#about-left #quotes= render @quote %p.normal Welcome to the Four Island Quotes Database! Here you can find many strange and hopefully humorous Four Island quotes. There are currently #{@qnumber} quotes in the database, and there are #{@mnumber} quotes awaiting moderation. #about-right %h3 About %p.normal The Four Island Quotes DB is a repository for humorous and memorable quotes from #{link_to "FourNet", "http://irc.fourisland.com/"} channels, instant messaging sessions, real life situations, and more. %p.normal The quotes database, in its first incarnation, was created on #{link_to "April 25th 2008", "http://www.fourisland.com/blog/quote-time/"} by hatkirby, who was inspired by #{link_to "bash.org", "http://bash.org/"} and his obsession with record-keeping to create a quotes database for Four Island. It ran on the now-defunct PHP quote management system, #{link_to "rash", "http://rqms.sourceforge.net/"}, on the subdomain "<code>quotes.fourisland.com</code>". It was rewritten by hand and integrated into Four Island (at the URL "<code>fourisland.com/quotes</code>") by hatkirby on #{link_to "June 13th 2008", "http://www.fourisland.com/blog/the-new-four-island/"} with the release of Four Island 2, dubbed The New Four Island. With the release of Four Island 3 on #{link_to "September 22nd, 2011", "http://www.fourisland.com/blog/four-island-3/"}, it was rewritten in Ruby on Rails, disassociated from Four Island and returned to its original URL. .cleardiv