/* * FEATURES: * SWAP_TARGETS should still require the full panel sequence (and have ways to prevent softlocks?) ** Think about: Jungle ** Hard: Monastery ** Do: Challenge * Randomize audio logs * Swap sounds in jungle (along with panels) -- maybe impossible * Make orange 7 (all of oranges?) hard. Like big = hard. */ #include "Memory.h" #include "WitnessRandomizer.h" #include "Panels.h" #include #include #include template int find(const std::vector &data, T search, int startIndex = 0) { for (int i=startIndex ; i keepFrontLaserTarget = randomizer.ReadPanelData(0x0360E, 0x2BC, 1); randomizer.WritePanelData(0x03317, 0x2BC, keepFrontLaserTarget); std::vector randomOrder = std::vector(junglePanels.size(), 0); std::iota(randomOrder.begin(), randomOrder.end(), 0); // Randomize Waves 2-7 // Waves 1 cannot be randomized, since no other panel can start on randomizer.RandomizeRange(randomOrder, SWAP_NONE, 1, 7); // Randomize Pitches 1-6 onto themselves randomizer.RandomizeRange(randomOrder, SWAP_NONE, 7, 13); randomizer.ReassignTargets(junglePanels, randomOrder); randomOrder = std::vector(bunkerPanels.size(), 0); std::iota(randomOrder.begin(), randomOrder.end(), 0); // Randomize Tutorial 2-Advanced Tutorial 4 + Glass 1 // Tutorial 1 cannot be randomized, since no other panel can start on // Glass 1 will become door + glass 1, due to the targetting system randomizer.RandomizeRange(randomOrder, SWAP_NONE, 1, 10); // Randomize Glass 1-3 into everything after the door int glassDoorIndex = find(randomOrder, 9) + 1; randomizer.RandomizeRange(randomOrder, SWAP_NONE, glassDoorIndex, 12); randomizer.ReassignTargets(bunkerPanels, randomOrder); randomOrder = std::vector(shadowsPanels.size(), 0); std::iota(randomOrder.begin(), randomOrder.end(), 0); randomizer.RandomizeRange(randomOrder, SWAP_NONE, 0, 8); // Tutorial randomizer.RandomizeRange(randomOrder, SWAP_NONE, 8, 16); // Avoid randomizer.RandomizeRange(randomOrder, SWAP_NONE, 16, 21); // Follow randomizer.ReassignTargets(shadowsPanels, randomOrder); // Turn off original starting panel randomizer.WritePanelData(shadowsPanels[0], 0x2A8, {0.0f, 0.0f}); // Turn on new starting panel randomizer.WritePanelData(shadowsPanels[randomOrder[0]], 0x2A8, {1.0f, 1.0f}); } WitnessRandomizer::WitnessRandomizer() : _memory("witness64_d3d11.exe") { // Turn off desert flood final WritePanelData(0x18076, 0x2A8, {0.0f, 0.0f}); // Change desert floating target to desert flood final WritePanelData(0x17ECA, 0x2BC, {0x18077}); // Distance-gate shadows laser to prevent sniping through the bars WritePanelData(0x19650, 0x3C0, {2.5f}); // Change the shadows tutorial cable to only activate avoid WritePanelData(0x319A8, 0xD8, {0}); // Change shadows avoid 8 to power shadows follow WritePanelData(0x1972F, 0x2BC, {0x1C34C}); // Disable tutorial cursor speed modifications WritePanelData(0x00295, 0x358, {1.0}); WritePanelData(0x0C373, 0x358, {1.0}); WritePanelData(0x00293, 0x358, {1.0}); WritePanelData(0x002C2, 0x358, {1.0}); } void WitnessRandomizer::Randomize(std::vector &panels, int flags) { return RandomizeRange(panels, flags, 0, panels.size()); } // Range is [start, end) void WitnessRandomizer::RandomizeRange(std::vector &panels, int flags, size_t startIndex, size_t endIndex) { if (panels.size() == 0) return; if (startIndex >= endIndex) return; if (endIndex >= panels.size()) endIndex = panels.size(); for (size_t i = endIndex-1; i > startIndex+1; i--) { size_t target = rand() % (i - startIndex) + startIndex; if (i != target) { // std::cout << "Swapping panels " << std::hex << panels[i] << " and " << std::hex << panels[target] << std::endl; SwapPanels(panels[i], panels[target], flags); std::swap(panels[i], panels[target]); // Panel indices in the array } } } void WitnessRandomizer::SwapPanels(int panel1, int panel2, int flags) { std::map offsets; if (flags & SWAP_TARGETS) { offsets[0x2BC] = sizeof(int); } if (flags & SWAP_STYLE) { offsets[0x450] = sizeof(int); // style_flags } if (flags & SWAP_LINES) { offsets[0xC8] = 16; // path_color offsets[0xD8] = 16; // reflection_path_color offsets[0xF8] = 16; // dot_color offsets[0x108] = 16; // active_color offsets[0x118] = 16; // background_region_color offsets[0x128] = 16; // success_color_a offsets[0x138] = 16; // success_color_b offsets[0x148] = 16; // strobe_color_a offsets[0x158] = 16; // strobe_color_b offsets[0x168] = 16; // error_color offsets[0x188] = 16; // pattern_point_color offsets[0x198] = 16; // pattern_point_color_a offsets[0x1A8] = 16; // pattern_point_color_b offsets[0x1B8] = 16; // symbol_a offsets[0x1C8] = 16; // symbol_b offsets[0x1D8] = 16; // symbol_c offsets[0x1E8] = 16; // symbol_d offsets[0x1F8] = 16; // symbol_e offsets[0x208] = sizeof(int); // push_symbol_colors offsets[0x20C] = 16; // outer_background offsets[0x21C] = sizeof(int); // outer_background_mode offsets[0x230] = 16; // traced_edges offsets[0x278] = sizeof(void*); // *audio_prefix offsets[0x2FC] = sizeof(int); // is_cylinder offsets[0x300] = sizeof(float); // cylinder_z0 offsets[0x304] = sizeof(float); // cylinder_z1 offsets[0x308] = sizeof(float); // cylinder_radius offsets[0x398] = sizeof(float); // specular_add offsets[0x39C] = sizeof(int); // specular_power offsets[0x3A4] = sizeof(float); // path_width_scale offsets[0x3A8] = sizeof(float); // startpoint_scale offsets[0x3B8] = sizeof(int); // num_dots offsets[0x3BC] = sizeof(int); // num_connections offsets[0x3C8] = sizeof(void*); // *dot_positions offsets[0x3D0] = sizeof(void*); // *dot_flags offsets[0x3D8] = sizeof(void*); // *dot_connection_a offsets[0x3E0] = sizeof(void*); // *dot_connection_b offsets[0x420] = sizeof(void*); // *decorations offsets[0x428] = sizeof(void*); // *decoration_flags offsets[0x430] = sizeof(void*); // *decoration_colors offsets[0x438] = sizeof(int); // num_decorations offsets[0x440] = sizeof(void*); // *reflection_data offsets[0x448] = sizeof(int); // grid_size_x offsets[0x44C] = sizeof(int); // grid_size_y offsets[0x45C] = sizeof(int); // sequence_len offsets[0x460] = sizeof(void*); // *sequence offsets[0x468] = sizeof(int); // dot_sequence_len offsets[0x470] = sizeof(void*); // *dot_sequence offsets[0x478] = sizeof(int); // dot_sequence_len_reflection offsets[0x480] = sizeof(void*); // *dot_sequence_reflection offsets[0x4A0] = sizeof(int); // num_colored_regions offsets[0x4A8] = sizeof(void*); // *colored_regions offsets[0x4B0] = sizeof(void*); // *panel_target offsets[0x4D8] = sizeof(void*); // *specular_texture } for (auto const& [offset, size] : offsets) { std::vector data = ReadPanelData(panel1, offset, size); WritePanelData(panel2, offset, data); } } void WitnessRandomizer::ReassignTargets(const std::vector& panels, const std::vector& order) { std::vector targetToActivatePanel = {panels[0] + 1}; for (int panel : panels) { int target = ReadPanelData(panel, 0x2BC, 1)[0]; targetToActivatePanel.push_back(target); } for (int i=0; i(panels[order[i]], 0x2BC, {panelTarget}); } }