class CommentsController < ApplicationController def create @blog = Blog.find_by_slug(params[:slug]) raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless @blog raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless @blog.published @comment = @comment.request_ip = request.ip @comment.user_agent = request.user_agent @comment.referrer = request.referrer unless @comment.valid? flash.alert = "Error posting comment." render "blogs/show" return end akismet_vars = %w{ HTTP_ACCEPT HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING } akismet_params = { type: "comment", text: @comment.body, created_at:, author: @comment.username, author_email:, author_url:, post_url: url_for(, post_modified_at:, referrer: @comment.referrer, env: request.env.slice(*akismet_vars) } is_spam, is_blatant = Akismet.check(@comment.request_ip, @comment.user_agent, akismet_params) if is_blatant # I am lying. flash.notice = "Comment submitted successfully! It will need to be moderated before it shows up on the blog." Global.increment_filtered_comments else if is_spam @comment.status = :pending flash_message = "Comment submitted successfully! It will need to be moderated before it shows up on the blog." else @comment.status = :published flash_message = "Comment posted successfully!" end if flash.notice = flash_message if @comment.status == :published CommentMailer.with(comment: @comment).new_comment_email.deliver_later if @comment.reply_to and != CommentMailer.with(comment: @comment).reply_comment_email.deliver_later end else # CommentMailer.with(comment: @comment).new_pending_comment_email.deliver_later # I'm disabling pending comment emails, at least for now, because I am getting too many. end else flash.alert = "Error posting comment." end end redirect_to end private def comment_params params.require(:comment).permit(:username, :email, :website, :body, :reply_to_id) end end