hallucination_beach = {} function hallucination_beach.script0001() StartCutscene() SetAnimation("boney", "barking") local barkingNoise = LoopSound("barking_at_hallucination.wav") SetAnimation("flint", "talk") DisplayMessage("* Lucas. It's me, Flint. Your father.\n\f* I found Claus. He's here. After three years I've finally found your brother.\n\fAre you ready to see him again?", "Flint", SpeakerType.MAN) ShowChoice("Yes", "No") WaitForEndOfMessage() SetAnimation("boney", "crouch") StopSound(barkingNoise) PlaySound("boney_growl.wav") if GetChoiceSelection() == 0 then DisplayMessage("* I can hear the tremor in your voice, Lucas.\n\fLies are little games a mouth plays while the person attached withers away slowly.\n\fClaus is coming, whether you like it or not.\nWill you be able to look him in the eye?", "Flint", SpeakerType.MAN) else DisplayMessage("* Look at me when I'm talking to you, Lucas.\n\f* When Claus gets home, we won't need you anymore.\nYou're nothing compared to him.", "Flint", SpeakerType.MAN) end WaitForEndOfMessage() SetAnimation("flint", "still") HideCutsceneBars() end function hallucination_beach.off_right() ChangeMap("hallucination_interior", "fromLeft") end function hallucination_beach.test_trigger() StartCutscene() PlaySound("boney_growl.wav") DisplayMessage("* Hi! Welcome to the funky zone.", "", SpeakerType.NONE) WaitForEndOfMessage() HideCutsceneBars() end