hallucination_mirror = {} function hallucination_mirror.mailbox() StartCutscene() DisplayMessage("* The mailbox lid is open...\n* Peek inside?", "", SpeakerType.NONE) ShowChoice("Yes", "No") WaitForEndOfMessage() if GetChoiceSelection() == 1 then HideCutsceneBars() return end DisplayMessage("* Inside the mailbox is a poem.\n* Read it?", "", SpeakerType.NONE) ShowChoice("Yes", "No") WaitForEndOfMessage() if GetChoiceSelection() == 1 then HideCutsceneBars() return end gamestate.read_mirror_message = true DisplayMessage("* \n* \n* \n\f...\n\f* You get the feeling you're being watched.", "", SpeakerType.NONE) WaitForEndOfMessage() HideCutsceneBars() end