#include "global.h"

#include <whereami.h>

#include <filesystem>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

#include "ap_state.h"
#include "game_data.h"

const std::filesystem::path& GetExecutableDirectory() {
  static const std::filesystem::path* executable_directory = []() {
    int length = wai_getExecutablePath(NULL, 0, NULL);
    std::string buf(length, 0);
    wai_getExecutablePath(buf.data(), length, NULL);

    std::filesystem::path exec_path(buf);
    return new std::filesystem::path(exec_path.parent_path());

  return *executable_directory;

std::string GetAbsolutePath(std::string_view path) {
  return (GetExecutableDirectory() / path).string();

std::string GetWinCondition() {
  switch (AP_GetVictoryCondition()) {
    case kTHE_END:
      return "Orange Tower Seventh Floor - THE END";
    case kTHE_MASTER:
      return "Orange Tower Seventh Floor - THE MASTER";
    case kLEVEL_2:
      return "Second Room - LEVEL 2";
    case kPILGRIMAGE:
      return "Pilgrim Antechamber - PILGRIM";

bool IsLocationWinCondition(const Location& location) {
  return location.ap_location_name == GetWinCondition();