function script0001() StartCutscene() SetAnimation("boney", "barking") local barkingNoise = LoopSound("barking_at_hallucination.wav") DisplayMessage("Lucas. It's me, Flint. Your father.\n\fI found Claus. He's here. After three years I've finally found your brother.\n\fAre you ready to see him again?", "Flint", SpeakerType.MAN) ShowChoice("Yes", "No") WaitForEndOfMessage() SetAnimation("boney", "crouch") StopSound(barkingNoise) PlaySound("boney_growl.wav") if GetChoiceSelection() == 0 then DisplayMessage("I can hear the tremor in your voice, Lucas.\n\fLies are little games a mouth plays while the person attached withers away slowly.\n\fClaus is coming, whether you like it or not.\nWill you be able to look him in the eye?", "Flint", SpeakerType.MAN) else DisplayMessage("Look at me when I'm talking to you, Lucas.\n\fWhen Claus gets home, we won't need you anymore.\nYou're nothing compared to him.", "Flint", SpeakerType.MAN) end HideCutsceneBars() end