map2 = {} function map2.off_left() ChangeMap("map1", "fromRight") end function map2.mailbox1() StartCutscene() DisplayMessage("* The mailbox lid is open...\n* Peek inside?", "", SpeakerType.NONE) ShowChoice("Yes", "No") WaitForEndOfMessage() if GetChoiceSelection() == 0 then DisplayMessage("* There are lots of postcards inside.\n* Read them?", "", SpeakerType.NONE) ShowChoice("Yes", "No") WaitForEndOfMessage() if GetChoiceSelection() == 0 then DisplayMessage("* The boy named Lucas is crying at a grave.\n\f* The boy named Lucas and his dog are loitering in the forest.\n\f* The boy named Lucas is getting into trouble in the mountains.\n\f* The boy named Lucas stole Beanoff from our garden.\n\f* The boy named Lucas is bullying animals.\n\f* The boy named Lucas learned some bad magic.\n\f* The boy named Lucas ......\n\f* The boy named Lucas ......\n\f* The boy named Lucas ......\n\f* The boy named Lucas .........\n\f* The mailbox let out a tremendous scream.", "", SpeakerType.NONE) WaitForEndOfMessage() end end HideCutsceneBars() end function map2.mailbox_lightning() StartCutscene() DisplayMessage("* The mailbox lid is open...\n* Peek inside?", "", SpeakerType.NONE) ShowChoice("Yes", "No") WaitForEndOfMessage() if GetChoiceSelection() == 1 then HideCutsceneBars() return end FadeMap(500, 0.5) WaitForMapFade() DisplayMessage("* ...?", "", SpeakerType.NONE) WaitForEndOfMessage() PlaySound("lightning_crackle.wav") Delay(1196) local lucasPos = GetPosition("lucas") CreateAnimatedSpriteAtPosition("lightning_from_mailbox", "lightning", lucasPos:x() + 56, lucasPos:y() - 72, "strike", Direction.DOWN_LEFT, SpriteLayer.ABOVE) ShakeCamera(66) PlaySound("lightning_explosion.wav") SetDirection("lucas", Direction.DOWN) SetAnimation("lucas", "lightning_electrocute!") WaitForAnimation("lucas") StopShakingCamera() DestroyNamedSprite("lightning_from_mailbox") SetAnimation("lucas", "lightning_collapse!") WaitForAnimation("lucas") FadeMap(500, 0.0) WaitForMapFade() DisplayMessage("* It was lightning.\n\fAh.", "", SpeakerType.NONE) WaitForEndOfMessage() HideCutsceneBars() end function map2.approach_doria() if gamestate.approached_doria then return end gamestate.approached_doria = true StartCutscene() SetDirection("doria", Direction.DOWN_RIGHT) SetAnimation("doria", "talk") DisplayMessage("* Oh my!\n* Is that our little Kumatora I spy? `\n* Such style! Such swagger!\nWhy, just as if she were Magifolk herself! `\n* When Ionia showed us the human she was looking after, I hardly knew what to think.", "Doria", SpeakerType.MAN) WaitForEndOfMessage() SetDirection("doria", Direction.DOWN) SetAnimation("doria", "hearts") DisplayMessage("* But what a lovely lady you've become!\n\f* You've made this old girl cry with pride! `", "Doria", SpeakerType.MAN) WaitForEndOfMessage() SetDirection("doria", Direction.DOWN_RIGHT) SetAnimation("doria", "talk") DisplayMessage("* Now I shudder to think how I'll move on once your short human life is over.\n* Ooh, get another one, I suppose!\nYes, we'll just get another human. `\nAnd the new Kumatora will be just as good, no, better than the last one!", "Doria", SpeakerType.MAN) WaitForEndOfMessage() SetDirection("doria", Direction.DOWN) SetAnimation("doria", "hairflip!") WaitForAnimation("doria") SetDirection("doria", Direction.DOWN_RIGHT) SetAnimation("doria", "still") Delay(1000) DisplayMessage("* H-hey, what do you mean ?", "Kumatora", SpeakerType.WOMAN) WaitForEndOfMessage() HideCutsceneBars() end