#include "database.h" #include <sqlite3.h> #include <stdexcept> database::database(std::string path) { if (sqlite3_open_v2( path.c_str(), &ppdb_, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { // We still have to free the resources allocated. In the event that // allocation failed, ppdb will be null and sqlite3_close_v2 will just // ignore it. std::string errmsg(sqlite3_errmsg(ppdb_)); sqlite3_close_v2(ppdb_); throw std::logic_error(errmsg); } } database::database(database&& other) : database() { swap(*this, other); } database& database::operator=(database&& other) { swap(*this, other); return *this; } void swap(database& first, database& second) { std::swap(first.ppdb_, second.ppdb_); } database::~database() { sqlite3_close_v2(ppdb_); } achievement database::getRandomAchievement() const { std::string queryString = "SELECT achievements.achievement_id, achievements.game_id, achievements.title, games.color FROM achievements INNER JOIN games ON games.game_id = achievements.game_id ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1"; sqlite3_stmt* ppstmt; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2( ppdb_, queryString.c_str(), queryString.length(), &ppstmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { std::string errorMsg = sqlite3_errmsg(ppdb_); sqlite3_finalize(ppstmt); throw std::logic_error(errorMsg); } if (sqlite3_step(ppstmt) != SQLITE_ROW) { std::string errorMsg = sqlite3_errmsg(ppdb_); sqlite3_finalize(ppstmt); throw std::logic_error(errorMsg); } achievement result; result.achievementId = sqlite3_column_int(ppstmt, 0); result.gameId = sqlite3_column_int(ppstmt, 1); result.title = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(ppstmt, 2)); result.color = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(ppstmt, 3)); sqlite3_finalize(ppstmt); return result; } std::string database::getRandomImageForGame(int gameId) const { std::string queryString = "SELECT filename FROM images WHERE game_id = ? ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1"; sqlite3_stmt* ppstmt; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2( ppdb_, queryString.c_str(), queryString.length(), &ppstmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { std::string errorMsg = sqlite3_errmsg(ppdb_); sqlite3_finalize(ppstmt); throw std::logic_error(errorMsg); } if (sqlite3_bind_int(ppstmt, 1, gameId) != SQLITE_OK) { std::string errorMsg = sqlite3_errmsg(ppdb_); sqlite3_finalize(ppstmt); throw std::logic_error(errorMsg); } if (sqlite3_step(ppstmt) != SQLITE_ROW) { std::string errorMsg = sqlite3_errmsg(ppdb_); sqlite3_finalize(ppstmt); throw std::logic_error(errorMsg); } std::string result = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(ppstmt, 0)); sqlite3_finalize(ppstmt); return result; }