map2 = {} function map2.off_left() ChangeMap("map1", "fromRight") end function map2.mailbox1() StartCutscene() DisplayMessage("* The mailbox lid is open...\n* Peek inside?", "", SpeakerType.NONE) ShowChoice("Yes", "No") WaitForEndOfMessage() if GetChoiceSelection() == 0 then DisplayMessage("* There are lots of postcards inside.\n* Read them?", "", SpeakerType.NONE) ShowChoice("Yes", "No") WaitForEndOfMessage() if GetChoiceSelection() == 0 then DisplayMessage("* The boy named Lucas is crying at a grave.\n\f* The boy named Lucas and his dog are loitering in the forest.\n\f* The boy named Lucas is getting into trouble in the mountains.\n\f* The boy named Lucas stole Beanoff from our garden.\n\f* The boy named Lucas is bullying animals.\n\f* The boy named Lucas learned some bad magic.\n\f* The boy named Lucas ......\n\f* The boy named Lucas ......\n\f* The boy named Lucas ......\n\f* The boy named Lucas .........\n\f* The mailbox let out a tremendous scream.", "", SpeakerType.NONE) WaitForEndOfMessage() end end HideCutsceneBars() end function map2.mailbox_lightning() StartCutscene() DisplayMessage("* ...?", "", SpeakerType.NONE) WaitForEndOfMessage() SetDirection("lucas", Direction.DOWN) SetAnimation("lucas", "electrocute!") WaitForAnimation("lucas") DisplayMessage("* It was lightning.\n\fAh.", "", SpeakerType.NONE) WaitForEndOfMessage() HideCutsceneBars() end