#include "PuzzleSerializer.h" #include "Memory.h" #include #pragma warning (disable:26451) #pragma warning (disable:26812) PuzzleSerializer::PuzzleSerializer(const std::shared_ptr& memory) : _memory(memory) {} Puzzle PuzzleSerializer::ReadPuzzle(int id) { int width = _memory->ReadEntityData(id, GRID_SIZE_X, 1)[0] - 1; int height = _memory->ReadEntityData(id, GRID_SIZE_Y, 1)[0] - 1; if (width == 0) width = height; if (height == 0) height = width; if (width < 0 || height < 0) return Puzzle(); // @Error: Grid size should be always positive? Looks like the starting panels break this rule, though. _numIntersections = _memory->ReadEntityData(id, NUM_DOTS, 1)[0]; _intersectionFlags = _memory->ReadArray(id, DOT_FLAGS, _numIntersections); int numConnections = _memory->ReadEntityData(id, NUM_CONNECTIONS, 1)[0]; _connectionsA = _memory->ReadArray(id, DOT_CONNECTION_A, numConnections); _connectionsB = _memory->ReadArray(id, DOT_CONNECTION_B, numConnections); _intersectionLocations = _memory->ReadArray(id, DOT_POSITIONS, _numIntersections*2); Puzzle p; p.NewGrid(width, height); ReadIntersections(p); ReadExtras(p); ReadDecorations(p, id); ReadSequence(p, id); ReadSymmetry(p, id); return p; } void PuzzleSerializer::WritePuzzle(const Puzzle& p, int id) { _intersectionFlags.clear(); _connectionsA.clear(); _connectionsB.clear(); _intersectionLocations.clear(); MIN = 0.1f; MAX = 0.9f; WIDTH_INTERVAL = (MAX - MIN) / (p.width/2); HEIGHT_INTERVAL = (MAX - MIN) / (p.height/2); HORIZ_GAP_SIZE = WIDTH_INTERVAL / 2; VERTI_GAP_SIZE = HEIGHT_INTERVAL / 2; WriteIntersections(p); WriteEndpoints(p); WriteDots(p); WriteGaps(p); WriteDecorations(p, id); WriteSequence(p, id); WriteSymmetry(p, id); #ifndef NDEBUG int maxDots = _memory->ReadEntityData(id, NUM_DOTS, 1)[0]; assert(_intersectionFlags.size() <= maxDots); assert(_intersectionLocations.size() <= maxDots*2); int maxConnections = _memory->ReadEntityData(id, NUM_CONNECTIONS, 1)[0]; assert(_connectionsA.size() <= maxConnections); assert(_connectionsB.size() <= maxConnections); #endif _memory->WriteEntityData(id, GRID_SIZE_X, {(p.width + 1)/2}); _memory->WriteEntityData(id, GRID_SIZE_Y, {(p.height + 1)/2}); _memory->WriteEntityData(id, NUM_DOTS, {static_cast(_intersectionFlags.size())}); _memory->WriteArray(id, DOT_POSITIONS, _intersectionLocations); _memory->WriteArray(id, DOT_FLAGS, _intersectionFlags); _memory->WriteEntityData(id, NUM_CONNECTIONS, {static_cast(_connectionsA.size())}); _memory->WriteArray(id, DOT_CONNECTION_A, _connectionsA); _memory->WriteArray(id, DOT_CONNECTION_B, _connectionsB); _memory->WriteEntityData(id, NEEDS_REDRAW, {1}); } void PuzzleSerializer::ReadIntersections(Puzzle& p) { // @Cleanup: Change defaults? for (int x=0; x x2) x--; else if (y1 < y2) y--; else if (y1 > y2) y++; p.grid[x][y].gap = Cell::Gap::NONE; } } void PuzzleSerializer::ReadExtras(Puzzle& p) { // This iterates bottom-top, left-right int i = 0; for (; i < _numIntersections; i++) { int flags = _intersectionFlags[i]; auto [x, y] = loc_to_xy(p, i); if (y < 0) break; // This is the expected exit point if (flags & Flags::IS_STARTPOINT) { p.grid[x][y].start = true; } p.grid[x][y].dot = FlagsToDot(flags); if (flags & Flags::HAS_NO_CONN) { p.grid[x][y].gap = Cell::Gap::FULL; } } // Iterate the remaining intersections (endpoints, dots, gaps) for (; i < _numIntersections; i++) { int location = FindConnection(i); if (location == -1) continue; // @Error: Unable to find connection point // (x1, y1) location of this intersection // (x2, y2) location of the connected intersection float x1 = _intersectionLocations[2*i]; float y1 = _intersectionLocations[2*i+1]; float x2 = _intersectionLocations[2*location]; float y2 = _intersectionLocations[2*location+1]; auto [x, y] = loc_to_xy(p, location); if (_intersectionFlags[i] & Flags::IS_ENDPOINT) { // Our x coordinate is less than the target's if (x1 < x2) p.grid[x][y].end = Cell::Dir::LEFT; else if (x1 > x2) p.grid[x][y].end = Cell::Dir::RIGHT; // Note that Y coordinates are reversed: 0.0 (bottom) 1.0 (top) else if (y1 < y2) p.grid[x][y].end = Cell::Dir::DOWN; else if (y1 > y2) p.grid[x][y].end = Cell::Dir::UP; } else if (_intersectionFlags[i] & Flags::HAS_DOT) { if (x1 < x2) x--; else if (x1 > x2) x++; else if (y1 < y2) y++; else if (y1 > y2) y--; p.grid[x][y].dot = FlagsToDot(_intersectionFlags[i]); } else if (_intersectionFlags[i] & Flags::HAS_ONE_CONN) { if (x1 < x2) x--; else if (x1 > x2) x++; else if (y1 < y2) y++; else if (y1 > y2) y--; p.grid[x][y].gap = Cell::Gap::BREAK; } } } void PuzzleSerializer::ReadDecorations(Puzzle& p, int id) { int numDecorations = _memory->ReadEntityData(id, NUM_DECORATIONS, 1)[0]; std::vector decorations = _memory->ReadArray(id, DECORATIONS, numDecorations); if (numDecorations > 0) p.hasDecorations = true; for (int i=0; i(); p.grid[x][y].decoration = d; d->type = static_cast(decorations[i] & 0xFF00); switch(d->type) { case Type::Poly: case Type::RPoly: case Type::Ylop: d->polyshape = decorations[i] & 0xFFFF0000; break; case Type::Triangle: d->count = decorations[i] & 0x000F0000; break; } d->color = static_cast(decorations[i] & 0xF); } } void PuzzleSerializer::ReadSequence(Puzzle& p, int id) { int sequenceLength = _memory->ReadEntityData(id, SEQUENCE_LEN, 1)[0]; std::vector sequence = _memory->ReadArray(id, SEQUENCE, sequenceLength); for (int location : sequence) { p.sequence.emplace_back(loc_to_xy(p, location)); } } void PuzzleSerializer::ReadSymmetry(Puzzle& p, int id) { int hasSymmetry = _memory->ReadEntityData(id, REFLECTION_DATA, 1)[0]; if (hasSymmetry == 0) return; // Array is null, no puzzle symmetry std::vector reflectionData = _memory->ReadArray(id, REFLECTION_DATA, _numIntersections); Pos p1 = loc_to_xy(p, reflectionData[0]); Pos p2 = loc_to_xy(p, reflectionData[reflectionData[0]]); if (p1.x != p2.x) { p.symmetry = Puzzle::Symmetry::X; } else if (p1.y != p2.y) { p.symmetry = Puzzle::Symmetry::Y; } else { p.symmetry = Puzzle::Symmetry::XY; } } void PuzzleSerializer::WriteIntersections(const Puzzle& p) { // @Cleanup: If I write directly to locations, then I can simplify this gross loop iterator. // int numIntersections = (p.width / 2 + 1) * (p.height / 2 + 1); // Grided intersections for (int y=p.height-1; y>=0; y-=2) { for (int x=0; x 0 && p.grid[x][y-1].gap != Cell::Gap::FULL) { _connectionsA.push_back(xy_to_loc(p, x, y-2)); _connectionsB.push_back(xy_to_loc(p, x, y)); flags |= Flags::HAS_VERTI_CONN; numConnections++; } // Bottom connection if (y < p.height - 1 && p.grid[x][y+1].gap != Cell::Gap::FULL) { flags |= Flags::HAS_VERTI_CONN; numConnections++; } // Left connection if (x > 0 && p.grid[x-1][y].gap != Cell::Gap::FULL) { _connectionsA.push_back(xy_to_loc(p, x-2, y)); _connectionsB.push_back(xy_to_loc(p, x, y)); flags |= Flags::HAS_HORIZ_CONN; numConnections++; } // Right connection if (x < p.width - 1 && p.grid[x+1][y].gap != Cell::Gap::FULL) { flags |= Flags::HAS_HORIZ_CONN; numConnections++; } if (numConnections == 0) flags |= HAS_NO_CONN; if (numConnections == 1) flags |= HAS_ONE_CONN; auto [xPos, yPos] = xy_to_pos(p, x, y); AddIntersection(x, y, xPos, yPos, flags); } } } void PuzzleSerializer::WriteEndpoints(const Puzzle& p) { // int xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax; // // if (p.symmetry == Puzzle::Symmetry::NONE) { // xMin = // } for (int x=0; x(_intersectionFlags.size())); auto [xPos, yPos] = xy_to_pos(p, x, y); switch (p.grid[x][y].end) { case Cell::Dir::LEFT: xPos -= .05f; break; case Cell::Dir::RIGHT: xPos += .05f; break; case Cell::Dir::UP: yPos += .05f; // Y position goes from 0 (bottom) to 1 (top), so this is reversed. break; case Cell::Dir::DOWN: yPos -= .05f; break; } AddIntersection(x, y, xPos, yPos, Flags::IS_ENDPOINT); } } } void PuzzleSerializer::WriteDots(const Puzzle& p) { for (int x=0; x A for connections. To remove, add the horiz/verti check, see gaps. int other_connection = _connectionsB[connectionLocation]; _connectionsB[connectionLocation] = static_cast(_intersectionFlags.size()); _connectionsA.push_back(other_connection); _connectionsB.push_back(static_cast(_intersectionFlags.size())); int flags = Flags::HAS_DOT; switch (p.grid[x][y].dot) { case Cell::Dot::BLACK: break; case Cell::Dot::BLUE: flags |= DOT_IS_BLUE; break; case Cell::Dot::YELLOW: flags |= DOT_IS_ORANGE; break; case Cell::Dot::INVISIBLE: flags |= DOT_IS_INVISIBLE; break; } auto [xPos, yPos] = xy_to_pos(p, x, y); AddIntersection(x, y, xPos, yPos, flags); } } } void PuzzleSerializer::WriteGaps(const Puzzle& p) { for (int x=0; x(_intersectionFlags.size()); _intersectionLocations.push_back(xPos); _intersectionLocations.push_back(yPos + VERTI_GAP_SIZE / 2); _intersectionFlags.push_back(Flags::HAS_ONE_CONN | Flags::HAS_VERTI_CONN); _connectionsA.push_back(xy_to_loc(p, x, y+1)); _connectionsB.push_back(static_cast(_intersectionFlags.size())); _intersectionLocations.push_back(xPos); _intersectionLocations.push_back(yPos - VERTI_GAP_SIZE / 2); _intersectionFlags.push_back(Flags::HAS_ONE_CONN | Flags::HAS_VERTI_CONN); } else if (y%2 == 0) { // Horizontal gap _connectionsA[connectionLocation] = xy_to_loc(p, x-1, y); _connectionsB[connectionLocation] = static_cast(_intersectionFlags.size()); _intersectionLocations.push_back(xPos - HORIZ_GAP_SIZE / 2); _intersectionLocations.push_back(yPos); _intersectionFlags.push_back(Flags::HAS_ONE_CONN | Flags::HAS_HORIZ_CONN); _connectionsA.push_back(xy_to_loc(p, x+1, y)); _connectionsB.push_back(static_cast(_intersectionFlags.size())); _intersectionLocations.push_back(xPos + HORIZ_GAP_SIZE / 2); _intersectionLocations.push_back(yPos); _intersectionFlags.push_back(Flags::HAS_ONE_CONN | Flags::HAS_HORIZ_CONN); } } } } void PuzzleSerializer::WriteDecorations(const Puzzle& p, int id) { if (!p.hasDecorations) return; std::vector decorations; for (int y=p.height-2; y>0; y-=2) { for (int x=1; xcolor | d->type | d->count | d->polyshape); } else { decorations.push_back(0); } } } #ifndef NDEBUG int maxDecorations = _memory->ReadEntityData(id, NUM_DECORATIONS, 1)[0]; assert(decorations.size() < maxDecorations); #endif _memory->WriteEntityData(id, NUM_DECORATIONS, {static_cast(decorations.size())}); _memory->WriteArray(id, DECORATIONS, decorations); } void PuzzleSerializer::WriteSequence(const Puzzle& p, int id) { if (p.sequence.size() == 0) return; std::vector sequence; for (Pos pos : p.sequence) { // Only include intersections, the game does not treat segments as real objects if (pos.x%2 == 0 && pos.y%2 == 0) { sequence.emplace_back(xy_to_loc(p, pos.x, pos.y)); } } Pos endpoint = p.sequence[p.sequence.size() - 1]; int location = extra_xy_to_loc(endpoint); _memory->WriteEntityData(id, SEQUENCE_LEN, {static_cast(sequence.size())}); _memory->WriteNewArray(id, SEQUENCE, sequence); } void PuzzleSerializer::WriteSymmetry(const Puzzle& p, int id) { if (p.symmetry == Puzzle::Symmetry::NONE) { _memory->WriteEntityData(id, REFLECTION_DATA, {0}); return; } std::vector reflectionData; reflectionData.resize(_intersectionFlags.size()); // Wow, what a horrible solution. But hey, whatever, if it works. for (int x=0; x PuzzleSerializer::loc_to_xy(const Puzzle& p, int location) const { int height2 = (p.height - 1) / 2; int width2 = (p.width + 1) / 2; int x = 2 * (location % width2); int y = 2 * (height2 - location / width2); return {x, y}; } int PuzzleSerializer::xy_to_loc(const Puzzle& p, int x, int y) const { assert(x%2 == 0); assert(y%2 == 0); int height2 = (p.height - 1) / 2; int width2 = (p.width + 1) / 2; int rowsFromBottom = height2 - y/2; return rowsFromBottom * width2 + x/2; } int PuzzleSerializer::extra_xy_to_loc(Pos pos) const { for (auto [x, y, location] : _extraLocations) { if (pos.x == x && pos.y == y) return location; } return -1; // @Error } std::tuple PuzzleSerializer::dloc_to_xy(const Puzzle& p, int location) const { int height2 = (p.height - 3) / 2; int width2 = (p.width - 1) / 2; int x = 2 * (location % width2) + 1; int y = 2 * (height2 - location / width2) + 1; return {x, y}; } int PuzzleSerializer::xy_to_dloc(const Puzzle& p, int x, int y) const { int height2 = (p.height - 3) / 2; int width2 = (p.width - 1) / 2; int rowsFromBottom = height2 - (y - 1)/2; return rowsFromBottom * width2 + (x - 1)/2; } std::tuple PuzzleSerializer::xy_to_pos(const Puzzle& p, int x, int y) const { return { MIN + (x/2.0f) * WIDTH_INTERVAL, MAX - (y/2.0f) * HEIGHT_INTERVAL }; } Cell::Dot PuzzleSerializer::FlagsToDot(int flags) const { if (!(flags & Flags::HAS_DOT)) return Cell::Dot::NONE; if (flags & Flags::DOT_IS_BLUE) return Cell::Dot::BLUE; else if (flags & Flags::DOT_IS_ORANGE) return Cell::Dot::YELLOW; else if (flags & Flags::DOT_IS_INVISIBLE) return Cell::Dot::INVISIBLE; else return Cell::Dot::BLACK; } int PuzzleSerializer::FindConnection(int location) const { for (int j=0; j<_connectionsA.size(); j++) { if (_connectionsA[j] == location) return _connectionsB[j]; if (_connectionsB[j] == location) return _connectionsA[j]; } return -1; } void PuzzleSerializer::AddIntersection(int x, int y, float xPos, float yPos, int flags) { _extraLocations.emplace_back(x, y, static_cast(_intersectionFlags.size())); _intersectionLocations.push_back(xPos); _intersectionLocations.push_back(yPos); _intersectionFlags.push_back(flags); }