extends "res://scripts/load.gd" func _load(): global._print("Hooked Load Start") var apclient = global.get_node("Archipelago") # TODO: Override the YOU panel with the AP slot name # This is the best time to create the location nodes, since the map is now # loaded but the panels haven't been solved from the save file yet. var panels_parent = self.get_node("Panels") var location_script = ResourceLoader.load("user://maps/Archipelago/location.gd") for location_name in apclient._location_name_to_id: var location = location_script.new() location.ap_name = location_name location.ap_id = apclient._location_name_to_id[location_name] location.name = "AP_location_" + location.ap_id self.add_child(location) var panels = apclient._panel_ids_by_location[String(location.ap_id)] location.total = panels.size() for panel in panels: var that_panel = panels_parent.get_node(panel) that_panel.get_node("Viewport/GUI/Panel/TextEdit").connect( "answer_correct", location, "handle_correct" ) # Proceed with the rest of the load. global._print("Hooked Load End") ._load() # Process any items received while the map was loading, and send the checks # from the save load. apclient.mapFinishedLoading()