#include "capital.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include capital::capital( std::string configFile, std::mt19937& rng) : rng_(rng) { // Load the config file. YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile(configFile); // Set up the Twitter client. twitter::auth auth; auth.setConsumerKey(config["consumer_key"].as()); auth.setConsumerSecret(config["consumer_secret"].as()); auth.setAccessKey(config["access_key"].as()); auth.setAccessSecret(config["access_secret"].as()); client_ = std::unique_ptr(new twitter::client(auth)); // Set up the verbly database. database_ = std::unique_ptr( new verbly::database(config["verbly_datafile"].as())); } void capital::run() const { for (;;) { std::cout << "Generating tweet..." << std::endl; try { // Find a noun to use as the pictured item. std::cout << "Choosing pictured noun..." << std::endl; verbly::word pictured = getPicturedNoun(); std::cout << "Noun: " << pictured.getBaseForm().getText() << std::endl; // Choose a picture of that noun. std::cout << "Finding an image..." << std::endl; Magick::Image image = getImageForNoun(pictured); // Generate the tweet text. std::cout << "Generating text..." << std::endl; std::string text = generateTweetText(pictured); std::cout << "Tweet text: " << text << std::endl; // Send the tweet. std::cout << "Sending tweet..." << std::endl; sendTweet(std::move(text), std::move(image)); std::cout << "Tweeted!" << std::endl; // Wait. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::hours(1)); } catch (const could_not_get_image& ex) { std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl; } catch (const Magick::ErrorImage& ex) { std::cout << "Image error: " << ex.what() << std::endl; } catch (const Magick::ErrorCorruptImage& ex) { std::cout << "Corrupt image: " << ex.what() << std::endl; } catch (const twitter::twitter_error& ex) { std::cout << "Twitter error: " << ex.what() << std::endl; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::hours(1)); } std::cout << std::endl; } } verbly::word capital::getPicturedNoun() const { verbly::filter whitelist = (verbly::notion::wnid == 100021939); // Artifacts verbly::filter blacklist = (verbly::notion::wnid == 106883725) // swastika || (verbly::notion::wnid == 104416901) // tetraskele || (verbly::notion::wnid == 103575691) // instrument of execution || (verbly::notion::wnid == 103829563) // noose ; verbly::query pictureQuery = database_->words( (verbly::notion::fullHypernyms %= whitelist) && !(verbly::notion::fullHypernyms %= blacklist) && (verbly::notion::partOfSpeech == verbly::part_of_speech::noun) && (verbly::notion::numOfImages >= 1) // Blacklist ethnic slurs && !(verbly::word::usageDomains %= (verbly::notion::wnid == 106718862)) ); verbly::word pictured = pictureQuery.first(); return pictured; } Magick::Image capital::getImageForNoun(verbly::word pictured) const { // Accept string from Google Chrome std::string accept = "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"; curl::curl_header headers; headers.add(accept); int backoff = 0; std::cout << "Getting URLs..." << std::endl; std::string lstdata; while (lstdata.empty()) { std::ostringstream lstbuf; curl::curl_ios lstios(lstbuf); curl::curl_easy lsthandle(lstios); std::string lsturl = pictured.getNotion().getImageNetUrl(); lsthandle.add(lsturl.c_str()); try { lsthandle.perform(); } catch (const curl::curl_easy_exception& e) { e.print_traceback(); backoff++; std::cout << "Waiting for " << backoff << " seconds..." << std::endl; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(backoff)); continue; } backoff = 0; if (lsthandle.get_info().get() != 200) { throw could_not_get_image(); } std::cout << "Got URLs." << std::endl; lstdata = lstbuf.str(); } std::vector lstvec = verbly::split>(lstdata, "\r\n"); if (lstvec.empty()) { throw could_not_get_image(); } std::shuffle(std::begin(lstvec), std::end(lstvec), rng_); std::deque urls; for (std::string& url : lstvec) { urls.push_back(url); } bool found = false; Magick::Blob img; Magick::Image pic; while (!found && !urls.empty()) { std::string url = urls.front(); urls.pop_front(); std::ostringstream imgbuf; curl::curl_ios imgios(imgbuf); curl::curl_easy imghandle(imgios); imghandle.add(headers.get()); imghandle.add(url.c_str()); imghandle.add(30); try { imghandle.perform(); } catch (curl::curl_easy_exception error) { error.print_traceback(); continue; } if (imghandle.get_info().get() != 200) { continue; } std::string content_type = imghandle.get_info().get(); if (content_type.substr(0, 6) != "image/") { continue; } std::string imgstr = imgbuf.str(); img = Magick::Blob(imgstr.c_str(), imgstr.length()); try { pic.read(img); if (pic.rows() > 0) { std::cout << url << std::endl; found = true; } } catch (const Magick::ErrorOption& e) { // Occurs when the the data downloaded from the server is malformed std::cout << "Magick: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } if (!found) { throw could_not_get_image(); } return pic; } std::string capital::generateTweetText(verbly::word pictured) const { int msd = std::uniform_int_distribution(1, 9)(rng_); int mag = std::uniform_int_distribution(2, 9)(rng_); std::string money; for (int i=0; i 3)) { money.insert(0, ","); } } money.insert(0, std::to_string(msd)); money.insert(0, "$"); verbly::token nounTok = verbly::token::capitalize( verbly::token::casing::title_case, pictured); int aci = std::uniform_int_distribution(0, 7)(rng_); verbly::token action; switch (aci) { case 0: action = { "No One Will Buy This", money, nounTok }; break; case 1: action = { "This", nounTok, "Is Not Worth", money }; break; case 2: action = { "We Can't Get Rid Of This", money, nounTok }; break; case 3: action = { "Millenials Will No Longer Spend", money, "For", verbly::token::definiteArticle(nounTok) }; break; case 4: action = { "Why Does This", money, nounTok, "Exist?" }; break; case 5: action = { "Someone Spent", money, "Making This", nounTok, "That No One Will Buy" }; break; case 6: action = { "What A Waste: This", nounTok, "Will Rot Because", "No One Can Afford Its", money, "Price Tag" }; break; case 7: action = { "This", money, nounTok, "Was A Mistake" }; break; } return action.compile(); } void capital::sendTweet(std::string text, Magick::Image image) const { Magick::Blob outputBlob; image.magick("jpg"); image.write(&outputBlob); long media_id = client_->uploadMedia("image/jpeg", (const char*) outputBlob.data(), outputBlob.length()); client_->updateStatus(std::move(text), {media_id}); }