/* Uni-Form by Dragan Babic [Superawesome Industries] - http: //sprawsm.com/uni-form/ */ /* Some rights reserved - http: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/ */ /* Do not edit this file directly, make your changes to uni-form.css in the same folder */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .uniForm{ margin: 0; padding: 0; position: relative; z-index: 1; } /* reset stuff */ /* Some generals and more resets */ .uniForm fieldset{ border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .uniForm fieldset legend{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } /* This is the main unit that contains our form elements */ .uniForm .ctrlHolder, .uniForm .buttonHolder{ margin: 0; padding: 0; clear: both; } /* Clear all floats */ .uniForm:after, .uniForm .buttonHolder:after, .uniForm .ctrlHolder:after, .uniForm .ctrlHolder .multiField:after, .uniForm .inlineLabel:after{ content: "."; display: block; height: 0; line-height: 0; font-size: 0; clear: both; min-height: 0; visibility: hidden; } /* A class to be used on a label that contains a checkbox or a radio button */ .uniForm .inlineLabel, .uniForm .inlineLabels .inlineLabel, .uniForm .blockLabels .inlineLabel{ width: auto; float: none; margin: 0; display: block; } /* IE shows borders & padding on checkboxes and radio buttons if they are declared on an input element, remove them */ /* Legacy/Inheritance fix */ .uniForm .inlineLabel input, .uniForm .inlineLabels .inlineLabel input, .uniForm .blockLabels .inlineLabel input{ border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Styles for form controls where labels are above the input elements */ /* Set the class of the parent (preferably to a fieldset) to .blockLabels */ .uniForm label, .uniForm .label, .uniForm .blockLabels label, .uniForm .blockLabels .label{ display: block; float: none; padding: 0; line-height: 100%; width: auto; } /* Float the input elements */ .uniForm .textInput, .uniForm .blockLabels .textInput, .uniForm .blockLabels .fileUpload, .uniForm .selectInput, .uniForm .blockLabels .selectInput, .uniForm .blockLabels select, .uniForm textarea, .uniForm .blockLabels textarea{ float: left; } /* Postition the hints */ .uniForm .formHint, .uniForm .blockLabels .formHint{ float: right; margin: 0; clear: none; } /* Position the elements inside combo boxes (multiple selects/checkboxes/radio buttons per unit) */ .uniForm .multiField, .uniForm .blockLabels .multiField{ width: auto; float: left; } .uniForm .multiField .inlineLabel, .uniForm .blockLabels .multiField .inlineLabel{ display: block; margin: 0 0 .5em 0; } .uniForm .multiField .blockLabel, .uniForm .blockLabels .multiField .blockLabel{ float: left; width: auto; margin: 0; } .uniForm .multiField .blockLabel .textInput, .uniForm .multiField .blockLabel .selectInput, .uniForm .multiField .blockLabel select, .uniForm .blockLabels .multiField .blockLabel .textInput, .uniForm .blockLabels .multiField .blockLabel .selectInput, .uniForm .blockLabels .multiField .blockLabel select{ width: 100%; margin: 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Styles for form controls where labels are in line with the input elements */ /* Set the class of the parent (preferably to a fieldset) to .inlineLabels */ .uniForm .inlineLabels label, .uniForm .inlineLabels .label{ float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 100%; position: relative; } /* Float the input elements */ .uniForm .inlineLabels .textInput, .uniForm .inlineLabels .fileUpload, .uniForm .inlineLabels .selectInput, .uniForm .inlineLabels select, .uniForm .inlineLabels textarea{ float: left; } /* Postition the hints */ .uniForm .inlineLabels .formHint{ clear: both; float: none; } .uniForm .inlineLabels .multiField{ float: left; } .uniForm .inlineLabels .multiField .inlineLabel{} .uniForm .inlineLabels .multiField .blockLabel{} .uniForm .inlineLabels .multiField .blockLabel .textInput, .uniForm .inlineLabels .multiField .blockLabel .selectInput, .uniForm .inlineLabels .multiField .blockLabel select{ display: block; width: 100%; float: none; } .uniForm .inlineLabels .multiField select{ float: left; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Required fields asterisk styling for .blockLabels */ .uniForm label em, .uniForm .label em, .uniForm .blockLabels label em, .uniForm .blockLabels .label em{ position: absolute; left: -7px; } /* Required fields asterisk styling for .inlineLabels */ .uniForm .inlineLabels label em, .uniForm .inlineLabels .label em{ display: block; position: absolute; left: auto; right: 0; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; } .uniForm .inlineLabel em{ position: absolute; left: 7px; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Messages */ .uniForm #errorMsg, .uniForm .error{ } .uniForm #errorMsg dt, .uniForm #errorMsg h3{ } .uniForm #errorMsg dd{ } .uniForm #errorMsg ol{ } .uniForm #errorMsg ol li{ } .uniForm .errorField{ } .uniForm #OKMsg{ } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Columns */ .uniForm .col{ float: left; } .uniForm .col.first{} .uniForm .col.last{}