#ifndef AP_STATE_H_664A4180 #define AP_STATE_H_664A4180 #include <map> #include <optional> #include <set> #include <string> #include <tuple> #include "game_data.h" class TrackerFrame; enum DoorShuffleMode { kNO_DOORS = 0, kPANELS_MODE = 1, kDOORS_MODE = 2 }; enum VictoryCondition { kTHE_END = 0, kTHE_MASTER = 1, kLEVEL_2 = 2, kPILGRIMAGE = 3 }; enum LocationChecks { kNORMAL_LOCATIONS = 0, kREDUCED_LOCATIONS = 1, kPANELSANITY = 2 }; enum SunwarpAccess { kSUNWARP_ACCESS_NORMAL = 0, kSUNWARP_ACCESS_DISABLED = 1, kSUNWARP_ACCESS_UNLOCK = 2, kSUNWARP_ACCESS_INDIVIDUAL = 3, kSUNWARP_ACCESS_PROGRESSIVE = 4 }; struct SunwarpMapping { int dots; int exit_index; }; void AP_SetTrackerFrame(TrackerFrame* tracker_frame); void AP_Connect(std::string server, std::string player, std::string password); std::string AP_GetStatusMessage(); std::string AP_GetSaveName(); bool AP_HasCheckedGameLocation(int location_id); bool AP_HasCheckedHuntPanel(int location_id); // This doesn't lock the state mutex, for speed, so it must ONLY be called from // RecalculateReachability, which is only called from the APState thread anyway. bool AP_HasItem(int item_id, int quantity = 1); // This doesn't lock the client mutex because it is ONLY to be called from // RecalculateReachability, which is only called from within a client callback // anyway. std::string AP_GetItemName(int item_id); DoorShuffleMode AP_GetDoorShuffleMode(); bool AP_AreDoorsGrouped(); bool AP_IsColorShuffle(); bool AP_IsPaintingShuffle(); std::map<std::string, std::string> AP_GetPaintingMapping(); bool AP_IsPaintingMappedTo(const std::string& painting_id); std::set<std::string> AP_GetCheckedPaintings(); bool AP_IsPaintingChecked(const std::string& painting_id); int AP_GetMasteryRequirement(); int AP_GetLevel2Requirement(); bool AP_IsLocationVisible(int classification); VictoryCondition AP_GetVictoryCondition(); bool AP_HasAchievement(const std::string& achievement_name); bool AP_HasEarlyColorHallways(); bool AP_IsPilgrimageEnabled(); bool AP_DoesPilgrimageAllowRoofAccess(); bool AP_DoesPilgrimageAllowPaintings(); SunwarpAccess AP_GetSunwarpAccess(); bool AP_IsSunwarpShuffle(); std::map<int, SunwarpMapping> AP_GetSunwarpMapping(); bool AP_HasReachedGoal(); std::optional<std::tuple<int, int>> AP_GetPlayerPosition(); #endif /* end of include guard: AP_STATE_H_664A4180 */