/* * cocos2d for iPhone: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org * * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Ricardo Quesada * Copyright (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * * TMX Tiled Map support: * http://www.mapeditor.org * */ #import "CCTMXLayer.h" #import "CCTMXTiledMap.h" #import "CCTMXXMLParser.h" #import "CCSprite.h" #import "CCSpriteBatchNode.h" #import "CCTextureCache.h" #import "Support/CGPointExtension.h" #pragma mark - #pragma mark CCSpriteBatchNode Extension @interface CCSpriteBatchNode (TMXTiledMapExtensions) -(id) addSpriteWithoutQuad:(CCSprite*)child z:(NSUInteger)z tag:(NSInteger)aTag; -(void) addQuadFromSprite:(CCSprite*)sprite quadIndex:(NSUInteger)index; @end /* IMPORTANT XXX IMPORTNAT: * These 2 methods can't be part of CCTMXLayer since they call [super add...], and CCSpriteBatchNode#add SHALL not be called */ @implementation CCSpriteBatchNode (TMXTiledMapExtension) /* Adds a quad into the texture atlas but it won't be added into the children array. This method should be called only when you are dealing with very big AtlasSrite and when most of the CCSprite won't be updated. For example: a tile map (CCTMXMap) or a label with lots of characgers (CCLabelBMFont) */ -(void) addQuadFromSprite:(CCSprite*)sprite quadIndex:(NSUInteger)index { NSAssert( sprite != nil, @"Argument must be non-nil"); NSAssert( [sprite isKindOfClass:[CCSprite class]], @"CCSpriteBatchNode only supports CCSprites as children"); while(index >= textureAtlas_.capacity || textureAtlas_.capacity == textureAtlas_.totalQuads ) [self increaseAtlasCapacity]; // // update the quad directly. Don't add the sprite to the scene graph // [sprite useBatchNode:self]; [sprite setAtlasIndex:index]; ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad = [sprite quad]; [textureAtlas_ insertQuad:&quad atIndex:index]; // XXX: updateTransform will update the textureAtlas too using updateQuad. // XXX: so, it should be AFTER the insertQuad [sprite setDirty:YES]; [sprite updateTransform]; } /* This is the opposite of "addQuadFromSprite. It add the sprite to the children and descendants array, but it doesn't update add it to the texture atlas */ -(id) addSpriteWithoutQuad:(CCSprite*)child z:(NSUInteger)z tag:(NSInteger)aTag { NSAssert( child != nil, @"Argument must be non-nil"); NSAssert( [child isKindOfClass:[CCSprite class]], @"CCSpriteBatchNode only supports CCSprites as children"); // quad index is Z [child setAtlasIndex:z]; // XXX: optimize with a binary search int i=0; for( CCSprite *c in descendants_ ) { if( c.atlasIndex >= z ) break; i++; } [descendants_ insertObject:child atIndex:i]; // IMPORTANT: Call super, and not self. Avoid adding it to the texture atlas array [super addChild:child z:z tag:aTag]; return self; } @end #pragma mark - #pragma mark CCTMXLayer int compareInts (const void * a, const void * b); @interface CCTMXLayer () -(CGPoint) positionForIsoAt:(CGPoint)pos; -(CGPoint) positionForOrthoAt:(CGPoint)pos; -(CGPoint) positionForHexAt:(CGPoint)pos; -(CGPoint) calculateLayerOffset:(CGPoint)offset; /* optimization methos */ -(CCSprite*) appendTileForGID:(uint32_t)gid at:(CGPoint)pos; -(CCSprite*) insertTileForGID:(uint32_t)gid at:(CGPoint)pos; -(CCSprite*) updateTileForGID:(uint32_t)gid at:(CGPoint)pos; /* The layer recognizes some special properties, like cc_vertez */ -(void) parseInternalProperties; -(NSInteger) vertexZForPos:(CGPoint)pos; // index -(NSUInteger) atlasIndexForExistantZ:(NSUInteger)z; -(NSUInteger) atlasIndexForNewZ:(NSUInteger)z; @end @implementation CCTMXLayer @synthesize layerSize = layerSize_, layerName = layerName_, tiles = tiles_; @synthesize tileset = tileset_; @synthesize layerOrientation = layerOrientation_; @synthesize mapTileSize = mapTileSize_; @synthesize properties = properties_; #pragma mark CCTMXLayer - init & alloc & dealloc +(id) layerWithTilesetInfo:(CCTMXTilesetInfo*)tilesetInfo layerInfo:(CCTMXLayerInfo*)layerInfo mapInfo:(CCTMXMapInfo*)mapInfo { return [[[self alloc] initWithTilesetInfo:tilesetInfo layerInfo:layerInfo mapInfo:mapInfo] autorelease]; } -(id) initWithTilesetInfo:(CCTMXTilesetInfo*)tilesetInfo layerInfo:(CCTMXLayerInfo*)layerInfo mapInfo:(CCTMXMapInfo*)mapInfo { // XXX: is 35% a good estimate ? CGSize size = layerInfo.layerSize; float totalNumberOfTiles = size.width * size.height; float capacity = totalNumberOfTiles * 0.35f + 1; // 35 percent is occupied ? CCTexture2D *tex = nil; if( tilesetInfo ) tex = [[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:tilesetInfo.sourceImage]; if((self = [super initWithTexture:tex capacity:capacity])) { // layerInfo self.layerName = layerInfo.name; layerSize_ = layerInfo.layerSize; tiles_ = layerInfo.tiles; minGID_ = layerInfo.minGID; maxGID_ = layerInfo.maxGID; opacity_ = layerInfo.opacity; self.properties = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:layerInfo.properties]; // tilesetInfo self.tileset = tilesetInfo; // mapInfo mapTileSize_ = mapInfo.tileSize; layerOrientation_ = mapInfo.orientation; // offset (after layer orientation is set); CGPoint offset = [self calculateLayerOffset:layerInfo.offset]; [self setPositionInPixels:offset]; atlasIndexArray_ = ccCArrayNew(totalNumberOfTiles); [self setContentSizeInPixels: CGSizeMake( layerSize_.width * mapTileSize_.width, layerSize_.height * mapTileSize_.height )]; useAutomaticVertexZ_= NO; vertexZvalue_ = 0; alphaFuncValue_ = 0; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [layerName_ release]; [tileset_ release]; [reusedTile_ release]; [properties_ release]; if( atlasIndexArray_ ) { ccCArrayFree(atlasIndexArray_); atlasIndexArray_ = NULL; } if( tiles_ ) { free(tiles_); tiles_ = NULL; } [super dealloc]; } -(void) releaseMap { if( tiles_) { free( tiles_); tiles_ = NULL; } if( atlasIndexArray_ ) { ccCArrayFree(atlasIndexArray_); atlasIndexArray_ = NULL; } } #pragma mark CCTMXLayer - setup Tiles -(void) setupTiles { // Optimization: quick hack that sets the image size on the tileset tileset_.imageSize = [textureAtlas_.texture contentSizeInPixels]; // By default all the tiles are aliased // pros: // - easier to render // cons: // - difficult to scale / rotate / etc. [textureAtlas_.texture setAliasTexParameters]; CFByteOrder o = CFByteOrderGetCurrent(); // Parse cocos2d properties [self parseInternalProperties]; for( NSUInteger y=0; y < layerSize_.height; y++ ) { for( NSUInteger x=0; x < layerSize_.width; x++ ) { NSUInteger pos = x + layerSize_.width * y; uint32_t gid = tiles_[ pos ]; // gid are stored in little endian. // if host is big endian, then swap if( o == CFByteOrderBigEndian ) gid = CFSwapInt32( gid ); // XXX: gid == 0 --> empty tile if( gid != 0 ) { [self appendTileForGID:gid at:ccp(x,y)]; // Optimization: update min and max GID rendered by the layer minGID_ = MIN(gid, minGID_); maxGID_ = MAX(gid, maxGID_); } } } NSAssert( maxGID_ >= tileset_.firstGid && minGID_ >= tileset_.firstGid, @"TMX: Only 1 tilset per layer is supported"); } #pragma mark CCTMXLayer - Properties -(id) propertyNamed:(NSString *)propertyName { return [properties_ valueForKey:propertyName]; } -(void) parseInternalProperties { // if cc_vertex=automatic, then tiles will be rendered using vertexz NSString *vertexz = [self propertyNamed:@"cc_vertexz"]; if( vertexz ) { if( [vertexz isEqualToString:@"automatic"] ) useAutomaticVertexZ_ = YES; else vertexZvalue_ = [vertexz intValue]; } NSString *alphaFuncVal = [self propertyNamed:@"cc_alpha_func"]; alphaFuncValue_ = [alphaFuncVal floatValue]; } #pragma mark CCTMXLayer - obtaining tiles/gids -(CCSprite*) tileAt:(CGPoint)pos { NSAssert( pos.x < layerSize_.width && pos.y < layerSize_.height && pos.x >=0 && pos.y >=0, @"TMXLayer: invalid position"); NSAssert( tiles_ && atlasIndexArray_, @"TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released"); CCSprite *tile = nil; uint32_t gid = [self tileGIDAt:pos]; // if GID == 0, then no tile is present if( gid ) { int z = pos.x + pos.y * layerSize_.width; tile = (CCSprite*) [self getChildByTag:z]; // tile not created yet. create it if( ! tile ) { CGRect rect = [tileset_ rectForGID:gid]; tile = [[CCSprite alloc] initWithBatchNode:self rectInPixels:rect]; [tile setPositionInPixels: [self positionAt:pos]]; [tile setVertexZ: [self vertexZForPos:pos]]; tile.anchorPoint = CGPointZero; [tile setOpacity:opacity_]; NSUInteger indexForZ = [self atlasIndexForExistantZ:z]; [self addSpriteWithoutQuad:tile z:indexForZ tag:z]; [tile release]; } } return tile; } -(uint32_t) tileGIDAt:(CGPoint)pos { NSAssert( pos.x < layerSize_.width && pos.y < layerSize_.height && pos.x >=0 && pos.y >=0, @"TMXLayer: invalid position"); NSAssert( tiles_ && atlasIndexArray_, @"TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released"); NSInteger idx = pos.x + pos.y * layerSize_.width; return tiles_[ idx ]; } #pragma mark CCTMXLayer - adding helper methods -(CCSprite*) insertTileForGID:(uint32_t)gid at:(CGPoint)pos { CGRect rect = [tileset_ rectForGID:gid]; NSInteger z = pos.x + pos.y * layerSize_.width; if( ! reusedTile_ ) reusedTile_ = [[CCSprite alloc] initWithBatchNode:self rectInPixels:rect]; else [reusedTile_ initWithBatchNode:self rectInPixels:rect]; [reusedTile_ setPositionInPixels: [self positionAt:pos]]; [reusedTile_ setVertexZ: [self vertexZForPos:pos]]; reusedTile_.anchorPoint = CGPointZero; [reusedTile_ setOpacity:opacity_]; // get atlas index NSUInteger indexForZ = [self atlasIndexForNewZ:z]; // Optimization: add the quad without adding a child [self addQuadFromSprite:reusedTile_ quadIndex:indexForZ]; // insert it into the local atlasindex array ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex(atlasIndexArray_, (void*)z, indexForZ); // update possible children CCSprite *sprite; CCARRAY_FOREACH(children_, sprite) { NSUInteger ai = [sprite atlasIndex]; if( ai >= indexForZ) [sprite setAtlasIndex: ai+1]; } tiles_[z] = gid; return reusedTile_; } -(CCSprite*) updateTileForGID:(uint32_t)gid at:(CGPoint)pos { CGRect rect = [tileset_ rectForGID:gid]; int z = pos.x + pos.y * layerSize_.width; if( ! reusedTile_ ) reusedTile_ = [[CCSprite alloc] initWithBatchNode:self rectInPixels:rect]; else [reusedTile_ initWithBatchNode:self rectInPixels:rect]; [reusedTile_ setPositionInPixels: [self positionAt:pos]]; [reusedTile_ setVertexZ: [self vertexZForPos:pos]]; reusedTile_.anchorPoint = CGPointZero; [reusedTile_ setOpacity:opacity_]; // get atlas index NSUInteger indexForZ = [self atlasIndexForExistantZ:z]; [reusedTile_ setAtlasIndex:indexForZ]; [reusedTile_ setDirty:YES]; [reusedTile_ updateTransform]; tiles_[z] = gid; return reusedTile_; } // used only when parsing the map. useless after the map was parsed // since lot's of assumptions are no longer true -(CCSprite*) appendTileForGID:(uint32_t)gid at:(CGPoint)pos { CGRect rect = [tileset_ rectForGID:gid]; NSInteger z = pos.x + pos.y * layerSize_.width; if( ! reusedTile_ ) reusedTile_ = [[CCSprite alloc] initWithBatchNode:self rectInPixels:rect]; else [reusedTile_ initWithBatchNode:self rectInPixels:rect]; [reusedTile_ setPositionInPixels: [self positionAt:pos]]; [reusedTile_ setVertexZ: [self vertexZForPos:pos]]; reusedTile_.anchorPoint = CGPointZero; [reusedTile_ setOpacity:opacity_]; // optimization: // The difference between appendTileForGID and insertTileforGID is that append is faster, since // it appends the tile at the end of the texture atlas NSUInteger indexForZ = atlasIndexArray_->num; // don't add it using the "standard" way. [self addQuadFromSprite:reusedTile_ quadIndex:indexForZ]; // append should be after addQuadFromSprite since it modifies the quantity values ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex(atlasIndexArray_, (void*)z, indexForZ); return reusedTile_; } #pragma mark CCTMXLayer - atlasIndex and Z int compareInts (const void * a, const void * b) { return ( *(int*)a - *(int*)b ); } -(NSUInteger) atlasIndexForExistantZ:(NSUInteger)z { NSInteger key = z; NSInteger *item = bsearch((void*)&key, (void*)&atlasIndexArray_->arr[0], atlasIndexArray_->num, sizeof(void*), compareInts); NSAssert( item, @"TMX atlas index not found. Shall not happen"); NSUInteger index = ((NSInteger)item - (NSInteger)atlasIndexArray_->arr) / sizeof(void*); return index; } -(NSUInteger)atlasIndexForNewZ:(NSUInteger)z { // XXX: This can be improved with a sort of binary search NSUInteger i = 0; for(i = 0; i< atlasIndexArray_->num; i++) { NSUInteger val = (NSUInteger) atlasIndexArray_->arr[i]; if( z < val ) break; } return i; } #pragma mark CCTMXLayer - adding / remove tiles -(void) setTileGID:(uint32_t)gid at:(CGPoint)pos { NSAssert( pos.x < layerSize_.width && pos.y < layerSize_.height && pos.x >=0 && pos.y >=0, @"TMXLayer: invalid position"); NSAssert( tiles_ && atlasIndexArray_, @"TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released"); NSAssert( gid == 0 || gid >= tileset_.firstGid, @"TMXLayer: invalid gid" ); uint32_t currentGID = [self tileGIDAt:pos]; if( currentGID != gid ) { // setting gid=0 is equal to remove the tile if( gid == 0 ) [self removeTileAt:pos]; // empty tile. create a new one else if( currentGID == 0 ) [self insertTileForGID:gid at:pos]; // modifying an existing tile with a non-empty tile else { NSUInteger z = pos.x + pos.y * layerSize_.width; id sprite = [self getChildByTag:z]; if( sprite ) { CGRect rect = [tileset_ rectForGID:gid]; [sprite setTextureRectInPixels:rect rotated:NO untrimmedSize:rect.size]; tiles_[z] = gid; } else [self updateTileForGID:gid at:pos]; } } } -(void) addChild: (CCNode*)node z:(NSInteger)z tag:(NSInteger)tag { NSAssert(NO, @"addChild: is not supported on CCTMXLayer. Instead use setTileGID:at:/tileAt:"); } -(void) removeChild:(CCSprite*)sprite cleanup:(BOOL)cleanup { // allows removing nil objects if( ! sprite ) return; NSAssert( [children_ containsObject:sprite], @"Tile does not belong to TMXLayer"); NSUInteger atlasIndex = [sprite atlasIndex]; NSUInteger zz = (NSUInteger) atlasIndexArray_->arr[atlasIndex]; tiles_[zz] = 0; ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(atlasIndexArray_, atlasIndex); [super removeChild:sprite cleanup:cleanup]; } -(void) removeTileAt:(CGPoint)pos { NSAssert( pos.x < layerSize_.width && pos.y < layerSize_.height && pos.x >=0 && pos.y >=0, @"TMXLayer: invalid position"); NSAssert( tiles_ && atlasIndexArray_, @"TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released"); uint32_t gid = [self tileGIDAt:pos]; if( gid ) { NSUInteger z = pos.x + pos.y * layerSize_.width; NSUInteger atlasIndex = [self atlasIndexForExistantZ:z]; // remove tile from GID map tiles_[z] = 0; // remove tile from atlas position array ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(atlasIndexArray_, atlasIndex); // remove it from sprites and/or texture atlas id sprite = [self getChildByTag:z]; if( sprite ) [super removeChild:sprite cleanup:YES]; else { [textureAtlas_ removeQuadAtIndex:atlasIndex]; // update possible children CCARRAY_FOREACH(children_, sprite) { NSUInteger ai = [sprite atlasIndex]; if( ai >= atlasIndex) { [sprite setAtlasIndex: ai-1]; } } } } } #pragma mark CCTMXLayer - obtaining positions, offset -(CGPoint) calculateLayerOffset:(CGPoint)pos { CGPoint ret = CGPointZero; switch( layerOrientation_ ) { case CCTMXOrientationOrtho: ret = ccp( pos.x * mapTileSize_.width, -pos.y *mapTileSize_.height); break; case CCTMXOrientationIso: ret = ccp( (mapTileSize_.width /2) * (pos.x - pos.y), (mapTileSize_.height /2 ) * (-pos.x - pos.y) ); break; case CCTMXOrientationHex: NSAssert(CGPointEqualToPoint(pos, CGPointZero), @"offset for hexagonal map not implemented yet"); break; } return ret; } -(CGPoint) positionAt:(CGPoint)pos { CGPoint ret = CGPointZero; switch( layerOrientation_ ) { case CCTMXOrientationOrtho: ret = [self positionForOrthoAt:pos]; break; case CCTMXOrientationIso: ret = [self positionForIsoAt:pos]; break; case CCTMXOrientationHex: ret = [self positionForHexAt:pos]; break; } return ret; } -(CGPoint) positionForOrthoAt:(CGPoint)pos { CGPoint xy = { pos.x * mapTileSize_.width, (layerSize_.height - pos.y - 1) * mapTileSize_.height, }; return xy; } -(CGPoint) positionForIsoAt:(CGPoint)pos { CGPoint xy = { mapTileSize_.width /2 * ( layerSize_.width + pos.x - pos.y - 1), mapTileSize_.height /2 * (( layerSize_.height * 2 - pos.x - pos.y) - 2), }; return xy; } -(CGPoint) positionForHexAt:(CGPoint)pos { float diffY = 0; if( (int)pos.x % 2 == 1 ) diffY = -mapTileSize_.height/2 ; CGPoint xy = { pos.x * mapTileSize_.width*3/4, (layerSize_.height - pos.y - 1) * mapTileSize_.height + diffY }; return xy; } -(NSInteger) vertexZForPos:(CGPoint)pos { NSInteger ret = 0; NSUInteger maxVal = 0; if( useAutomaticVertexZ_ ) { switch( layerOrientation_ ) { case CCTMXOrientationIso: maxVal = layerSize_.width + layerSize_.height; ret = -(maxVal - (pos.x + pos.y)); break; case CCTMXOrientationOrtho: ret = -(layerSize_.height-pos.y); break; case CCTMXOrientationHex: NSAssert(NO,@"TMX Hexa zOrder not supported"); break; default: NSAssert(NO,@"TMX invalid value"); break; } } else ret = vertexZvalue_; return ret; } #pragma mark CCTMXLayer - draw -(void) draw { if( useAutomaticVertexZ_ ) { glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, alphaFuncValue_); } [super draw]; if( useAutomaticVertexZ_ ) glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); } @end