#include "verbly.h" namespace verbly { noun_query::noun_query(const data& _data) : _data(_data) { } noun_query& noun_query::limit(int _limit) { if ((_limit > 0) || (_limit == unlimited)) { this->_limit = _limit; } return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::random() { this->_random = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::except(const noun& _word) { _except.push_back(_word); return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::rhymes_with(const word& _word) { for (auto rhyme : _word.rhyme_phonemes()) { _rhymes.push_back(rhyme); } if (dynamic_cast(&_word) != nullptr) { _except.push_back(dynamic_cast(_word)); } return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::has_pronunciation() { this->_has_prn = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::with_singular_form(std::string _arg) { _with_singular_form.push_back(_arg); return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::with_prefix(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _with_prefix = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::with_suffix(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _with_suffix = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::requires_plural_form() { _requires_plural_form = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::with_complexity(int _arg) { _with_complexity = _arg; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_hypernym() { _is_hypernym = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::hypernym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _hypernym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::full_hypernym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _full_hypernym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_hyponym() { _is_hyponym = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::hyponym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _hyponym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::full_hyponym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _full_hyponym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_part_meronym() { _is_part_meronym = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::part_meronym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _part_meronym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::full_part_meronym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _full_part_meronym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_part_holonym() { _is_part_holonym = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::part_holonym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _part_holonym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::full_part_holonym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _full_part_holonym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_substance_meronym() { _is_substance_meronym = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::substance_meronym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _substance_meronym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::full_substance_meronym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _full_substance_meronym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_substance_holonym() { _is_substance_holonym = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::substance_holonym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _substance_holonym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::full_substance_holonym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _full_substance_holonym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_member_meronym() { _is_member_meronym = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::member_meronym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _member_meronym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::full_member_meronym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _full_member_meronym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_member_holonym() { _is_member_holonym = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::member_holonym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _member_holonym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::full_member_holonym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _full_member_holonym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_proper() { _is_proper = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_not_proper() { _is_not_proper = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_instance() { _is_instance = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::instance_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _instance_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_class() { _is_class = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::class_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _class_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::has_synonyms() { _has_synonyms = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::synonym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _synonym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::has_antonyms() { _has_antonyms = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::antonym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _antonym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::has_pertainym() { _has_pertainym = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::anti_pertainym_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _anti_pertainym_of = _f; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::is_attribute() { _is_attribute = true; return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::attribute_of(filter _f) { _f.clean(); _attribute_of = _f; return *this; } /* noun_query& noun_query::derived_from(const word& _w) { if (dynamic_cast(&_w) != nullptr) { _derived_from_adjective.push_back(dynamic_cast(_w)); } else if (dynamic_cast(&_w) != nullptr) { _derived_from_adverb.push_back(dynamic_cast(_w)); } else if (dynamic_cast(&_w) != nullptr) { _derived_from_noun.push_back(dynamic_cast(_w)); } return *this; } noun_query& noun_query::not_derived_from(const word& _w) { if (dynamic_cast(&_w) != nullptr) { _not_derived_from_adjective.push_back(dynamic_cast(_w)); } else if (dynamic_cast(&_w) != nullptr) { _not_derived_from_adverb.push_back(dynamic_cast(_w)); } else if (dynamic_cast(&_w) != nullptr) { _not_derived_from_noun.push_back(dynamic_cast(_w)); } return *this; }*/ std::list noun_query::run() const { std::stringstream construct; if (!_full_hypernym_of.empty() || !_full_hyponym_of.empty() || !_full_part_meronym_of.empty() || !_full_part_holonym_of.empty() || !_full_substance_meronym_of.empty() || !_full_substance_holonym_of.empty() || !_full_member_meronym_of.empty() || !_full_member_holonym_of.empty()) { construct << "WITH RECURSIVE "; std::list ctes; for (auto hyponym : _full_hypernym_of.uniq_flatten()) { ctes.push_back("hypernym_tree_" + std::to_string(hyponym._id) + " AS (SELECT hypernym_id FROM hypernymy WHERE hyponym_id = " + std::to_string(hyponym._id) + " UNION SELECT h.hypernym_id FROM hypernym_tree_" + std::to_string(hyponym._id) + " AS t INNER JOIN hypernymy AS h ON t.hypernym_id = h.hyponym_id)"); } for (auto hypernym : _full_hyponym_of.uniq_flatten()) { ctes.push_back("hyponym_tree_" + std::to_string(hypernym._id) + " AS (SELECT hyponym_id FROM hypernymy WHERE hypernym_id = " + std::to_string(hypernym._id) + " UNION SELECT h.hyponym_id FROM hyponym_tree_" + std::to_string(hypernym._id) + " AS t INNER JOIN hypernymy AS h ON t.hyponym_id = h.hypernym_id)"); } for (auto holonym : _full_part_meronym_of.uniq_flatten()) { ctes.push_back("part_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(holonym._id) + " AS (SELECT meronym_id FROM part_meronymy WHERE holonym_id = " + std::to_string(holonym._id) + " UNION SELECT h.meronym_id FROM part_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(holonym._id) + " AS t INNER JOIN part_meronymy AS h ON t.meronym_id = h.holonym_id)"); } for (auto meronym : _full_part_holonym_of.uniq_flatten()) { ctes.push_back("part_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(meronym._id) + " AS (SELECT holonym_id FROM part_meronymy WHERE meronym_id = " + std::to_string(meronym._id) + " UNION SELECT h.holonym_id FROM part_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(meronym._id) + " AS t INNER JOIN part_meronymy AS h ON t.holonym_id = h.meronym_id)"); } for (auto holonym : _full_substance_meronym_of.uniq_flatten()) { ctes.push_back("substance_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(holonym._id) + " AS (SELECT meronym_id FROM substance_meronymy WHERE holonym_id = " + std::to_string(holonym._id) + " UNION SELECT h.meronym_id FROM substance_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(holonym._id) + " AS t INNER JOIN substance_meronymy AS h ON t.meronym_id = h.holonym_id)"); } for (auto meronym : _full_substance_holonym_of.uniq_flatten()) { ctes.push_back("substance_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(meronym._id) + " AS (SELECT holonym_id FROM substance_meronymy WHERE meronym_id = " + std::to_string(meronym._id) + " UNION SELECT h.holonym_id FROM substance_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(meronym._id) + " AS t INNER JOIN substance_meronymy AS h ON t.holonym_id = h.meronym_id)"); } for (auto holonym : _full_member_meronym_of.uniq_flatten()) { ctes.push_back("member_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(holonym._id) + " AS (SELECT meronym_id FROM member_meronymy WHERE holonym_id = " + std::to_string(holonym._id) + " UNION SELECT h.meronym_id FROM member_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(holonym._id) + " AS t INNER JOIN member_meronymy AS h ON t.meronym_id = h.holonym_id)"); } for (auto meronym : _full_member_holonym_of.uniq_flatten()) { ctes.push_back("member_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(meronym._id) + " AS (SELECT holonym_id FROM member_meronymy WHERE meronym_id = " + std::to_string(meronym._id) + " UNION SELECT h.holonym_id FROM member_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(meronym._id) + " AS t INNER JOIN member_meronymy AS h ON t.holonym_id = h.meronym_id)"); } construct << verbly::implode(std::begin(ctes), std::end(ctes), ", "); construct << " "; } construct << "SELECT noun_id, singular, plural FROM nouns"; std::list conditions; if (_has_prn) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT noun_id FROM noun_pronunciations)"); } if (!_rhymes.empty()) { std::list clauses(_rhymes.size(), "pronunciation LIKE @RHMPRN"); std::string cond = "noun_id IN (SELECT noun_id FROM noun_pronunciations WHERE " + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; conditions.push_back(cond); } for (auto except : _except) { conditions.push_back("noun_id != @EXCID"); } if (!_with_singular_form.empty()) { std::list clauses(_with_singular_form.size(), "singular = @SFORM"); std::string cond = "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; conditions.push_back(cond); } if (_requires_plural_form) { conditions.push_back("plural IS NOT NULL"); } if (!_with_prefix.empty()) { std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "singular LIKE @PREFIX"; } else { return "singular NOT LIKE @PREFIX"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; conditions.push_back(recur(_with_prefix, false)); } if (!_with_suffix.empty()) { std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "singular LIKE @SUFFIX"; } else { return "singular NOT LIKE @SUFFIX"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; conditions.push_back(recur(_with_suffix, false)); } if (_with_complexity != unlimited) { conditions.push_back("complexity = @COMPLEX"); } if (_is_hypernym) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT hypernym_id FROM hypernymy)"); } if (!_hypernym_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_hypernym_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT hypernym_id FROM hypernymy WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "hyponym_id = @HYPO"; } else { return "hyponym_id != @HYPO"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_hypernym_of, _hypernym_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (!_full_hypernym_of.empty()) { std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "noun_id IN (SELECT hypernym_id FROM hypernym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } else { return "noun_id NOT IN (SELECT hypernym_id FROM hypernym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; conditions.push_back(recur(_full_hypernym_of, false)); } if (!_full_hyponym_of.empty()) { std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "noun_id IN (SELECT hyponym_id FROM hyponym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } else { return "noun_id NOT IN (SELECT hyponym_id FROM hyponym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; conditions.push_back(recur(_full_hyponym_of, false)); } if (_is_hyponym) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT hyponym_id FROM hypernymy)"); } if (!_hyponym_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_hyponym_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT hyponym_id FROM hypernymy WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "hypernym_id = @HYPER"; } else { return "hypernym_id != @HYPER"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_hyponym_of, _hyponym_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (_is_part_meronym) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT meronym_id FROM part_meronymy)"); } if (!_part_meronym_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_part_meronym_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT meronym_id FROM part_meronymy WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "holonym_id = @PHOLO"; } else { return "holonym_id != @PHOLO"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_part_meronym_of, _part_meronym_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (!_full_part_meronym_of.empty()) { std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "noun_id IN (SELECT meronym_id FROM part_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } else { return "noun_id NOT IN (SELECT meronym_id FROM part_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; conditions.push_back(recur(_full_part_meronym_of, false)); } if (_is_part_holonym) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT holonym_id FROM part_meronymy)"); } if (!_part_holonym_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_part_holonym_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT holonym_id FROM part_meronymy WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "meronym_id = @PMERO"; } else { return "meronym_id != @PMERO"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_part_holonym_of, _part_holonym_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (!_full_part_holonym_of.empty()) { std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "noun_id IN (SELECT holonym_id FROM part_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } else { return "noun_id NOT IN (SELECT holonym_id FROM part_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; conditions.push_back(recur(_full_part_holonym_of, false)); } if (_is_substance_meronym) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT meronym_id FROM substance_meronymy)"); } if (!_substance_meronym_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_substance_meronym_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT meronym_id FROM substance_meronymy WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "holonym_id = @SHOLO"; } else { return "holonym_id != @SHOLO"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_substance_meronym_of, _substance_meronym_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (!_full_substance_meronym_of.empty()) { std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "noun_id IN (SELECT meronym_id FROM substance_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } else { return "noun_id NOT IN (SELECT meronym_id FROM substance_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; conditions.push_back(recur(_full_substance_meronym_of, false)); } if (_is_substance_holonym) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT holonym_id FROM substance_meronymy)"); } if (!_substance_holonym_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_substance_holonym_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT holonym_id FROM substance_meronymy WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "meronym_id = @SMERO"; } else { return "meronym_id != @SMERO"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_substance_holonym_of, _substance_holonym_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (!_full_substance_holonym_of.empty()) { std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "noun_id IN (SELECT holonym_id FROM substance_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } else { return "noun_id NOT IN (SELECT holonym_id FROM substance_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; conditions.push_back(recur(_full_substance_holonym_of, false)); } if (_is_member_meronym) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT meronym_id FROM member_meronymy)"); } if (!_member_meronym_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_member_meronym_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT meronym_id FROM member_meronymy WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "holonym_id = @MHOLO"; } else { return "holonym_id != @MHOLO"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_member_meronym_of, _member_meronym_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (!_full_member_meronym_of.empty()) { std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "noun_id IN (SELECT meronym_id FROM member_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } else { return "noun_id NOT IN (SELECT meronym_id FROM member_meronym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; conditions.push_back(recur(_full_member_meronym_of, false)); } if (_is_member_holonym) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT holonym_id FROM member_meronym)"); } if (!_member_holonym_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_member_holonym_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT holonym_id FROM member_meronymy WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "meronym_id = @MMERO"; } else { return "meronym_id != @MMERO"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_member_holonym_of, _member_holonym_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (!_full_member_holonym_of.empty()) { std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "noun_id IN (SELECT holonym_id FROM member_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } else { return "noun_id NOT IN (SELECT holonym_id FROM member_holonym_tree_" + std::to_string(f.get_elem()._id) + ")"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; conditions.push_back(recur(_full_member_holonym_of, false)); } if (_is_proper) { conditions.push_back("proper = 1"); } if (_is_not_proper) { conditions.push_back("proper = 0"); } if (_is_instance) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT instance_id FROM instantiation)"); } if (!_instance_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_instance_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT instance_id FROM instantiation WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "class_id = @CLSID"; } else { return "class_id != @CLSID"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_instance_of, _instance_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (_is_class) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT class_id FROM instantiation)"); } if (!_class_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_class_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT class_id FROM instantiation WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "instance_id = @INSID"; } else { return "instance_id != @INSID"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_class_of, _class_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (_has_synonyms) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT noun_2_id FROM noun_synonymy)"); } if (!_synonym_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_synonym_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT noun_2_id FROM noun_synonymy WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "noun_1_id = @SYNID"; } else { return "noun_1_id != @SYNID"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_synonym_of, _synonym_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (_has_antonyms) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT noun_2_id FROM noun_antonymy)"); } if (!_antonym_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_antonym_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT noun_2_id FROM noun_antonymy WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "noun_1_id = @ANTID"; } else { return "noun_1_id != @ANTID"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_antonym_of, _antonym_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (_has_pertainym) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT noun_id FROM pertainymy)"); } if (!_anti_pertainym_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_anti_pertainym_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT noun_id FROM pertainymy WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "pertainym_id = @PERID"; } else { return "pertainym_id != @PERID"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_anti_pertainym_of, _anti_pertainym_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } if (_is_attribute) { conditions.push_back("noun_id IN (SELECT noun_id FROM variation)"); } if (!_attribute_of.empty()) { std::stringstream cond; if (_attribute_of.get_notlogic()) { cond << "noun_id NOT IN"; } else { cond << "noun_id IN"; } cond << "(SELECT noun_id FROM variation WHERE "; std::function, bool)> recur = [&] (filter f, bool notlogic) -> std::string { switch (f.get_type()) { case filter::type::singleton: { if (notlogic == f.get_notlogic()) { return "adjective_id = @VALID"; } else { return "adjective_id != @VALID"; } } case filter::type::group: { bool truelogic = notlogic != f.get_notlogic(); std::list clauses; std::transform(std::begin(f), std::end(f), std::back_inserter(clauses), [&] (filter f2) { return recur(f2, truelogic); }); if (truelogic == f.get_orlogic()) { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " AND ") + ")"; } else { return "(" + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; } } } }; cond << recur(_attribute_of, _attribute_of.get_notlogic()); cond << ")"; conditions.push_back(cond.str()); } /* if (!_derived_from_adjective.empty()) { std::list clauses(_derived_from_adjective.size(), "adjective_id = @DERADJ"); std::string cond = "noun_id IN (SELECT noun_id FROM noun_adjective_derivation WHERE " + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; conditions.push_back(cond); } if (!_not_derived_from_adjective.empty()) { std::list clauses(_not_derived_from_adjective.size(), "adjective_id = @NDERADJ"); std::string cond = "noun_id NOT IN (SELECT noun_id FROM noun_adjective_derivation WHERE " + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; conditions.push_back(cond); } if (!_derived_from_adverb.empty()) { std::list clauses(_derived_from_adverb.size(), "adverb_id = @DERADV"); std::string cond = "noun_id IN (SELECT noun_id FROM noun_adverb_derivation WHERE " + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; conditions.push_back(cond); } if (!_not_derived_from_adverb.empty()) { std::list clauses(_not_derived_from_adverb.size(), "adverb_id = @NDERADV"); std::string cond = "noun_id NOT IN (SELECT noun_id FROM noun_adverb_derivation WHERE " + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; conditions.push_back(cond); } if (!_derived_from_noun.empty()) { std::list clauses(_derived_from_noun.size(), "noun_2_id = @DERN"); std::string cond = "noun_id IN (SELECT noun_1_id FROM noun_noun_derivation WHERE " + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; conditions.push_back(cond); } if (!_not_derived_from_noun.empty()) { std::list clauses(_not_derived_from_noun.size(), "noun_2_id = @NDERN"); std::string cond = "noun_id NOT IN (SELECT noun_1_id FROM noun_noun_derivation WHERE " + verbly::implode(std::begin(clauses), std::end(clauses), " OR ") + ")"; conditions.push_back(cond); } */ if (!conditions.empty()) { construct << " WHERE "; construct << verbly::implode(std::begin(conditions), std::end(conditions), " AND "); } if (_random) { construct << " ORDER BY RANDOM()"; } if (_limit != unlimited) { construct << " LIMIT " << _limit; } sqlite3_stmt* ppstmt; std::string query = construct.str(); if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(_data.ppdb, query.c_str(), query.length(), &ppstmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { throw std::runtime_error(sqlite3_errmsg(_data.ppdb)); } if (!_rhymes.empty()) { int i = 0; for (auto rhyme : _rhymes) { std::string rhymer = "%" + rhyme; sqlite3_bind_text(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@RHMPRN"), rhymer.c_str(), rhymer.length(), SQLITE_STATIC); i++; } } for (auto except : _except) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@EXCID"), except._id); } for (auto sform : _with_singular_form) { sqlite3_bind_text(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@SFORM"), sform.c_str(), sform.size(), SQLITE_STATIC); } for (auto prefix : _with_prefix.inorder_flatten()) { std::string pfat = prefix + "%"; sqlite3_bind_text(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@PREFIX"), pfat.c_str(), pfat.length(), SQLITE_STATIC); } for (auto suffix : _with_suffix.inorder_flatten()) { std::string pfat = "%" + suffix; sqlite3_bind_text(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@SUFFIX"), pfat.c_str(), pfat.length(), SQLITE_STATIC); } if (_with_complexity != unlimited) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@COMPLEX"), _with_complexity); } for (auto hyponym : _hypernym_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@HYPO"), hyponym._id); } for (auto hypernym : _hyponym_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@HYPER"), hypernym._id); } for (auto holonym : _part_meronym_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@PHOLO"), holonym._id); } for (auto meronym : _part_holonym_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@PMERO"), meronym._id); } for (auto holonym : _substance_meronym_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@SHOLO"), holonym._id); } for (auto meronym : _substance_holonym_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@SMERO"), meronym._id); } for (auto holonym : _member_meronym_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@MHOLO"), holonym._id); } for (auto meronym : _member_holonym_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@MMERO"), meronym._id); } for (auto cls : _instance_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@CLSID"), cls._id); } for (auto inst : _class_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@INSID"), inst._id); } for (auto synonym : _synonym_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@SYNID"), synonym._id); } for (auto antonym : _antonym_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@ANTID"), antonym._id); } for (auto pertainym : _anti_pertainym_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@PERID"), pertainym._id); } for (auto value : _attribute_of.inorder_flatten()) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@VALID"), value._id); } /* for (auto adj : _derived_from_adjective) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@DERADJ"), adj._id); } for (auto adj : _not_derived_from_adjective) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@NDERADJ"), adj._id); } for (auto adv : _derived_from_adverb) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@DERADV"), adv._id); } for (auto adv : _not_derived_from_adverb) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@NDERADV"), adv._id); } for (auto n : _derived_from_noun) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@DERN"), n._id); } for (auto n : _not_derived_from_noun) { sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(ppstmt, "@NDERN"), n._id); } */ std::list output; while (sqlite3_step(ppstmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { noun tnc {_data, sqlite3_column_int(ppstmt, 0)}; tnc._singular = std::string(reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_column_text(ppstmt, 1))); if (sqlite3_column_type(ppstmt, 2) != SQLITE_NULL) { tnc._plural = std::string(reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_column_text(ppstmt, 2))); } output.push_back(tnc); } sqlite3_finalize(ppstmt); for (auto& noun : output) { query = "SELECT pronunciation FROM noun_pronunciations WHERE noun_id = ?"; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(_data.ppdb, query.c_str(), query.length(), &ppstmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { throw std::runtime_error(sqlite3_errmsg(_data.ppdb)); } sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, 1, noun._id); while (sqlite3_step(ppstmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { std::string pronunciation(reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_column_text(ppstmt, 0))); auto phonemes = verbly::split>(pronunciation, " "); noun.pronunciations.push_back(phonemes); } sqlite3_finalize(ppstmt); } return output; } };