$dotw) { $ys+=(((7-sd_date('N',$ys))+$dotw)*60*60*24); } else { $ys+=(($dotw-sd_date('N',$ys))*60*60*24); } $ys+=(($wn-1)*60*60*24*7); $did = sd_getMonthStart(sd_date('m',$ys)-1); $did += (sd_date('j',$ys)-1); sd_addDateIn($id,$did); } function sd_getMonthStart($month) { if ($month==0) { return 0; } else { $c = sd_daysInMonth($month-1)+sd_getMonthStart($month-1); return ($c); } } function sd_daysInMonth($month) { switch ($month) { case 0: return 31; case 1: return (28+sd_isLeapYear()); case 2: return 31; case 3: return 30; case 4: return 31; case 5: return 30; case 6: return 31; case 7: return 31; case 8: return 30; case 9: return 31; case 10: return 30; case 11: return 31; default: throw new Exception('Invalid month ID'); } } function sd_isLeapYear() { return sd_date('L'); } function sd_isSpecialDay($id) { global $specialdates; $did = sd_getMonthStart(sd_date('n')-1); $did += (sd_date('j')-1); if ($specialdates[$did] == $id) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function sd_ifNoSpecialDay() { global $specialdates; $did = sd_getMonthStart(sd_date('n')-1); $did += (sd_date('j')-1); if ($specialdates[$did] == '') { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function sd_kirbyWeek() { $did = sd_getMonthStart(11); $ys = sd_clearDate(); $ys+=(60*60*24*24); $ys+=(60*60*24*$did); $tWD=sd_date('N',$ys); if ($tWD==7) {$tWD=0;} $ys-=($tWD*60*60*24); $ys-=(60*60*24*7); sd_solar_annual('Kirby Week',12,sd_date('j',$ys)); sd_solar_annual('Kirby Week',12,sd_date('j',$ys)+1); sd_solar_annual('Kirby Week',12,sd_date('j',$ys)+2); sd_solar_annual('Kirby Week',12,sd_date('j',$ys)+3); sd_solar_annual('Kirby Week',12,sd_date('j',$ys)+4); sd_solar_annual('Kirby Week',12,sd_date('j',$ys)+5); sd_solar_annual('Kirby Week',12,sd_date('j',$ys)+6); } function sd_easter() { $nYear = sd_date('Y'); $nCent = $nYear/100; $nRemain19 = $nYear%19; $n1 = ($nCent-15)/2+202-11*$nRemain19; if ($nCent>20) { if ($nCent>26) {$n1--;} if ($nCent>38) {$n1--;} if ($nCent==21 || $nCent==24 || $nCent==25 || $nCent==33 || $nCent==36 || $nCent==37) {$n1--;} } $n1%=30; if ($n1==29 || ($n1 && $nRemain19>10)) {$n1--;} $ys = sd_clearDate(); if ($n1>10) { $ys+=(60*60*24*sd_getMonthStart(3)); $ys+=(60*60*24*($n1-10-1)); } else { $ys+=(60*60*24*sd_getMonthStart(2)); $ys+=(60*60*24*($n1+21-1)); } $nWD = sd_date('N',$ys); if ($nWD==7) {$nWD=0;} $ys+=(60*60*24*(7-$nWD)); sd_solar_annual('Easter',sd_date('m',$ys),sd_date('j',$ys)); $ys-=(60*60*24*47); sd_solar_annual('Mardi Gras',sd_date('m',$ys),sd_date('j',$ys)); $ys+=(60*60*24); sd_solar_annual('Ash Wednesday',sd_date('m',$ys),sd_date('j',$ys)); $ys+=(60*60*24*39); sd_solar_annual('Palm Sunday',sd_date('m',$ys),sd_date('j',$ys)); $ys+=(60*60*24*5); sd_solar_annual('Good Friday',sd_date('m',$ys),sd_date('j',$ys)); } function sd_findDay($id) { global $specialdates; $i=0; for ($i=0;$i<(365+sd_isLeapYear());$i++) { if ($specialdates[$i] == $id) { return $i; } } throw new Exception('Specified holiday does not exist'); } function sd_findNextDay() { global $specialdates; $did = sd_getMonthStart(sd_date('n')-1); $did += (sd_date('j')-1); $i=0; for ($i=$did;$i<(365+sd_isLeapYear());$i++) { if ($specialdates[$i] != '') { return $i; } } throw new Exception('No more holidays this year'); } function sd_getCurrentDay() { global $specialdates; $did = sd_getMonthStart(sd_date('n')-1); $did += (sd_date('j')-1); return $specialdates[$did]; } function sd_solar_multiannual($id,$month,$date,$years,$sy) { global $specialdates; $cy = sd_date('Y'); $cy -= $sy; if ($cy==0 || $cy%$years==0) { $did = sd_getMonthStart($month-1); $did += ($date-1); $specialdates[$did] = $id; } } function sd_solar_once($id,$month,$date,$year) { if ($year == sd_date('Y')) { sd_solar_annual($id,$month,$date); } } function sd_getDay($id) { global $specialdates; return $specialdates[$id]; } function sd_lunar_monthly($id,$dotw,$wn) { $i=1; for ($i=1;$i<13;$i++) { sd_lunar_annual($id,$i,$dotw,$wn); } } function sd_date($format,$timestamp = 0) { if ($timestamp == 0) {$timestamp = time();} return date($format,$timestamp); } function sd_clearDate() { $ys = strtotime('January 1 ' . date('Y')); return $ys; } function sd_addDateIn($id,$dateid) { global $specialdates; $specialdates[$dateid] = $id; } function sd_dateFinder() { if (sd_ifNoSpecialDay()) { $did = sd_getMonthStart(date('n')-1); $did += (date('j')-1); $did = sd_findNextDay() - $did; return ($did . ' more days until the next holiday!'); } else { switch (sd_getCurrentDay()) { case 'New Years Day': return 'HAPPY NEW YEAR YAYS!'; case 'Martin Luther King Day': return 'Happy Martin Luther King Day!'; case 'Groundhog Day': return 'It\'s groundhog day? Will he see his shadow?'; case 'Presidents Day': return 'Happy President\'s Day!'; case 'Valentines Day': return 'Happy Valentines Day! Will you be mine?'; case 'St Patricks Day': return 'Happy St. Patrick\'s Day!'; case 'Mothers Day': return 'Happy Mothers Day!'; case 'Memorial Day': return 'Remember...'; case 'Easter': return 'Happy Easter!'; case 'Mardi Gras': return 'It\'s Shrove Tuesday!'; case 'Ash Wednesday': return 'Happy Ash Wednesday!'; case 'Palm Sunday': return 'Happy Palm Sunday!'; case 'Holy Thursday': return 'Happy Holy Thursday!'; case 'Good Friday': return 'Happy Good Friday!'; case 'Hatkirbys B-Day': return 'Remember 6/17/08'; case 'Flag Day': return 'Happy Flag Day!'; case 'Fathers Day': return 'Happy Fathers Day!'; case 'Independance Day': return 'Happy 4th of July!'; case 'Labor Day': return 'Happy Labor Day!'; case 'Four Island A': return ('Happy birthday Four Island! Four Island is ' . (date('Y')-2007) . ' years old!'); case 'Columbus Day': return 'Happy Columbus Day!'; case 'Halloween': return 'Happy Halloween!'; case 'Veterans Day': return 'Only 2 minutes of silence. Remember... remember...'; case 'Thanksgiving': return 'Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble gobble gobble gobble!'; case 'Kirby Week': return 'It\'s Kirby Week! Not only is it a time of celebreation and fun on Four Island, it\'s only a week before Christmas!'; case 'Christmas Eve': return '"1 Day Left" says Fourie!'; case 'Christmas Day': return 'Merry Christmas!'; case 'New Years Eve': return '5... 4... 3... 2...'; case 'SysAdminDay': return 'If you can read this, thank your sysadmin'; case 'WCA Day': return 'Webcomic Appreciation Day! Stare in wonder at all of your favorite webcomics! Like Pillowcase, for instance!'; case 'Leap Day': return 'What day is it? LEAP DAY? This only happens once every four years! LET\'S LEAP IN JOY!'; case 'Tris CIEday': return 'This is the day that shei came.'; case 'Silence Day': return 'Support LGBT people by keeping the silence until 5 PM.'; case 'CTNH': return 'It never happened.'; case 'April Fools Day': return 'It\'s FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY!'; } } } function doAprilFoolsDay($text) { if (sd_isSpecialDay('April Fools Day')) { $text = str_replace('four', 'friday', $text); $text = str_replace('Four', 'Friday', $text); //$text = str_replace('4', '3', $text); $text = str_replace('FOUR', 'FRIDAY', $text); $text = preg_replace('/([A-Za-z0-9 ]*)\: ([A-Za-z0-9 ]*)/', ' Rebecca Black: \2', $text); $text = str_replace('Hatkirby', 'Rebecca Black', $text); $text = str_replace('fridayisland.com', 'fourisland.com', $text); } return $text; } ?>