extends "res://scripts/load.gd"
func _load():
global._print("Hooked Load Start")
var apclient = global.get_node("Archipelago")
# Override the YOU panel with the AP slot name.
if self.get_node_or_null("Panels/Color Arrow Room/Panel_you") != null:
self.get_node("Panels/Color Arrow Room/Panel_you").answer = apclient.ap_user
for node in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("text_you"):
if "text" in node:
node.text = apclient.ap_user
elif "value" in node:
node.value = apclient.ap_user
for node in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("answer_you"):
if "answer" in node:
node.answer = apclient.ap_user
# Create "The Wanderer".
set_gridmap_tile(-4.5, 6.5, 56.5, "MeshInstance4")
set_gridmap_tile(-3.5, 6.5, 56.5, "MeshInstance18")
set_gridmap_tile(-3.5, 6.5, 57.5, "MeshInstance5")
var door_scene = load("res://nodes/door.tscn")
var door_script = apclient.SCRIPT_doorControl
var wanderer_entrance = door_scene.instance()
wanderer_entrance.name = "Door_wanderer_entrance"
wanderer_entrance.translation = Vector3(7.5, 5, 53)
wanderer_entrance.rotation = Vector3(0, -PI / 2, 0)
wanderer_entrance.scale = Vector3(1, 1.5, 1)
wanderer_entrance.panels.append("../../../Panels/Tower Room/Panel_wanderlust_1234567890")
get_node("Doors/Tower Room Area Doors").add_child(wanderer_entrance)
var wanderer_achieve = get_node("Panels/Tower Room/Panel_1234567890_wanderlust")
get_node("Panels/Countdown Panels").add_child(wanderer_achieve)
var countdown_scene = load("res://nodes/panel_countdown.tscn")
var wanderer_cdp = countdown_scene.instance()
wanderer_cdp.name = "CountdownPanel_wanderer"
wanderer_cdp.panels = [
"../../Panels/Tower Room/Panel_wanderlust_1234567890",
"../../Panels/Orange Room/Panel_lust",
"../../Panels/Orange Room/Panel_read",
"../../Panels/Orange Room/Panel_sew",
"../../Panels/Orange Room/Panel_dead",
"../../Panels/Orange Room/Panel_learn",
"../../Panels/Orange Room/Panel_dust",
"../../Panels/Orange Room/Panel_star",
"../../Panels/Orange Room/Panel_wander"
wanderer_cdp.translation = wanderer_achieve.translation
wanderer_cdp.rotation = wanderer_achieve.rotation
wanderer_achieve.translation = Vector3(-51, -33, 35) # way under the map
# Set up The Master to be variable.
var old_master_cdp = get_node("CountdownPanels/CountdownPanel_countdown_16")
var cdp_auto_scene = load("res://nodes/panel_countdown_auto.tscn")
var new_master_cdp = cdp_auto_scene.instance()
new_master_cdp.name = "AP_variable_master"
new_master_cdp.replace_with = old_master_cdp.replace_with
new_master_cdp.panels = "../../Panels/Countdown Panels"
new_master_cdp.maxlength = apclient._mastery_achievements
new_master_cdp.translation = old_master_cdp.translation
new_master_cdp.rotation = old_master_cdp.rotation
# Configure AN OTHER WAY.
var another_cdp = get_node("CountdownPanels/CountdownPanel_level2_0")
if apclient._level_2_requirement > 1:
var new_another_cdp = cdp_auto_scene.instance()
new_another_cdp.name = "AP_variable_another"
new_another_cdp.replace_with = another_cdp.replace_with
new_another_cdp.panels = another_cdp.panels
new_another_cdp.translation = another_cdp.translation
new_another_cdp.rotation = another_cdp.rotation
new_another_cdp.maxlength = (apclient._level_2_requirement - 1)
new_another_cdp.nested = true
another_cdp.replace_with = ""
var another_replacement = another_cdp.get_node(another_cdp.replace_with)
another_replacement.translation = another_cdp.translation
another_replacement.rotation = another_cdp.rotation
# This is the best time to create the location nodes, since the map is now
# loaded but the panels haven't been solved from the save file yet.
var gamedata = apclient.get_node("Gamedata")
var panels_parent = self.get_node("Panels")
var location_script = apclient.SCRIPT_location
for location_id in gamedata.panel_ids_by_location_id.keys():
if not (gamedata.classification_by_location_id[location_id] & apclient._location_classification_bit):
var location = location_script.new()
location.ap_id = location_id
location.name = "AP_location_%d" % location.ap_id
var panels = gamedata.panel_ids_by_location_id[location_id]
location.total = panels.size()
for panel in panels:
var that_panel
if panel.begins_with("EndPanel"):
that_panel = self.get_node("Decorations").get_node(panel)
that_panel = panels_parent.get_node(panel)
"answer_correct", location, "handle_correct"
# HOT CRUSTS should be at eye-level, have a yellow block behind it, and
# not vanish when solved.
var hotcrusts = panels_parent.get_node("Shuffle Room/Panel_shortcuts")
hotcrusts.translation.y = 1.5
"answer_correct", hotcrusts, "handle_correct"
set_gridmap_tile(-20.5, 1.5, -79.5, "MeshInstance9")
# TRANS RIGHTS should be bottom white, like it used to be.
var trans_rights = panels_parent.get_node("Shuffle Room/Panel_secret_secret")
trans_rights.translation.y = 0.5
# Move LOW/LOW back to where it used to be.
var panel_low = panels_parent.get_node("Entry Room/Panel_low_low")
var sign_low = $Decorations/PanelSign/sign21
panel_low.translation = sign_low.translation
panel_low.rotation = sign_low.rotation
# Randomize the panels, if necessary.
var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.new()
rng.seed = apclient._slot_seed
# Remove opaque wall in front of FOURTH.
set_gridmap_tile(-71.5, 1.5, -64.5, "MeshInstance18")
# Move The Lab's OPEN out of the wall.
panels_parent.get_node("Chemistry Room/Panel_open").translation.x = -87.001
# Rotate ZERO toward the front, and remove the black door.
panels_parent.get_node("Backside Room/Panel_zero_zero").rotation_degrees.y = 180
get_node("Doors/Count Up Room Area Doors/Door_zero_hider_3").queue_free()
# Block the roof access to The Wondrous.
for x in range(0, 3):
for z in range(0, 3):
set_gridmap_tile(-95.5 - x, -3.5, -44.5 - z, "MeshInstance4")
# Block visibility of RAINY from the roof.
set_gridmap_tile(-88.5, 4.5, -41.5, "MeshInstance8")
set_gridmap_tile(-89.5, 4.5, -41.5, "MeshInstance4")
if apclient.confusify_world:
# Remove welcome back / color hallway / sunwarp indicators.
get_node("Decorations/Signs/Welcome Back Signs").queue_free()
if apclient._panel_shuffle != apclient.kNO_PANEL_SHUFFLE:
# Make The Wondrous's FIRE solely midred.
set_gridmap_tile(-76.5, 1.5, -73.5, "MeshInstance18")
# Reduce double/triple length puzzles in Knight/Night.
set_gridmap_tile(24.5, 1.5, 11.5, "MeshInstance18")
set_gridmap_tile(25.5, 1.5, 11.5, "MeshInstance18")
set_gridmap_tile(47.5, 1.5, 11.5, "MeshInstance18")
if apclient._panel_shuffle == apclient.kREARRANGE_PANELS:
# Do the actual shuffling.
var panel_pools = {}
for panel in gamedata.panels:
if not panel_pools.has(panel["tag"]):
panel_pools[panel["tag"]] = {}
var pool = panel_pools[panel["tag"]]
var subtag = "default"
if panel.has("subtag"):
subtag = panel["subtag"]
if not pool.has(subtag):
pool[subtag] = []
var panel_node
if panel["id"].begins_with("EndPanel"):
panel_node = self.get_node("Decorations").get_node(panel["id"])
panel_node = panels_parent.get_node(panel["id"])
"id": panel["id"],
"hint": panel_node.text,
"answer": panel_node.answer,
"link": panel["link"] if panel.has("link") else "",
"copy_to_sign": panel["copy_to_sign"] if panel.has("copy_to_sign") else ""
for tag in panel_pools.keys():
if tag == "forbid":
var pool = panel_pools[tag]
for subtag in pool.keys():
pool[subtag].sort_custom(self, "sort_by_link")
var count = pool[pool.keys()[0]].size()
var iota = range(0, count)
var order = []
while not iota.empty():
var i = rng.randi_range(0, iota.size() - 1)
for subtag in pool.keys():
for i in range(0, count):
var source = pool[subtag][i]
var target = pool[subtag][order[i]]
var target_panel_node = panels_parent.get_node(target["id"])
target_panel_node.text = source["hint"]
target_panel_node.answer = source["answer"]
for sign_name in target["copy_to_sign"]:
self.get_node("Decorations/PanelSign").get_node(sign_name).value = source["hint"]
# Change the answer to the final puzzle in the art gallery based on the
# puzzles that were shuffled into the constituent places.
var new_answer = panels_parent.get_node("Painting Room/Panel_eon_one").answer
new_answer += " "
new_answer += panels_parent.get_node("Painting Room/Panel_path_road").answer
new_answer += " "
new_answer += panels_parent.get_node("Painting Room/Panel_any_many").answer
new_answer += " "
new_answer += panels_parent.get_node("Painting Room/Panel_send_use_turns").answer
panels_parent.get_node("Painting Room/Panel_order_onepathmanyturns").answer = new_answer
# Handle our other static panels after panel randomization, so that the old
# values can enter the pool, if necessary.
set_static_panel("Entry Room/Panel_hi_hi", "hi")
set_static_panel("Entry Room/Panel_write_write", apclient.my_version)
set_static_panel("Entry Room/Panel_same_same", str(apclient._slot_seed))
set_static_panel("Entry Room/Panel_type_type", "victory")
var victory_condition = "unknown"
if apclient._victory_condition == apclient.kTHE_END:
victory_condition = "the end"
elif apclient._victory_condition == apclient.kTHE_MASTER:
victory_condition = "the master"
elif apclient._victory_condition == apclient.kLEVEL_2:
victory_condition = "level 2"
set_static_panel("Entry Room/Panel_this_this", victory_condition)
set_static_panel("Entry Room/Panel_hidden_hidden", "hewwo")
set_static_panel("Entry Room/Panel_hi_high", "goode", "good")
set_static_panel("Entry Room/Panel_low_low", "serendipity", "luck")
set_static_panel("Shuffle Room/Panel_secret_secret", "trans rights", "human rights")
# Finish up with The Wanderer.
wanderer_achieve.text = "12345656"
wanderer_achieve.answer = "the wanderer"
wanderer_achieve.achieved_text = "the wanderer"
wanderer_cdp.replace_with = "../../Panels/Countdown Panels/Panel_1234567890_wanderlust"
get_node("Doors/Tower Room Area Doors/Door_wanderlust_start").panels = [
"../../../Panels/Countdown Panels/Panel_1234567890_wanderlust"
if apclient._early_color_hallways:
var painting_scene = load("res://nodes/paintings/dan_L1_gate.tscn")
var mypainting_script = apclient.SCRIPT_mypainting
var exit_painting = painting_scene.instance()
exit_painting.translation.x = -98.75
exit_painting.translation.y = 1
exit_painting.translation.z = 3.5
exit_painting.rotation_degrees.y = -90
var exit_mps = mypainting_script.new()
exit_mps.orientation = "west"
var enter_painting = painting_scene.instance()
enter_painting.translation.x = 4.5
enter_painting.translation.y = 1
enter_painting.translation.z = 6.75
var enter_mps = mypainting_script.new()
enter_mps.orientation = "south"
enter_mps.target = exit_mps
# Randomize the paintings, if necessary.
if apclient._painting_shuffle:
var paintings_dir = Directory.new()
var all_paintings = []
if paintings_dir.open("res://nodes/paintings") == OK:
var file_name = paintings_dir.get_next()
while file_name != "":
if file_name.ends_with(".tscn") and not EXCLUDED_PAINTINGS.has(file_name):
file_name = paintings_dir.get_next()
var pd = Node.new()
var classes = {}
for painting in apclient._paintings_mapping.values():
if not classes.has(painting):
var i = rng.randi_range(0, all_paintings.size() - 1)
var chosen = all_paintings[i]
classes[painting] = chosen
var randomized = []
for painting in classes.keys():
var painting_class = classes[painting]
instantiate_painting(painting, painting_class)
for source_painting in apclient._paintings_mapping.keys():
var target_painting = apclient._paintings_mapping[source_painting]
var painting_class = classes[target_painting]
var new_source = instantiate_painting(source_painting, painting_class)
new_source.target = pd.get_node(target_painting).get_node("Script")
var remaining_size = classes.size() / 2
if remaining_size >= all_paintings.size():
remaining_size = all_paintings.size()
var remaining = []
for _i in range(0, remaining_size):
var j = rng.randi_range(0, all_paintings.size() - 1)
for painting in gamedata.paintings.keys():
if randomized.has(painting):
var chosen_painting = remaining[rng.randi_range(0, remaining.size() - 1)]
instantiate_painting(painting, chosen_painting)
# We need to make some changes to the Art Gallery. The player should always
# have access to the backroom, but they shouldn't have access to ORDER until
# getting the fifth floor, so will move the backroom door. Also, the
# paintings in the backroom should only show up as the player gets the
# progressive art gallery items.
var backroom_door = get_node("Doors/Tower Room Area Doors/Door_painting_backroom")
backroom_door.translation.x = 97
backroom_door.translation.y = 0
backroom_door.translation.z = 39
backroom_door.scale.x = 2
backroom_door.scale.y = 2.5
backroom_door.scale.z = 1
for i in range(2, 6):
var painting_path = "Decorations/Paintings/scenery_painting_%db" % i
var painting_node = get_node(painting_path)
var rotate = painting_node.rotate
var target_path = painting_node.target_path
painting_node.rotate = rotate
painting_node.target_path = target_path
painting_node.move_to_x = painting_node.translation.x
painting_node.move_to_z = painting_node.translation.z
painting_node.translation.x = 88
painting_node.translation.z = 39
var ref_painting_path = "Decorations/Paintings/scenery_painting_%dc" % i
var ref_painting_node = get_node(ref_painting_path)
painting_node.key_path = ref_painting_node.key_path
painting_node._ready() # shows an error about looked_at being double connected
# If door shuffle is on, we need to add an extra door to The Fearless.
if apclient._door_shuffle:
var fearless_door = get_node("Doors/Naps Room Doors/Door_hider_5").duplicate()
fearless_door.name = "Door_hider_new1"
fearless_door.translation.y = 5
get_node("Doors/Naps Room Doors").add_child(fearless_door)
# Set up notifiers for each achievement panel, for the tracker.
var notifier_script = apclient.SCRIPT_notifier
for panel in gamedata.panels:
if "achievement" in panel:
var panel_node = panels_parent.get_node(panel["id"])
var script_instance = notifier_script.new()
script_instance.name = "Achievement_Notifier"
script_instance.key = "Achievement|%s" % panel["achievement"]
if "hunt" in panel and panel["hunt"] and not (gamedata.classification_by_location_id[panel["loc"]] & apclient._location_classification_bit):
var panel_node = panels_parent.get_node(panel["id"])
var script_instance = notifier_script.new()
script_instance.name = "Hunt_Notifier"
script_instance.key = "Hunt|%d" % panel["loc"]
# Attach a script to every panel so that we can do things like conditionally
# disable them.
var panel_script = apclient.SCRIPT_panel
for panel in gamedata.panels:
var panel_node
if panel["id"].begins_with("EndPanel"):
panel_node = self.get_node("Decorations").get_node(panel["id"])
panel_node = panels_parent.get_node(panel["id"])
var script_instance = panel_script.new()
script_instance.name = "AP_Panel"
script_instance.data = panel
apclient.connect("evaluate_solvability", script_instance, "evaluate_solvability")
# Hook up the goal panel.
if apclient._victory_condition == apclient.kTHE_MASTER:
var the_master = self.get_node("Panels/Countdown Panels/Panel_master_master")
"answer_correct", apclient, "completedGoal"
elif apclient._victory_condition == apclient.kLEVEL_2:
var level_2 = self.get_node("Decorations/EndPanel/Panel_level_2")
"answer_correct", apclient, "completedGoal"
var the_end = self.get_node("Decorations/EndPanel/Panel_end_end")
"answer_correct", apclient, "completedGoal"
# Create the effects node.
var effects_script = apclient.SCRIPT_effects
var effects = effects_script.new()
# Create the multiplayer node, if needed.
if apclient.enable_multiplayer:
var multiplayer_node = apclient.SCRIPT_multiplayer.new()
multiplayer_node.ghost_mode = true
# Hook up the scene to be able to handle connection failures.
apclient.connect("could_not_connect", self, "archipelago_disconnected")
# Proceed with the rest of the load.
global._print("Hooked Load End")
# Process any items received while the map was loading, and send the checks
# from the save load.
func _load_user_textures():
# We are using this function as a hook to process queued Iceland Traps
# because it happens after the environment gets set.
var effects_node = get_tree().get_root().get_node("Spatial/AP_Effects")
func sort_by_link(a, b):
return a["link"] < b["link"]
func set_static_panel(name, question, answer = ""):
if answer == "":
answer = question
var node = self.get_node("Panels").get_node(name)
node.text = question
node.answer = answer
func instantiate_painting(name, scene):
var apclient = global.get_node("Archipelago")
var scene_path = "res://nodes/paintings/%s.tscn" % scene
var painting_scene = load(scene_path)
var new_painting = painting_scene.instance()
var old_painting = self.get_node("Decorations/Paintings").get_node_or_null(name)
if old_painting != null:
new_painting.translation = old_painting.translation
new_painting.rotation = old_painting.rotation
var mypainting_script = apclient.SCRIPT_mypainting
var mps_inst = mypainting_script.new()
var gamedata = apclient.get_node("Gamedata")
if gamedata.paintings.has(name):
var pconfig = gamedata.paintings[name]
mps_inst.orientation = pconfig["orientation"]
if pconfig["move"]:
mps_inst.move = true
mps_inst.move_to_x = old_painting.move_to_x
mps_inst.move_to_z = old_painting.move_to_z
mps_inst.key = old_painting.key
if old_painting != null:
return mps_inst
func set_gridmap_tile(x, y, z, tile):
var gridmap = self.get_node("GridMap")
var mesh_library = gridmap.mesh_library
var mapvec = gridmap.world_to_map(gridmap.to_local(Vector3(x, y, z)))
gridmap.set_cell_item(mapvec.x, mapvec.y, mapvec.z, mesh_library.find_item_by_name(tile))
func set_small_gridmap_tile(x, y, z, tile):
var gridmap = self.get_node("GridMapSmall")
var mesh_library = gridmap.mesh_library
var mapvec = gridmap.world_to_map(gridmap.to_local(Vector3(x, y, z)))
gridmap.set_cell_item(mapvec.x, mapvec.y, mapvec.z, mesh_library.find_item_by_name(tile))
func archipelago_disconnected(reason):
var messages_node = self.get_node("Messages")