#include "Memory.h" #include #include #include #undef PROCESSENTRY32 #undef Process32Next Memory::Memory(const std::string& processName) { // First, get the handle of the process PROCESSENTRY32 entry; entry.dwSize = sizeof(entry); HANDLE snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); while (Process32Next(snapshot, &entry)) { if (processName == entry.szExeFile) { _handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, entry.th32ProcessID); break; } } if (!_handle) { std::cout << "Couldn't find " << processName.c_str() << ", is it open?" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Next, get the process base address DWORD numModules; std::vector moduleList(1024); EnumProcessModulesEx(_handle, &moduleList[0], static_cast(moduleList.size()), &numModules, 3); std::string name(64, 0); for (DWORD i = 0; i < numModules / sizeof(HMODULE); i++) { GetModuleBaseNameA(_handle, moduleList[i], &name[0], sizeof(name)); // TODO: Filling with 0s still yeilds name.size() == 64... if (strcmp(processName.c_str(), name.c_str()) == 0) { _baseAddress = (uintptr_t)moduleList[i]; break; } } if (_baseAddress == 0) { std::cout << "Couldn't find the base process address!" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } Memory::~Memory() { CloseHandle(_handle); } void Memory::ThrowError() { std::string message(256, '\0'); FormatMessageA(4096, nullptr, GetLastError(), 1024, &message[0], static_cast(message.length()), nullptr); std::cout << message.c_str() << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } void* Memory::ComputeOffset(std::vector offsets) { // Leave off the last offset, since it will be either read/write, and may not be of type unitptr_t. int final_offset = offsets.back(); offsets.pop_back(); uintptr_t cumulativeAddress = _baseAddress; for (const int offset : offsets) { cumulativeAddress += offset; const auto search = _computedAddresses.find(cumulativeAddress); if (search == std::end(_computedAddresses)) { // If the address is not yet computed, then compute it. uintptr_t computedAddress = 0; if (!ReadProcessMemory(_handle, reinterpret_cast(cumulativeAddress), &computedAddress, sizeof(uintptr_t), NULL)) { ThrowError(); } _computedAddresses[cumulativeAddress] = computedAddress; } cumulativeAddress = _computedAddresses[cumulativeAddress]; } return reinterpret_cast(cumulativeAddress + final_offset); }