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Four Island is not likely to work properly in IE due to a huge bug in it. There are better browsers out there, why not try one?'); } $getaffs = "SELECT * FROM links WHERE type = \"affiliates\" ORDER BY id ASC"; $getaffs2 = mysql_query($getaffs); $i=0; while ($getaffs3 = mysql_fetch_array($getaffs2)) { $template->adds_block('AFFILIATES', array( 'COLOR' => getTagColor($i++), 'TITLE' => htmlentities($getaffs3['title']), 'URL' => $getaffs3['url'])); } $getwebps = "SELECT * FROM links WHERE type = \"webprojs\" ORDER BY id ASC"; $getwebps2 = mysql_query($getwebps); $i=0; while ($getwebps3 = mysql_fetch_array($getwebps2)) { $template->adds_block('WEBPROJS', array( 'COLOR' => getTagColor($i++), 'TITLE' => htmlentities($getwebps3['title']), 'URL' => $getwebps3['url'])); } if (isset($onFourm)) { $template->adds_block('ONFOURM',array('exi'=>1)); } $getcomments = "SELECT * FROM comments ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,5"; $getcomments2 = mysql_query($getcomments); $i=0; while ($getcomments3[$i] = mysql_fetch_array($getcomments2)) { if ($getcomments3[$i]['is_anon'] == 0) { $getuser = "SELECT * FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_id = " . $getcomments3[$i]['user_id']; $getuser2 = mysql_query($getuser); $getuser3 = mysql_fetch_array($getuser2); $username = $getuser3['username']; $website = $getuser3['user_website']; } else if ($getcomments3[$i]['is_anon'] == 1) { $getanon = "SELECT * FROM anon_commenters WHERE id = " . $getcomments3[$i]['user_id']; $getanon2 = mysql_query($getanon); $getanon3 = mysql_fetch_array($getanon2); if ($getanon3['id'] == $getcomments3[$i]['user_id']) { $username = $getanon3['username'] . 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