
' . $getpoll3['question'] . '

Thank you for voting on the Poll of the Week!
Click here to visit the page for this poll.'); $template->display(); } else if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { $template = new FITemplate('pollIndex'); if (isset($_GET['start'])) { $start = $_GET['start'] * 10; } else { $start = 0; } $getpolls = "SELECT * FROM polloftheweek ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $start . ",10"; $getpolls2 = mysql_query($getpolls); $i=0; while ($getpolls3[$i] = mysql_fetch_array($getpolls2)) { $question = strip_tags($getpolls3[$i]['question']); if (strlen($question) > 50) { $question = substr($question, 0, 50); while (substr($question, strlen($question)-1) != ' ') { $question = substr($question, 0, strlen($question)-1); } $question = substr($question, 0, strlen($question)-1); $question .= '....'; } $template->adds_block('POLL', array( 'ID' => $getpolls3[$i]['id'], 'QUESTION' => $question, 'WEEK' => date('F jS Y', strtotime($getpolls3[$i]['week'])), 'EVEN' => (($i % 2 == 1) ? ' CLASS="even"' : ''))); $i++; } if ($i==0) { generateError('404'); exit; } $start /= 10; if ($start > 0) { $template->adds_block('PREVIOUS', array('ID' => ($start-1))); } $cntpolls = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM polloftheweek"; $cntpolls2 = mysql_query($cntpolls); $cntpolls3 = mysql_fetch_array($cntpolls2); if ($start < floor($cntpolls3['COUNT(*)'] / 10)) { $template->adds_block('NEXT', array('ID' => ($start+1))); } include('pages/polloftheweek.php'); $template->display(); } else { $template = new FITemplate('poll'); $getpoll = "SELECT * FROM polloftheweek WHERE id = " . $_GET['id']; $getpoll2 = mysql_query($getpoll); $getpoll3 = mysql_fetch_array($getpoll2); $template->add('QUESTION', $getpoll3['question']); $getrss = "SELECT * FROM pollrss WHERE id = " . $_GET['id']; $getrss2 = mysql_query($getrss); $getrss3 = mysql_fetch_array($getrss2); if ($getrss3['id'] == $_GET['id']) { $template->adds_block('COMPLETE', array( 'RSS' => parseBBCode($getrss3['rss']), 'AUTHOR' => $getrss3['author'], 'DATE' => date("F dS Y \a\\t g:i:s a",strtotime($getrss3['date'])), 'OPTION1' => $getpoll3['option1'], 'OPTION2' => $getpoll3['option2'], 'OPTION3' => $getpoll3['option3'], 'OPTION4' => $getpoll3['option4'], 'CLICKS1' => $getpoll3['clicks1'], 'CLICKS2' => $getpoll3['clicks2'], 'CLICKS3' => $getpoll3['clicks3'], 'CLICKS4' => $getpoll3['clicks4'])); } else { $template->adds_block('INCOMPLETE', array('exi'=>1)); } $forceDisplay = $_GET['id']; include('pages/polloftheweek.php'); unset($forceDisplay); $template->display(); $page_id = 'polloftheweek-' . $getpoll3['id']; include('includes/comments.php'); displayRelated($getpoll3['question']); } ?>