#include "kgramstats.h" #include #include #include #include // runs in O(t^2) time where t is the number of tokens in the input corpus // We consider maxK to be fairly constant kgramstats::kgramstats(string corpus, int maxK) { this->maxK = maxK; vector tokens; int start = 0; int end = 0; while (end != string::npos) { end = corpus.find(" ", start); string token = corpus.substr(start, (end == string::npos) ? string::npos : end - start); if (token.compare("")) { tokens.push_back(token); } start = ((end > (string::npos - 1) ) ? string::npos : end + 1); } map* > tstats; bool newSentence = true; bool newClause = false; for (int k=0; k<=maxK; k++) { for (int i=0; i<(tokens.size() - k); i++) { kgram seq(tokens.begin()+i, tokens.begin()+i+k); transform(seq.begin(), seq.end(), seq.begin(), canonize); string f = tokens[i+k]; string canonical = canonize(f); if (tstats[seq] == NULL) { tstats[seq] = new map(); } if ((*tstats[seq])[canonical] == NULL) { (*tstats[seq])[canonical] = (token_data*) calloc(1, sizeof(token_data)); } token_data* td = tstats[seq]->at(canonical); td->token = new string(canonical); td->all++; if (newSentence) { kgram newKgram(1, "."); if (tstats[newKgram] == NULL) { tstats[newKgram] = new map(); } (*tstats[newKgram])[canonical] = td; newSentence = false; } if (newClause || newSentence) { kgram commaKgram(1, ","); if (tstats[commaKgram] == NULL) { tstats[commaKgram] = new map(); } (*tstats[commaKgram])[canonical] = td; newClause = false; } if ((f.length() > 0) && (f[f.length()-1] == '\n')) { td->period++; newSentence = true; f.resize(f.length()-1); } if (f.length() > 0) { if ((f[f.length()-1] == '.') || (f[f.length()-1] == '!') || (f[f.length()-1] == '?')) { if (!newSentence) { td->period++; newSentence = true; } f.resize(f.length()-1); } else if (f[f.length()-1] == ',') { if (!newSentence) { td->comma++; newClause = true; } f.resize(f.length()-1); } } if (f.length() > 0) { if (f[0] == '"') { td->startquote++; } if (f[0] == '(') { td->startparen++; } if ((f[f.length()-1] == '"') || (f[f.length()-1] == ')')) { if (f[f.length()-1] == '"') { td->endquote++; } else if (f[f.length()-1] == ')') { td->endparen++; } f.resize(f.length()-1); if (f.length() > 0) { if ((f[f.length()-1] == '.') || (f[f.length()-1] == '!') || (f[f.length()-1] == '?')) { if (!newSentence) { td->period++; newSentence = true; } } else if (f[f.length()-1] == ',') { if (!newSentence && !newClause) { td->comma++; newClause = true; } } } } } if (std::find_if(f.begin(), f.end(), ::islower) == f.end()) { td->uppercase++; } else if (isupper(f[0])) { td->titlecase++; } } } stats = new map* >(); for (map* >::iterator it = tstats.begin(); it != tstats.end(); it++) { kgram klist = it->first; map* probtable = it->second; map* distribution = new map(); int max = 0; for (map::iterator kt = probtable->begin(); kt != probtable->end(); kt++) { max += kt->second->all; (*distribution)[max] = kt->second; } (*stats)[klist] = distribution; } } void printKgram(kgram k) { for (kgram::iterator it = k.begin(); it != k.end(); it++) { cout << *it << " "; } } // runs in O(n log t) time where n is the input number of sentences and t is the number of tokens in the input corpus vector kgramstats::randomSentence(int n) { vector result; kgram newKgram(1, "."); kgram commaKgram(1, ","); list cur = newKgram; int cuts = 0; for (int i=0; i 0) && (cur != newKgram)) { if (rand() % (maxK - cur.size() + 1) == 0) { while (cur.size() > 1) { if ((rand() % (n)) < cuts) { cur.pop_front(); cuts--; } else { break; } } } cuts++; } map distribution = *(*stats)[cur]; int max = distribution.rbegin()->first; int r = rand() % max; token_data* next = distribution.upper_bound(r)->second; string nextToken(*(next->token)); int casing = rand() % next->all; int period = rand() % next->all; int startparen = rand() % next->all; int endparen = rand() % next->all; int startquote = rand() % next->all; int endquote = rand() % next->all; int comma = rand() % next->all; if (casing < next->uppercase) { transform(nextToken.begin(), nextToken.end(), nextToken.begin(), ::toupper); } else if ((casing - next->uppercase) < next->titlecase) { nextToken[0] = toupper(nextToken[0]); } if ((cur == newKgram) && (rand() % 3 < 2)) { nextToken[0] = toupper(nextToken[0]); } /* if (startquote < next->startquote) { nextToken = "\"" + nextToken; } else if (startparen < next->startparen) { nextToken = "(" + nextToken; } if (period < next->period) { if (endquote < next->endquote) { nextToken += "\""; } else if (endparen < next->endparen) { nextToken += ")"; } int type = rand() % 6; if (type < 3) { nextToken += "."; } else if (type < 5) { nextToken += "!"; } else { nextToken += "?"; } } else if (comma < next->comma) { if (endquote < next->endquote) { nextToken += "\""; } else if (endparen < next->endparen) { nextToken += ")"; } nextToken += ","; } */ if (cur.size() == maxK) { cur.pop_front(); } /* DEBUG */ for (kgram::iterator it = cur.begin(); it != cur.end(); it++) { cout << *it << " "; } cout << "-> \"" << nextToken << "\" (" << next->all << "/" << max << ")" << endl; if ((cur == newKgram) || (cur == commaKgram)) { cur.pop_front(); } if ((period < next->period) && ((rand() % 2) == 0)) { cur = newKgram; } else if ((comma < next->comma) && ((rand() % 3) == 0)) { cur = commaKgram; } else { cur.push_back(*(next->token)); } result.push_back(nextToken); } return result; } bool removeIf(char c) { return !((c != '.') && (c != '?') && (c != '!') && (c != '"') && (c != '(') && (c != ')') && (c != ',')); } std::string canonize(std::string f) { string canonical(f); transform(canonical.begin(), canonical.end(), canonical.begin(), ::tolower); string result; remove_copy_if(canonical.begin(), canonical.end(), std::back_inserter(result), removeIf); return canonical; }