell.type = 'nonce' } var startEnd = this.readByte() if (startEnd & CELL_START) cell.start = true if (startEnd & CELL_END_LEFT) cell.end = 'left' if (startEnd & CELL_END_RIGHT) cell.end = 'right' if (startEnd & CELL_END_TOP) cell.end = 'top' if (startEnd & CELL_END_BOTTOM) cell.end = 'bottom' return cell } writeCell(cell) { if (cell == null) { this.writeByte(CELL_TYPE_NULL) return } // Write cell type, then cell data, then generic data. // Note that cell type starts at 1, since 0 is the "null type". if (cell.type == 'line') { this.writeByte(CELL_TYPE_LINE) this.writeByte(cell.line) this.writeByte( this.writeByte( } else if (cell.type == 'square') { this.writeByte(CELL_TYPE_SQUARE) this.writeColor(cell.color) } else if (cell.type == 'star') { this.writeByte(CELL_TYPE_STAR) this.writeColor(cell.color) } else if (cell.type == 'nega') { this.writeByte(CELL_TYPE_NEGA) this.writeColor(cell.color) } else if (cell.type == 'triangle') { this.writeByte(CELL_TYPE_TRIANGLE) this.writeColor(cell.color) this.writeByte(cell.count) } else if (cell.type == 'poly') { this.writeByte(CELL_TYPE_POLY) this.writeColor(cell.color) this.writeLong(cell.polyshape) } else if (cell.type == 'ylop') { this.writeByte(CELL_TYPE_YLOP) this.writeColor(cell.color) this.writeLong(cell.polyshape) } var startEnd = 0 if (cell.start === true) startEnd |= CELL_START if (cell.end == 'left') startEnd |= CELL_END_LEFT if (cell.end == 'right') startEnd |= CELL_END_RIGHT if (cell.end == 'top') startEnd |= CELL_END_TOP if (cell.end == 'bottom') startEnd |= CELL_END_BOTTOM this.writeByte(startEnd) } } var CELL_TYPE_NULL = 0 var CELL_TYPE_LINE = 1 var CELL_TYPE_SQUARE = 2 var CELL_TYPE_STAR = 3 var CELL_TYPE_NEGA = 4 var CELL_TYPE_TRIANGLE = 5 var CELL_TYPE_POLY = 6 var CELL_TYPE_YLOP = 7 var CELL_TYPE_NONCE = 8 var CELL_START = 1 var CELL_END_LEFT = 2 var CELL_END_RIGHT = 4 var CELL_END_TOP = 8 var CELL_END_BOTTOM = 16 var GENERIC_FLAG_AUTOSOLVED = 1 var GENERIC_FLAG_SYMMETRICAL = 2 var GENERIC_FLAG_SYMMETRY_X = 4 var GENERIC_FLAG_SYMMETRY_Y = 8 var GENERIC_FLAG_PILLAR = 16 var SETTINGS_FLAG_NCN = 1 var SETTINGS_FLAG_SZP = 2 var SETTINGS_FLAG_PP = 4 var SETTINGS_FLAG_FFE = 8 var SETTINGS_FLAG_FS = 16 var SETTINGS_FLAG_CM = 32 var SETTINGS_FLAG_IS = 64 })