#include "Panel.h" #include "Random.h" #include "Memory.h" #include template int find(const std::vector &data, T search, size_t startIndex = 0) { for (size_t i=startIndex ; i(id, GRID_SIZE_X, 1)[0] - 1; _height = 2 * _memory.ReadPanelData(id, GRID_SIZE_Y, 1)[0] - 1; _grid.resize(_width); for (auto& row : _grid) row.resize(_height); ReadIntersections(id); ReadDecorations(id); } void Panel::Write(int id) { WriteIntersections(id); WriteDecorations(id); _memory.WritePanelData(id, GRID_SIZE_X, {(_width + 1)/2}); _memory.WritePanelData(id, GRID_SIZE_Y, {(_height + 1)/2}); } nlohmann::json Panel::Serialize() { nlohmann::json puzzle = { {"pillar", false}, {"dots", nlohmann::json::array()}, {"gaps", nlohmann::json::array()}, {"name", "Imported from The Witness :O"}, {"regionCache", nlohmann::json::object()}, }; if (_grid.empty()) return {}; puzzle["grid"] = nlohmann::json::array(); for (int x=0; x<_width; x++) { for (int y=0; y<_height; y++) { if (x%2 == 1 && y%2 == 1) { puzzle["grid"][x][y] = Decoration::to_json(_grid[x][y]); } else { puzzle["grid"][x][y] = false; } } } puzzle["startPoints"] = nlohmann::json::array(); for (auto [x, y] : _startpoints) { nlohmann::json startPoint = {{"x", x}, {"y", y}}; puzzle["startPoints"].emplace_back(startPoint); } puzzle["endPoints"] = nlohmann::json::array(); for (Endpoint endpoint : _endpoints) { puzzle["endPoints"].emplace_back(endpoint.to_json()); } std::string out = puzzle.dump(); return puzzle; } void Panel::Random() { /* for (auto& row : _decorations) { for (auto& cell : row) { cell.SetShape(cell.GetShape() & 0xFFFFFFF0); cell.SetShape(cell.GetShape() | Random::RandInt(1, 10)); } } */ } void Panel::ReadDecorations(int id) { int numDecorations = _memory.ReadPanelData(id, NUM_DECORATIONS, 1)[0]; std::vector decorations = _memory.ReadArray(id, DECORATIONS, numDecorations); int x = 1; int y = _height - 2; for (int decoration : decorations) { _grid[x][y] = decoration; x += 2; if (x > _width - 1) { x = 1; y -= 2; } } } void Panel::WriteDecorations(int id) { std::vector decorations; for (int y=_height - 2; y>0; y-=2) { for (int x=1; x<_width - 1; x+=2) { decorations.push_back(_grid[x][y]); } } _memory.WritePanelData(id, NUM_DECORATIONS, {static_cast(decorations.size())}); _memory.WriteArray(id, DECORATIONS, decorations); } void Panel::ReadIntersections(int id) { int numIntersections = _memory.ReadPanelData(id, NUM_DOTS, 1)[0]; std::vector intersectionFlags = _memory.ReadArray(id, DOT_FLAGS, numIntersections); int x = 0; int y = _height - 1; int i = 0; for (;; i++) { if (intersectionFlags[i] & IntersectionFlags::IS_STARTPOINT) { _startpoints.push_back({x, y}); } x += 2; if (x > _width) { x = 0; y -= 2; } if (y < 0) break; } std::pair, std::vector> connections; int numConnections = _memory.ReadPanelData(id, NUM_CONNECTIONS, 1)[0]; connections.first = _memory.ReadArray(id, DOT_CONNECTION_A, numConnections); connections.second = _memory.ReadArray(id, DOT_CONNECTION_B, numConnections); std::vector intersections = _memory.ReadArray(id, DOT_POSITIONS, numIntersections*2); // Iterate the remaining intersections (either endpoints or gaps) for (; i < numIntersections; i++) { if (intersectionFlags[i] & IntersectionFlags::IS_ENDPOINT) { for (int j=0; j intersections[2*location]) { dir = Endpoint::Direction::RIGHT; } else if (intersections[2*i + 1] > intersections[2*location + 1]) { // y coordinate is 0 (bottom) 1 (top), so this check is reversed. dir = Endpoint::Direction::UP; } else { dir = Endpoint::Direction::DOWN; } int x = 2 * (location % ((_width + 1) / 2)); int y = (_height - 1) - 2 * (location / ((_width + 1) / 2)); _endpoints.push_back(Endpoint(x, y, dir)); } } } } } void Panel::WriteIntersections(int id) { std::vector intersections; std::vector intersectionFlags; std::pair, std::vector> connections; double min = 0.1; double max = 0.9; double width_interval = (max - min) / (_width - 1); double height_interval = (max - min) / (_height - 1); for (int y=0; y<_height; y++) { for (int x=0; x<_width; x++) { intersections.push_back(min + x * width_interval); intersections.push_back(min + y * height_interval); int flags = 0; if (find(_startpoints, {x, y}) != -1) flags |= IntersectionFlags::IS_STARTPOINT; intersectionFlags.push_back(flags); if (y > 0) { connections.first.push_back(y * _width + x); connections.second.push_back((y - 1) * _width + x); } if (x > 0) { connections.first.push_back(y * _width + x); connections.second.push_back(y * _width + (x - 1)); } } } for (Endpoint endpoint : _endpoints) { float xPos = min + endpoint.GetX() * width_interval; float yPos = min + endpoint.GetY() * height_interval; if (endpoint.GetDir()== Endpoint::Direction::LEFT) { xPos -= .05f; } else if (endpoint.GetDir() == Endpoint::Direction::RIGHT) { xPos += .05f; } else if (endpoint.GetDir() == Endpoint::Direction::UP) { yPos += .05f; // Y position goes from 0 (bottom) to 1 (top), so this is reversed. } else if (endpoint.GetDir() == Endpoint::Direction::DOWN) { yPos -= .05f; } intersections.push_back(xPos); intersections.push_back(yPos); connections.first.push_back(endpoint.GetY() * _width + endpoint.GetX()); // Target to connect to connections.second.push_back(intersectionFlags.size()); // This endpoint intersectionFlags.push_back(IntersectionFlags::IS_ENDPOINT); } _memory.WritePanelData(id, NUM_DOTS, {static_cast(intersectionFlags.size())}); _memory.WriteArray(id, DOT_POSITIONS, intersections); _memory.WriteArray(id, DOT_FLAGS, intersectionFlags); _memory.WritePanelData(id, NUM_CONNECTIONS, {static_cast(connections.first.size())}); _memory.WriteArray(id, DOT_CONNECTION_A, connections.first); _memory.WriteArray(id, DOT_CONNECTION_B, connections.second); _memory.WritePanelData(id, NEEDS_REDRAW, {1}); }