#include "world.h" #include #include #include #include "frame.h" #include "map.h" #include "object.h" #include "consts.h" World::World() { newMap(); rootChildren.push_back(0); empty = true; } World::World(std::string filename) { this->filename = filename; xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(filename.c_str()); if (doc == nullptr) { throw MapLoadException(filename); } xmlNodePtr top = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (top == nullptr) { throw MapLoadException(filename); } if (xmlStrcmp(top->name, (const xmlChar*) "world")) { throw MapLoadException(filename); } xmlChar* nextmapKey = xmlGetProp(top, (xmlChar*) "nextmap"); if (nextmapKey != 0) { nextMapID = atoi((char*) nextmapKey); } xmlFree(nextmapKey); xmlChar* lastmapKey = xmlGetProp(top, (xmlChar*) "lastmap"); if (lastmapKey != 0) { lastmap = atoi((char*) lastmapKey); } xmlFree(lastmapKey); xmlChar* startxKey = xmlGetProp(top, (xmlChar*) "startx"); if (startxKey == 0) throw MapLoadException(filename); startingPosition.first = atoi((char*) startxKey); xmlFree(startxKey); xmlChar* startyKey = xmlGetProp(top, (xmlChar*) "starty"); if (startyKey == 0) throw MapLoadException(filename); startingPosition.second = atoi((char*) startyKey); xmlFree(startyKey); xmlChar* startmapKey = xmlGetProp(top, (xmlChar*) "startmap"); if (startxKey == 0) throw MapLoadException(filename); startingMap = atoi((char*) startmapKey); xmlFree(startmapKey); for (xmlNodePtr node = top->xmlChildrenNode; node != NULL; node = node->next) { if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*) "root")) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (key == 0) throw MapLoadException(filename); rootChildren.push_back(atoi((char*) key)); xmlFree(key); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*) "map")) { xmlChar* idKey = xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar*) "id"); if (idKey == 0) throw MapLoadException(filename); int id = atoi((char*) idKey); xmlFree(idKey); auto map = std::make_shared(id, this); xmlChar* expandKey = xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar*) "expanded"); if ((expandKey != 0) && (!xmlStrcmp(expandKey, (const xmlChar*) "true"))) { map->setExpanded(true); } xmlFree(expandKey); xmlChar* titleKey = xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar*) "title"); if (titleKey == 0) throw MapLoadException(filename); map->setTitle((char*) titleKey, false); xmlFree(titleKey); for (xmlNodePtr mapNode = node->xmlChildrenNode; mapNode != NULL; mapNode = mapNode->next) { if (!xmlStrcmp(mapNode->name, (const xmlChar*) "environment")) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, mapNode->xmlChildrenNode, 1); int* mapdata = (int*) malloc(MAP_WIDTH*MAP_HEIGHT*sizeof(int)); mapdata[0] = atoi(strtok((char*) key, ",\n")); for (int i=1; i<(MAP_WIDTH*MAP_HEIGHT); i++) { mapdata[i] = atoi(strtok(NULL, ",\n")); } map->setMapdata(mapdata, false); xmlFree(key); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(mapNode->name, (const xmlChar*) "entity")) { auto data = std::make_shared(); xmlChar* typeKey = xmlGetProp(mapNode, (const xmlChar*) "type"); if (typeKey == 0) throw MapLoadException(filename); data->object = MapObject::getAllObjects().at((char*) typeKey).get(); xmlFree(typeKey); xmlChar* xKey = xmlGetProp(mapNode, (const xmlChar*) "x"); if (xKey == 0) throw MapLoadException(filename); data->position.first = atoi((char*) xKey); xmlFree(xKey); xmlChar* yKey = xmlGetProp(mapNode, (const xmlChar*) "y"); if (yKey == 0) throw MapLoadException(filename); data->position.second = atoi((char*) yKey); xmlFree(yKey); map->addObject(data, false); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(mapNode->name, (const xmlChar*) "adjacent")) { Map::MoveDir direction; Map::MoveType moveType; int mapId = 0; xmlChar* dirKey = xmlGetProp(mapNode, (const xmlChar*) "dir"); if (dirKey == 0) throw MapLoadException(filename); direction = Map::moveDirForShort((char*) dirKey); xmlFree(dirKey); xmlChar* typeKey = xmlGetProp(mapNode, (const xmlChar*) "type"); if (typeKey == 0) throw MapLoadException(filename); moveType = Map::moveTypeForShort((char*) typeKey); xmlFree(typeKey); xmlChar* mapIdKey = xmlGetProp(mapNode, (const xmlChar*) "map"); if (mapIdKey != 0) { mapId = atoi((char*) mapIdKey); } xmlFree(mapIdKey); map->setAdjacent(direction, moveType, mapId, false); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(mapNode->name, (const xmlChar*) "child")) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, mapNode->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (key != 0) { map->addChild(atoi((char*) key)); } xmlFree(key); } } maps[map->getID()] = map; } } xmlFreeDoc(doc); } std::shared_ptr World::newMap() { auto nm = std::make_shared(nextMapID++, this); maps[nm->getID()] = nm; return nm; } std::shared_ptr World::getMap(int id) const { return maps.at(id); } void World::setDirty(bool dirty) { if (dirty) empty = false; this->dirty = dirty; parent->MapDirtyDidChange(dirty); } bool World::getDirty() const { return dirty; } std::string World::getFilename() const { return filename; } void World::setParent(MapeditFrame* parent) { this->parent = parent; } Map* World::getLastMap() const { return getMap(lastmap).get(); } #define MY_ENCODING "ISO-8859-1" void World::save(std::string name, wxTreeCtrl* mapTree) { int rc; xmlTextWriterPtr writer = xmlNewTextWriterFilename(name.c_str(), 0); if (writer == NULL) throw MapWriteException(name); rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, MY_ENCODING, NULL); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, (xmlChar*) "world"); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // nextmap= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "nextmap", "%d", nextMapID); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // lastmap= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "lastmap", "%d", lastmap); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // startx= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "startx", "%d", startingPosition.first); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // starty= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "starty", "%d", startingPosition.second); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // startmap= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "startmap", "%d", startingMap); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // ASSUMPTION: There will always be at least one child of the invisible root element. i.e. you cannot delete to zero maps. wxTreeItemId root = mapTree->GetRootItem(); wxTreeItemIdValue cookie1; for (wxTreeItemId it = mapTree->GetFirstChild(root, cookie1); it.IsOk(); it = mapTree->GetNextChild(root, cookie1)) { // MapPtrCtr* ctl = (MapPtrCtr*) mapTree->GetItemData(it); rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, (xmlChar*) "root", "%d", ctl->map->getID()); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); } for (auto mapPair : maps) { Map& map = *mapPair.second; if (map.getHidden()) continue; // rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, (xmlChar*) "map"); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // id= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "id", "%d", map.getID()); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // expanded= wxTreeItemId node = map.getTreeItemId(); if (mapTree->IsExpanded(node)) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "expanded", (xmlChar*) "true"); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); } else { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "expanded", (xmlChar*) "false"); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); } // title= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "name", (xmlChar*) map.getTitle().c_str()); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // std::ostringstream mapdata_out; for (int y=0; y rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); for (auto object : map.getObjects()) { // rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, (xmlChar*) "entity"); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // type= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "type", (xmlChar*) object->object->getType().c_str()); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // x= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "x", "%d", object->position.first); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // y= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "y", "%d", object->position.second); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); } for (auto adjacent : map.getAdjacents()) { // rc = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, (xmlChar*) "adjacent"); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // dir= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "dir", (xmlChar*) Map::shortForMoveDir(adjacent.first).c_str()); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // type= rc = xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "type", (xmlChar*) Map::shortForMoveType(adjacent.second.type).c_str()); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); // map= if (Map::moveTypeTakesMap(adjacent.second.type)) { rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "map", "%d", adjacent.second.map); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); } // rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); } if (mapTree->ItemHasChildren(node)) { wxTreeItemIdValue cookie2; for (wxTreeItemId it = mapTree->GetFirstChild(node, cookie2); it.IsOk(); it = mapTree->GetNextChild(node, cookie2)) { // MapPtrCtr* ctl = (MapPtrCtr*) mapTree->GetItemData(it); rc = xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, (xmlChar*) "child", "%d", ctl->map->getID()); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); } } // rc = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); } // rc = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); if (rc < 0) throw MapWriteException(name); xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); setDirty(false); } std::list> World::getRootMaps() const { std::list> ret; for (auto id : rootChildren) { ret.push_back(getMap(id)); } return ret; } const std::map> World::getMaps() const { return maps; } void World::setLastMap(Map* map) { lastmap = map->getID(); } bool World::getEmpty() const { return empty; } Map* World::getStartingMap() const { return getMap(startingMap).get(); } std::pair World::getStartingPosition() const { return startingPosition; } void World::setStart(Map* map, std::pair startPos) { startingMap = map->getID(); startingPosition = startPos; setDirty(true); }