#include "statement.h" #include #include #include "filter.h" #include "util.h" #include "order.h" namespace verbly { statement::statement( object context, filter queryFilter) : statement(context, getTableForContext(context), queryFilter.compact().normalize(context)) { } std::string statement::getQueryString(std::list select, order sortOrder, int limit, bool debug) const { std::stringstream queryStream; if (!withs_.empty()) { queryStream << "WITH RECURSIVE "; std::list ctes; for (const with& cte : withs_) { std::stringstream cteStream; cteStream << cte.getIdentifier(); cteStream << " AS (SELECT "; cteStream << cte.getTopTable(); cteStream << ".* FROM "; cteStream << cte.getTableForId(cte.getTopTable()); cteStream << " AS "; cteStream << cte.getTopTable(); for (const join& j : cte.getJoins()) { cteStream << " "; cteStream << j; } if (cte.getCondition().getType() != condition::type::empty) { cteStream << " WHERE "; cteStream << cte.getCondition().flatten().toSql(true, debug); } if (cte.isRecursive()) { cteStream << " UNION SELECT l.* FROM "; cteStream << cte.getIdentifier(); cteStream << " AS t INNER JOIN "; cteStream << cte.getField().getTable(); cteStream << " AS j ON t."; cteStream << cte.getField().getColumn(); cteStream << " = j."; cteStream << cte.getField().getForeignJoinColumn(); cteStream << " INNER JOIN "; cteStream << cte.getTableForId(cte.getTopTable()); cteStream << " AS l ON j."; cteStream << cte.getField().getJoinColumn(); cteStream << " = l."; cteStream << cte.getField().getColumn(); } cteStream << ")"; ctes.push_back(cteStream.str()); } queryStream << implode(std::begin(ctes), std::end(ctes), ", "); queryStream << " "; } std::list realSelect; for (std::string& s : select) { realSelect.push_back(topTable_ + "." + s); } queryStream << "SELECT "; queryStream << implode(std::begin(realSelect), std::end(realSelect), ", "); queryStream << " FROM "; queryStream << tables_.at(topTable_); queryStream << " AS "; queryStream << topTable_; for (const join& j : joins_) { queryStream << " "; queryStream << j; } if (topCondition_.getType() != condition::type::empty) { queryStream << " WHERE "; queryStream << topCondition_.flatten().toSql(true, debug); } queryStream << " GROUP BY "; queryStream << topTable_; queryStream << "."; queryStream << select.front(); queryStream << " ORDER BY "; switch (sortOrder.getType()) { case order::type::random: { queryStream << "RANDOM()"; break; } case order::type::field: { queryStream << topTable_; queryStream << "."; queryStream << sortOrder.getSortField().getColumn(); break; } } if (limit > 0) { queryStream << " LIMIT "; queryStream << limit; } return queryStream.str(); } std::list statement::getBindings() const { std::list result; for (const with& w : withs_) { for (binding value : w.getCondition().flattenBindings()) { result.push_back(std::move(value)); } } for (binding value : topCondition_.flattenBindings()) { result.push_back(std::move(value)); } return result; } statement::statement( object context, std::string tableName, filter clause, int nextTableId, int nextWithId) : context_(context), nextTableId_(nextTableId), nextWithId_(nextWithId), topTable_(instantiateTable(std::move(tableName))), topCondition_(parseFilter(std::move(clause))) { } /** * This function recursively parses the query's filter condition. It is not * idempotent. It returns a condition object representing the passed filter, * but it also modifies the statement object, specifically by adding any joins * and CTEs that may be required to represent the passed filter. This may also * involve instantiating tables. */ statement::condition statement::parseFilter(filter clause) { switch (clause.getType()) { case filter::type::empty: { return {}; } case filter::type::singleton: { switch (clause.getField().getType()) { case field::type::undefined: { return {}; } // For primitive type filters, all we need to do is translate the // filter object directly into a condition object. No joins are // necessary. case field::type::string: case field::type::integer: case field::type::boolean: { switch (clause.getComparison()) { case filter::comparison::is_null: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), true); } case filter::comparison::is_not_null: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), false); } case filter::comparison::int_equals: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::equals, clause.getIntegerArgument()); } case filter::comparison::int_does_not_equal: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::does_not_equal, clause.getIntegerArgument()); } case filter::comparison::int_is_at_least: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::is_at_least, clause.getIntegerArgument()); } case filter::comparison::int_is_greater_than: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::is_greater_than, clause.getIntegerArgument()); } case filter::comparison::int_is_at_most: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::is_at_most, clause.getIntegerArgument()); } case filter::comparison::int_is_less_than: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::is_less_than, clause.getIntegerArgument()); } case filter::comparison::boolean_equals: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::equals, clause.getBooleanArgument() ? 1 : 0); } case filter::comparison::string_equals: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::equals, clause.getStringArgument()); } case filter::comparison::string_does_not_equal: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::does_not_equal, clause.getStringArgument()); } case filter::comparison::string_is_like: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::is_like, clause.getStringArgument()); } case filter::comparison::string_is_not_like: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::is_not_like, clause.getStringArgument()); } case filter::comparison::field_equals: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::equals, {"", clause.getCompareField().getColumn()}, clause.getCompareField().getObject()); } case filter::comparison::field_does_not_equal: { return condition(topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), condition::comparison::does_not_equal, {"", clause.getCompareField().getColumn()}, clause.getCompareField().getObject()); } case filter::comparison::matches: case filter::comparison::does_not_match: case filter::comparison::hierarchally_matches: case filter::comparison::does_not_hierarchally_match: { throw std::logic_error("Invalid comparison type for field"); } } } case field::type::join: case field::type::join_where: { // First, figure out what table we need to join against. std::string joinTableName; object joinContext = object::undefined; if (clause.getField().hasTable()) { joinTableName = clause.getField().getTable(); } else { joinContext = clause.getField().getJoinObject(); joinTableName = getTableForContext(joinContext); } filter joinCondition = clause.getJoinCondition(); // If this is a condition join, we need to add the field join // condition to the clause. if (clause.getField().getType() == field::type::join_where) { joinCondition &= (field::integerField(joinTableName.c_str(), clause.getField().getConditionColumn()) == clause.getField().getConditionValue()); } // Instantiate a CTE in case we need one. This is necessary because // the nextWithId is propagated in the instantiation of the joinStmt // below. std::string withName = instantiateWith(joinTableName); // Recursively parse the subquery, and therefore obtain an // instantiated table to join against, as well as any joins or CTEs // that the subquery may require to function. statement joinStmt( joinContext, joinTableName, std::move(joinCondition).normalize(clause.getField().getJoinObject()), nextTableId_, nextWithId_); std::string joinTable = joinStmt.topTable_; if (clause.getComparison() == filter::comparison::does_not_match) { // If the comparison is actually a negative filter, we can't just // integrate the subquery statement into this statement and then // join against it. Even if we LEFT JOIN against the subquery's // top level table and then condition on the join column being // NULL, if that table joins against any other table, the query // will return zero results. Instead, we create a non-recursive // CTE that represents the subquery, then LEFT JOIN against it and // condition on the join column being NULL as before. std::string withInstName = instantiateTable(withName); // LEFT JOIN against the CTE. joins_.emplace_back( true, withName, topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), withInstName, clause.getField().getColumn()); // All CTEs have to be in the main statement, so integrate any // CTEs that our subquery uses. Also, retrieve the table mapping, // joins list, and subquery condition, and use them to create the // CTE. std::map cteTables = std::move(joinStmt.tables_); std::list cteJoins = std::move(joinStmt.joins_); condition cteCondition = integrate(std::move(joinStmt), true); withs_.emplace_back( std::move(withName), clause.getField(), std::move(cteTables), std::move(joinTable), std::move(cteCondition), std::move(cteJoins), false); // Condition on the join column being NULL, which causes the query // to only return results that do not match the subquery. return condition(std::move(withInstName), clause.getField().getColumn(), true); } else { // INNER JOIN against the top table of the subquery. joins_.emplace_back( false, std::move(joinTableName), topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), std::move(joinTable), clause.getField().getColumn()); // Integrate the subquery's table mappings, joins, and CTEs into // this statement, and return the subquery condition as our // condition. return integrate(std::move(joinStmt)); } } case field::type::join_through: case field::type::join_through_where: { // Instantiate a CTE in case we need one. This is necessary because // the nextWithId is propagated in the instantiation of the joinStmt // below. std::string withName = instantiateWith(clause.getField().getTable()); // Recursively parse the subquery, and therefore obtain an // instantiated table to join against, as well as any joins or CTEs // that the subquery may require to function. statement joinStmt( clause.getField().getJoinObject(), getTableForContext(clause.getField().getJoinObject()), clause.getJoinCondition().normalize(clause.getField().getJoinObject()), nextTableId_, nextWithId_); std::string joinTable = joinStmt.topTable_; if (clause.getComparison() == filter::comparison::does_not_match) { // If the comparison is actually a negative filter, we can't just // integrate the subquery statement into this statement and then // join against it. Even if we LEFT JOIN against the subquery's // through table and then condition on the join column being NULL, // the query will return zero results because the through table // joins against the subquery's top level table. Instead, we // create a non-recursive CTE that represents the through table // joined against the subquery, then LEFT JOIN against it and // condition on the join column being NULL as before. std::string withInstName = instantiateTable(withName); // LEFT JOIN against the CTE. joins_.emplace_back( true, withName, topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), withInstName, clause.getField().getJoinColumn()); // Modify the substatement such that the through table is the top // table, and such that it joins against the previous top table. std::string throughTable = joinStmt.instantiateTable(clause.getField().getTable()); joinStmt.joins_.emplace_back( false, getTableForContext(clause.getField().getJoinObject()), throughTable, clause.getField().getForeignJoinColumn(), std::move(joinTable), clause.getField().getForeignColumn()); joinStmt.topTable_ = throughTable; // All CTEs have to be in the main statement, so integrate any // CTEs that our subquery uses. Also, retrieve the table mapping, // joins list, and subquery condition, and use them to create the // CTE. std::map cteTables = std::move(joinStmt.tables_); std::list cteJoins = std::move(joinStmt.joins_); condition cteCondition = integrate(std::move(joinStmt), true); // If this is a condition join, add the condition. if (clause.getField().getType() == field::type::join_through_where) { cteCondition &= condition( throughTable, clause.getField().getConditionColumn(), condition::comparison::equals, clause.getField().getConditionValue()); } withs_.emplace_back( std::move(withName), clause.getField(), std::move(cteTables), std::move(throughTable), std::move(cteCondition), std::move(cteJoins), false); // Condition on the join column being NULL, which causes the query // to only return results that do not match the subquery. return condition(std::move(withInstName), clause.getField().getJoinColumn(), true); } else { // Instantiate the through table. std::string throughTable = instantiateTable(clause.getField().getTable()); // INNER JOIN against the through table. joins_.emplace_back( false, clause.getField().getTable(), topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), throughTable, clause.getField().getJoinColumn()); // INNER JOIN from the through table to the top table of the subquery. joins_.emplace_back( false, getTableForContext(clause.getField().getJoinObject()), throughTable, clause.getField().getForeignJoinColumn(), std::move(joinTable), clause.getField().getForeignColumn()); // Integrate the subquery's table mappings, joins, and CTEs into // this statement, and return the subquery condition as our // condition. condition resultCond = integrate(std::move(joinStmt)); // If this is a condition join, add the condition. if (clause.getField().getType() == field::type::join_through_where) { resultCond &= condition( throughTable, clause.getField().getConditionColumn(), condition::comparison::equals, clause.getField().getConditionValue()); } return std::move(resultCond); } } case field::type::hierarchal_join: { // Create a recursive CTE that represents the results of the subquery. std::string withName = instantiateWith(clause.getField().getTable()); std::string withInstName = instantiateTable(withName); // If we are matching against the subquery, we INNER JOIN with the // CTE. If we are negatively matching the subquery, we LEFT JOIN // with the CTE. bool outer = false; if (clause.getComparison() == filter::comparison::does_not_hierarchally_match) { outer = true; } // Join against the CTE. joins_.emplace_back( outer, withName, topTable_, clause.getField().getColumn(), withInstName, clause.getField().getColumn()); // Recursively parse the subquery in order to create the CTE. statement withStmt( clause.getField().getObject(), getTableForContext(clause.getField().getObject()), clause.getJoinCondition().normalize(clause.getField().getObject()), nextTableId_, nextWithId_); // All CTEs have to be in the main statement, so integrate any CTEs // that our subquery uses. Also, retrieve the table mapping, joins // list, and subquery condition, and use them to create the CTE. std::string cteTopTable = std::move(withStmt.topTable_); std::map cteTables = std::move(withStmt.tables_); std::list cteJoins = std::move(withStmt.joins_); condition cteCondition = integrate(std::move(withStmt), true); withs_.emplace_back( std::move(withName), clause.getField(), std::move(cteTables), std::move(cteTopTable), std::move(cteCondition), std::move(cteJoins), true); // If we are matching against the subquery, no condition is // necessary. If we are negatively matching the subquery, we // condition on the join column being NULL. if (clause.getComparison() == filter::comparison::does_not_hierarchally_match) { return condition(withInstName, clause.getField().getColumn(), true); } else { return {}; } } } } case filter::type::group: { condition grp(clause.getOrlogic()); for (const filter& child : clause) { condition newChild = parseFilter(child); if (newChild.getType() != condition::type::empty) { grp += std::move(newChild); } } if (grp.getChildren().empty()) { grp = {}; } return grp; } case filter::type::mask: { condition result = parseFilter(clause.getMaskFilter()); if (result.getType() == condition::type::empty) { return {}; } else { return result; } } } } std::string statement::instantiateTable(std::string name) { std::string identifier = name + "_" + std::to_string(nextTableId_++); tables_[identifier] = name; return identifier; } std::string statement::instantiateWith(std::string name) { return name + "_tree_" + std::to_string(nextWithId_++); } /** * This method integrates the parts of a recursively generated statement into * this statement. This is used because filters are recursive objects, but * statements need to be flat to be compiled into a SQL query. Thus, all CTEs * have to be in the main statement, and all table mappings & joins that * aren't part of a CTE have to be in the main statement as well. Finally, we * need to copy up the next ID fields in order to properly prevent ID reuse. */ statement::condition statement::integrate(statement subStmt, bool cte) { if (!cte) { for (auto& mapping : subStmt.tables_) { tables_[mapping.first] = mapping.second; } for (auto& j : subStmt.joins_) { joins_.push_back(j); } } for (auto& w : subStmt.withs_) { withs_.push_back(w); } nextTableId_ = subStmt.nextTableId_; nextWithId_ = subStmt.nextWithId_; return subStmt.topCondition_.resolveCompareFields(context_, topTable_); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& oss, const statement::join& j) { if (j.isOuterJoin()) { oss << "LEFT"; } else { oss << "INNER"; } return oss << " JOIN " << j.getForeignTableName() << " AS " << j.getForeignTable() << " ON " << j.getForeignTable() << "." << j.getForeignColumn() << " = " << j.getJoinTable() << "." << j.getJoinColumn(); } statement::condition::condition(const condition& other) { type_ = other.type_; switch (type_) { case type::empty: { break; } case type::singleton: { new(&singleton_.table_) std::string(other.singleton_.table_); new(&singleton_.column_) std::string(other.singleton_.column_); singleton_.comparison_ = other.singleton_.comparison_; new(&singleton_.value_) binding(other.singleton_.value_); singleton_.parentObject_ = other.singleton_.parentObject_; break; } case type::group: { new(&group_.children_) std::list(other.group_.children_); group_.orlogic_ = other.group_.orlogic_; break; } } } statement::condition::condition(condition&& other) : condition() { swap(*this, other); } statement::condition& statement::condition::operator=(condition other) { swap(*this, other); return *this; } void swap(statement::condition& first, statement::condition& second) { using type = statement::condition::type; using condition = statement::condition; type tempType = first.type_; std::string tempTable; std::string tempColumn; condition::comparison tempComparison; binding tempBinding; object tempParentObject; std::list tempChildren; bool tempOrlogic; switch (tempType) { case type::empty: { break; } case type::singleton: { tempTable = std::move(first.singleton_.table_); tempColumn = std::move(first.singleton_.column_); tempComparison = first.singleton_.comparison_; tempBinding = std::move(first.singleton_.value_); tempParentObject = first.singleton_.parentObject_; break; } case type::group: { tempChildren = std::move(first.group_.children_); tempOrlogic = first.group_.orlogic_; break; } } first.~condition(); first.type_ = second.type_; switch (first.type_) { case type::empty: { break; } case type::singleton: { new(&first.singleton_.table_) std::string(std::move(second.singleton_.table_)); new(&first.singleton_.column_) std::string(std::move(second.singleton_.column_)); first.singleton_.comparison_ = second.singleton_.comparison_; new(&first.singleton_.value_) binding(std::move(second.singleton_.value_)); first.singleton_.parentObject_ = second.singleton_.parentObject_; break; } case type::group: { new(&first.group_.children_) std::list(std::move(second.group_.children_)); first.group_.orlogic_ = second.group_.orlogic_; break; } } second.~condition(); second.type_ = tempType; switch (second.type_) { case type::empty: { break; } case type::singleton: { new(&second.singleton_.table_) std::string(std::move(tempTable)); new(&second.singleton_.column_) std::string(std::move(tempColumn)); second.singleton_.comparison_ = tempComparison; new(&second.singleton_.value_) binding(std::move(tempBinding)); second.singleton_.parentObject_ = tempParentObject; break; } case type::group: { new(&second.group_.children_) std::list(std::move(tempChildren)); second.group_.orlogic_ = tempOrlogic; break; } } } statement::condition::~condition() { switch (type_) { case type::empty: { break; } case type::singleton: { using string_type = std::string; singleton_.table_.~string_type(); singleton_.column_.~string_type(); singleton_.value_.~binding(); break; } case type::group: { using list_type = std::list; group_.children_.~list_type(); break; } } } statement::condition::condition() : type_(type::empty) { } statement::condition::condition( std::string table, std::string column, bool isNull) : type_(type::singleton) { new(&singleton_.table_) std::string(std::move(table)); new(&singleton_.column_) std::string(std::move(column)); if (isNull) { singleton_.comparison_ = comparison::is_null; } else { singleton_.comparison_ = comparison::is_not_null; } singleton_.parentObject_ = object::undefined; } statement::condition::condition( std::string table, std::string column, comparison comp, binding value, object parentObject) : type_(type::singleton) { new(&singleton_.table_) std::string(std::move(table)); new(&singleton_.column_) std::string(std::move(column)); singleton_.comparison_ = comp; new(&singleton_.value_) binding(std::move(value)); singleton_.parentObject_ = parentObject; } std::string statement::condition::toSql(bool toplevel, bool debug) const { switch (type_) { case type::empty: { return ""; } case type::singleton: { switch (singleton_.comparison_) { case comparison::equals: { if (debug) { switch (singleton_.value_.getType()) { case binding::type::string: { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " = \"" + singleton_.value_.getString() + "\""; } case binding::type::integer: { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " = " + std::to_string(singleton_.value_.getInteger()); } case binding::type::field: { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " = " + singleton_.value_.getTable() + "." + singleton_.value_.getColumn(); } case binding::type::invalid: { throw std::logic_error("Invalid binding in statement generation"); } } } else { if (singleton_.value_.getType() == binding::type::field) { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " = " + singleton_.value_.getTable() + "." + singleton_.value_.getColumn(); } else { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " = ?"; } } } case comparison::does_not_equal: { if (debug) { switch (singleton_.value_.getType()) { case binding::type::string: { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " != \"" + singleton_.value_.getString() + "\""; } case binding::type::integer: { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " != " + std::to_string(singleton_.value_.getInteger()); } case binding::type::field: { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " != " + singleton_.value_.getTable() + "." + singleton_.value_.getColumn(); } case binding::type::invalid: { throw std::logic_error("Invalid binding in statement generation"); } } } else { if (singleton_.value_.getType() == binding::type::field) { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " != " + singleton_.value_.getTable() + "." + singleton_.value_.getColumn(); } else { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " != ?"; } } } case comparison::is_greater_than: { if (debug) { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " > " + std::to_string(singleton_.value_.getInteger()); } else { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " > ?"; } } case comparison::is_at_most: { if (debug) { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " <= " + std::to_string(singleton_.value_.getInteger()); } else { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " <= ?"; } } case comparison::is_less_than: { if (debug) { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " < " + std::to_string(singleton_.value_.getInteger()); } else { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " < ?"; } } case comparison::is_at_least: { if (debug) { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " >= " + std::to_string(singleton_.value_.getInteger()); } else { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " >= ?"; } } case comparison::is_like: { if (debug) { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " LIKE \"" + singleton_.value_.getString() + "\""; } else { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " LIKE ?"; } } case comparison::is_not_like: { if (debug) { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " NOT LIKE \"" + singleton_.value_.getString() + "\""; } else { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " NOT LIKE ?"; } } case comparison::is_not_null: { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " IS NOT NULL"; } case comparison::is_null: { return singleton_.table_ + "." + singleton_.column_ + " IS NULL"; } } } case type::group: { std::list clauses; for (const condition& cond : group_.children_) { clauses.push_back(cond.toSql(false, debug)); } if (clauses.empty()) { return ""; } else if (clauses.size() == 1) { return clauses.front(); } else { std::string result = implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), group_.orlogic_ ? " OR " : " AND "); if (toplevel) { return result; } else { return "(" + result + ")"; } } } } } std::list statement::condition::flattenBindings() const { switch (type_) { case type::empty: { return {}; } case type::singleton: { if (singleton_.value_.getType() == binding::type::field) { return {}; } else { switch (singleton_.comparison_) { case comparison::equals: case comparison::does_not_equal: case comparison::is_greater_than: case comparison::is_at_most: case comparison::is_less_than: case comparison::is_at_least: case comparison::is_like: case comparison::is_not_like: { return {singleton_.value_}; } case comparison::is_not_null: case comparison::is_null: { return {}; } } } } case type::group: { std::list bindings; for (const condition& cond : group_.children_) { for (binding value : cond.flattenBindings()) { bindings.push_back(std::move(value)); } } return bindings; } } } statement::condition::condition(bool orlogic) : type_(type::group) { new(&group_.children_) std::list(); group_.orlogic_ = orlogic; } statement::condition& statement::condition::operator+=(condition n) { if (type_ == type::group) { group_.children_.push_back(std::move(n)); return *this; } else { throw std::domain_error("Cannot add condition to non-group condition"); } } statement::condition& statement::condition::operator&=(condition n) { switch (type_) { case type::empty: { *this = std::move(n); break; } case type::singleton: { condition grp(false); grp += *this; grp += std::move(n); *this = grp; break; } case type::group: { *this += std::move(n); break; } } return *this; } const std::list& statement::condition::getChildren() const { if (type_ == type::group) { return group_.children_; } else { throw std::domain_error("Cannot get children of non-group condition"); } } statement::condition statement::condition::flatten() const { switch (type_) { case type::empty: case type::singleton: { return *this; } case type::group: { condition result(group_.orlogic_); for (const condition& child : group_.children_) { condition newChild = child.flatten(); if ((newChild.type_ == type::group) && (newChild.group_.orlogic_ == group_.orlogic_)) { for (condition subChild : std::move(newChild.group_.children_)) { result += std::move(subChild); } } else { result += std::move(newChild); } } return result; } } } statement::condition statement::condition::resolveCompareFields(object context, std::string tableName) const { switch (type_) { case type::empty: { return *this; } case type::singleton: { if ((singleton_.parentObject_ != object::undefined) && (singleton_.parentObject_ == context)) { return condition(singleton_.table_, singleton_.column_, singleton_.comparison_, {tableName, singleton_.value_.getColumn()}); } else { return *this; } } case type::group: { condition result(group_.orlogic_); for (const condition& cond : group_.children_) { result += cond.resolveCompareFields(context, tableName); } return result; } } } };