#include "pch.h" #include "Validator.h" void Validator::Validate(Puzzle& p) { // console.log('Validating', puzzle); p.valid = true; // Assume valid until we find an invalid element p.invalidElements.clear(); p.negations.clear(); bool puzzleHasSymbols = false; bool puzzleHasStart = false; bool puzzleHasEnd = false; // Validate gap failures as an early exit. for (int x = 0; x < p.width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < p.height; y++) { const Cell& cell = p.grid[x][y]; const auto& decoration = cell.decoration; if (decoration) { if (decoration->type == Type::Stone || decoration->type == Type::Star || decoration->type == Type::Nega || decoration->type == Type::Poly || decoration->type == Type::Ylop) { puzzleHasSymbols = true; continue; } if (decoration->type == Type::Triangle) { int actualCount = 0; if (p.GetLine(x - 1, y) != Cell::Color::NONE) actualCount++; if (p.GetLine(x + 1, y) != Cell::Color::NONE) actualCount++; if (p.GetLine(x, y - 1) != Cell::Color::NONE) actualCount++; if (p.GetLine(x, y + 1) != Cell::Color::NONE) actualCount++; if (decoration->count != actualCount) { // console.log('Triangle at grid['+x+']['+y+'] has', actualCount, 'borders') p.invalidElements.emplace_back(x, y); } } } if (cell.gap != Cell::Gap::NONE && cell.color != Cell::Color::NONE) { // console.log('Gap at', x, y, 'is covered') p.valid = false; } if (cell.dot != Cell::Dot::NONE) { if (cell.color == Cell::Color::NONE) { // console.log('Dot at', x, y, 'is not covered') p.invalidElements.emplace_back(x, y); } else if (cell.color == Cell::Color::BLUE && cell.dot == Cell::Dot::YELLOW) { // console.log('Yellow dot at', x, y, 'is covered by blue line') p.valid = false; } else if (cell.color == Cell::Color::YELLOW && cell.dot == Cell::Dot::BLUE) { // console.log('Blue dot at', x, y, 'is covered by yellow line') p.valid = false; } } if (cell.color != Cell::Color::NONE) { if (cell.start == true) puzzleHasStart = true; if (cell.end != Cell::Dir::NONE) puzzleHasEnd = true; } } } if (!puzzleHasStart || !puzzleHasEnd) { // console.log('There is no covered start or endpoint') p.valid = false; } // Perf optimization: We can skip computing regions if the grid has no symbols. if (!puzzleHasSymbols) { // No additional symbols, and we already checked dots & gaps p.valid &= (p.invalidElements.size() == 0); } else { // Additional symbols, so we need to discard dots & divide them by region /* p.invalidElements.clear(); std::vector regions = p.GetRegions(); // console.log('Found', regions.length, 'regions'); // console.debug(regions); for (const Region& region : regions) { std::string key = region.grid.ToString(); auto regionData = puzzle.regionCache[key]; if (regionData == undefined) { console.log('Cache miss for region', region, 'key', key); regionData = _regionCheckNegations(puzzle, region); // Entirely for convenience regionData.valid = (regionData.invalidElements.size() == 0) // console.log('Region valid:', regionData.valid); if (!DISABLE_CACHE) { p.regionCache[key] = regionData; } } p.negations = p.negations.concat(regionData.negations); p.invalidElements = p.invalidElements.concat(regionData.invalidElements); p.valid = p.valid && regionData.valid; } */ } // console.log('Puzzle has', puzzle.invalidElements.length, 'invalid elements') }