#pragma once #include <cassert> #include <algorithm> #include <array> #include <memory> #include <type_traits> #include <vector> #include "Box.h" namespace quadtree { template<typename T, typename GetBox, typename Equal = std::equal_to<T>, typename Float = float> class Quadtree { static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<std::invoke_result_t<GetBox, const T&>, Box<Float>>, "GetBox must be a callable of signature Box<Float>(const T&)"); static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<std::invoke_result_t<Equal, const T&, const T&>, bool>, "Equal must be a callable of signature bool(const T&, const T&)"); static_assert(std::is_arithmetic_v<Float>); public: Quadtree(const Box<Float>& box, const GetBox& getBox = GetBox(), const Equal& equal = Equal()) : mBox(box), mRoot(std::make_unique<Node>()), mGetBox(getBox), mEqual(equal) { } void add(const T& value) { add(mRoot.get(), 0, mBox, value); } void remove(const T& value) { remove(mRoot.get(), mBox, value); } std::vector<T> query(const Box<Float>& box) const { auto values = std::vector<T>(); query(mRoot.get(), mBox, box, values); return values; } std::vector<std::pair<T, T>> findAllIntersections() const { auto intersections = std::vector<std::pair<T, T>>(); findAllIntersections(mRoot.get(), intersections); return intersections; } Box<Float> getBox() const { return mBox; } private: static constexpr auto Threshold = std::size_t(16); static constexpr auto MaxDepth = std::size_t(8); struct Node { std::array<std::unique_ptr<Node>, 4> children; std::vector<T> values; }; Box<Float> mBox; std::unique_ptr<Node> mRoot; GetBox mGetBox; Equal mEqual; bool isLeaf(const Node* node) const { return !static_cast<bool>(node->children[0]); } Box<Float> computeBox(const Box<Float>& box, int i) const { auto origin = box.getTopLeft(); auto childSize = box.getSize() / static_cast<Float>(2); switch (i) { // North West case 0: return Box<Float>(origin, childSize); // Norst East case 1: return Box<Float>(Vector2<Float>(origin.x + childSize.x, origin.y), childSize); // South West case 2: return Box<Float>(Vector2<Float>(origin.x, origin.y + childSize.y), childSize); // South East case 3: return Box<Float>(origin + childSize, childSize); default: assert(false && "Invalid child index"); return Box<Float>(); } } int getQuadrant(const Box<Float>& nodeBox, const Box<Float>& valueBox) const { auto center = nodeBox.getCenter(); // West if (valueBox.getRight() < center.x) { // North West if (valueBox.getBottom() < center.y) return 0; // South West else if (valueBox.top >= center.y) return 2; // Not contained in any quadrant else return -1; } // East else if (valueBox.left >= center.x) { // North East if (valueBox.getBottom() < center.y) return 1; // South East else if (valueBox.top >= center.y) return 3; // Not contained in any quadrant else return -1; } // Not contained in any quadrant else return -1; } void add(Node* node, std::size_t depth, const Box<Float>& box, const T& value) { assert(node != nullptr); assert(box.contains(mGetBox(value))); if (isLeaf(node)) { // Insert the value in this node if possible if (depth >= MaxDepth || node->values.size() < Threshold) node->values.push_back(value); // Otherwise, we split and we try again else { split(node, box); add(node, depth, box, value); } } else { auto i = getQuadrant(box, mGetBox(value)); // Add the value in a child if the value is entirely contained in it if (i != -1) add(node->children[static_cast<std::size_t>(i)].get(), depth + 1, computeBox(box, i), value); // Otherwise, we add the value in the current node else node->values.push_back(value); } } void split(Node* node, const Box<Float>& box) { assert(node != nullptr); assert(isLeaf(node) && "Only leaves can be split"); // Create children for (auto& child : node->children) child = std::make_unique<Node>(); // Assign values to children auto newValues = std::vector<T>(); // New values for this node for (const auto& value : node->values) { auto i = getQuadrant(box, mGetBox(value)); if (i != -1) node->children[static_cast<std::size_t>(i)]->values.push_back(value); else newValues.push_back(value); } node->values = std::move(newValues); } bool remove(Node* node, const Box<Float>& box, const T& value) { assert(node != nullptr); assert(box.contains(mGetBox(value))); if (isLeaf(node)) { // Remove the value from node removeValue(node, value); return true; } else { // Remove the value in a child if the value is entirely contained in it auto i = getQuadrant(box, mGetBox(value)); if (i != -1) { if (remove(node->children[static_cast<std::size_t>(i)].get(), computeBox(box, i), value)) return tryMerge(node); } // Otherwise, we remove the value from the current node else removeValue(node, value); return false; } } void removeValue(Node* node, const T& value) { // Find the value in node->values auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(node->values), std::end(node->values), [this, &value](const auto& rhs){ return mEqual(value, rhs); }); assert(it != std::end(node->values) && "Trying to remove a value that is not present in the node"); // Swap with the last element and pop back *it = std::move(node->values.back()); node->values.pop_back(); } bool tryMerge(Node* node) { assert(node != nullptr); assert(!isLeaf(node) && "Only interior nodes can be merged"); auto nbValues = node->values.size(); for (const auto& child : node->children) { if (!isLeaf(child.get())) return false; nbValues += child->values.size(); } if (nbValues <= Threshold) { node->values.reserve(nbValues); // Merge the values of all the children for (const auto& child : node->children) { for (const auto& value : child->values) node->values.push_back(value); } // Remove the children for (auto& child : node->children) child.reset(); return true; } else return false; } void query(Node* node, const Box<Float>& box, const Box<Float>& queryBox, std::vector<T>& values) const { assert(node != nullptr); assert(queryBox.intersects(box)); for (const auto& value : node->values) { if (queryBox.intersects(mGetBox(value))) values.push_back(value); } if (!isLeaf(node)) { for (auto i = std::size_t(0); i < node->children.size(); ++i) { auto childBox = computeBox(box, static_cast<int>(i)); if (queryBox.intersects(childBox)) query(node->children[i].get(), childBox, queryBox, values); } } } void findAllIntersections(Node* node, std::vector<std::pair<T, T>>& intersections) const { // Find intersections between values stored in this node // Make sure to not report the same intersection twice for (auto i = std::size_t(0); i < node->values.size(); ++i) { for (auto j = std::size_t(0); j < i; ++j) { if (mGetBox(node->values[i]).intersects(mGetBox(node->values[j]))) intersections.emplace_back(node->values[i], node->values[j]); } } if (!isLeaf(node)) { // Values in this node can intersect values in descendants for (const auto& child : node->children) { for (const auto& value : node->values) findIntersectionsInDescendants(child.get(), value, intersections); } // Find intersections in children for (const auto& child : node->children) findAllIntersections(child.get(), intersections); } } void findIntersectionsInDescendants(Node* node, const T& value, std::vector<std::pair<T, T>>& intersections) const { // Test against the values stored in this node for (const auto& other : node->values) { if (mGetBox(value).intersects(mGetBox(other))) intersections.emplace_back(value, other); } // Test against values stored into descendants of this node if (!isLeaf(node)) { for (const auto& child : node->children) findIntersectionsInDescendants(child.get(), value, intersections); } } }; }