class Pokemon < ApplicationRecord extend Enumerize extend ActiveModel::Naming has_many :revisions, -> { order "sequential_id ASC" }, dependent: :destroy belongs_to :current, class_name: "Revision", optional: true validate :current_is_cached belongs_to :trainer, optional: true validates :box, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 1, less_than_or_equal_to: 14, only_integer: true }, allow_nil: true validates :slot, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: [:trainer_id, :box] }, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0, only_integer: true }, unless: { |a| a.trainer_id.nil? } validates :slot, numericality: { less_than: 30 }, unless: { |a| a.trainer_id.nil? or } validates :slot, numericality: { less_than: 6 }, unless: { |a| a.trainer_id.nil? or not } scope :party, -> { where(box: nil) } scope :box, ->(n) { where(box: n) } scope :unaccounted, -> { where(trainer_id: nil) } validate :uuid_is_constant, on: :update before_create :set_uuid validates :ot_name, presence: true validates :ot_number, presence: true, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0, only_integer: true } validates :ot_gender, presence: true enumerize :ot_gender, in: [:female, :male] validates :met_level, presence: true, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 1, only_integer: true }, if: { |a| a.met_type == :normal } validates :met_type, presence: true enumerize :met_type, in: [:normal, :hatched, :npc_trade, :fateful_encounter, :orre] belongs_to :location, optional: true validates :location, presence: true, if: { |c| c.met_type == :normal or c.met_type == :hatched} validates :gender, presence: true enumerize :gender, in: [:genderless, :female, :male] validates :nature, presence: true enumerize :nature, in: [:hardy, :lonely, :brave, :adamant, :naughty, :bold, :docile, :relaxed, :impish, :lax, :timid, :hasty, :serious, :jolly, :naive, :modest, :mild, :quiet, :bashful, :rash, :calm, :gentle, :sassy, :careful, :quirky] enumerize :unown_letter, in: [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f, :g, :h, :i, :j, :k, :l, :m, :n, :o, :p, :q, :r, :s, :t, :u, :v, :w, :x, :y, :z, :question, :exclamation] validates :pokeball, presence: true enumerize :pokeball, in: [:master, :ultra, :great, :poke, :safari, :net, :dive, :nest, :repeat, :timer, :luxury, :premier] def to_param uuid end def outsider? (trainer.nil?) or (ot_name != or (ot_number != trainer.number) end def display_ot_number ot_number.to_s.rjust(5, '0') end def nature_benefits?(stat) if stat == :attack [:lonely, :brave, :adamant, :naughty].include? nature.intern elsif stat == :defense [:bold, :relaxed, :impish, :lax].include? nature.intern elsif stat == :speed [:timid, :hasty, :jolly, :naive].include? nature.intern elsif stat == :special_attack [:modest, :mild, :quiet, :rash].include? nature.intern elsif stat == :special_defense [:calm, :gentle, :sassy, :careful].include? nature.intern else false end end def nature_hinders?(stat) if stat == :attack [:bold, :timid, :modest, :calm].include? nature.intern elsif stat == :defense [:lonely, :hasty, :mild, :gentle].include? nature.intern elsif stat == :speed [:brave, :relaxed, :quiet, :sassy].include? nature.intern elsif stat == :special_attack [:adamant, :impish, :jolly, :careful].include? nature.intern elsif stat == :special_defense [:naughty, :lax, :naive, :rash].include? nature.intern else false end end def pokeball_icon_path "items/#{Pokemon.pokeball.values.find_index(pokeball) + 1}.png" end def gift_ribbon_description(ribbon) if trainer.nil? "" else trainer.gift_ribbon_description(ribbon) end end def gender_symbol case gender.intern when :female "♀" when :male "♂" when :genderless "" end end private def set_uuid self.uuid = SecureRandom.uuid end def uuid_is_constant errors.add(:uuid, "can't be changed") if self.uuid_changed? end def current_is_cached if self.revisions.empty? unless self.current_id.nil? errors.add(:current, "must be null when there are no revisions") end else unless self.current_id = errors.add(:current, "is not up-to-date") end end end end