// AutoSplit script for Manifold Garden // // Written by hatkirby, with help from preshing, Gelly, and darkid. // // Automatically starts the timer when a new game is started. You must still // reset the timer manually between runs. // // A split is also triggered after being in one of the ending cutscenes for 1.1 // seconds, since this is when the kaleidoscope appears. // // The following options are mutually exclusive: // - Split on every level change // - All God Cubes waypoints // - Zero% waypoints // - Split based on a configuration file // // If you want to customize which levels the autosplitter splits at, create a // file with a .mg_config extension and put it in the same directory as your // splits. This file should contain a list of level names, one per line. These // level names must exactly match the names shown in-game using the // toggle_beta_message feature. // // This should be mostly version-independent, but it works best on // (Steam "Speedrunning Branch"). // // To view debug output (print statements from this script), use DebugView: // https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/Library/bb896647.aspx state("ManifoldGarden") {} startup { // Relative to Livesplit.exe vars.logFilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\autosplitter_manifold.log"; vars.log = (Action)((string logLine) => { print("[Manifold Garden ASL] " + logLine); string time = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy hh:mm:ss.fff"); // AppendAllText will create the file if it doesn't exist. System.IO.File.AppendAllText(vars.logFilePath, time + ": " + logLine + "\r\n"); }); var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"Components\LiveSplit.ASLHelper.bin"); var type = Assembly.Load(bytes).GetType("ASLHelper.Unity"); vars.Helper = Activator.CreateInstance(type, timer, this); vars.Helper.LoadSceneManager = true; settings.Add("raymarchitecture", true, "Split on Raymarchitecture (ending cutscene)"); settings.Add("norepeats",false,"Split only on the first encounter of each level"); settings.Add("gravChanges",false, "Override first text component with a Gravity Changes count"); settings.Add("planted",false,"Split when a god cube is planted"); settings.Add("every",true,"Split on every level change"); settings.Add("fall",false,"Including all ending falling scenes","every"); settings.Add("allGodCubes", false, "All God Cubes waypoints"); settings.Add("zero", false, "Zero% waypoints"); vars.waypoints = null; vars.prevLevel = 0; vars.stopwatch = null; // Used for the final split vars.prev = new List(); vars.firstRoom = false; vars.inEnding = false; vars.maxGodPlanted = 0; vars.noSplitScenes = new List{ "StudioLogoScreen", "RequiredComponents", "StartScreen_01", "StartScreen_02", "StartScreen_03", "StartScreen_15", "StartScreen_51", "StartScreen_53", "StartScreen_63" }; vars.startScreens = new List{ "StartScreen_01", "StartScreen_02", "StartScreen_03", "StartScreen_15", "StartScreen_51", "StartScreen_53", "StartScreen_63" }; vars.endings = new List{ "World_905_EndingCollapseCutscene_Optimized", "World_907_EndingZeroCollapseCutscene_Optimized", "World_906_EndingDarkCollapseCutscene_Optimized" }; vars.fall = new List{ "World_903_EndingFallTwo_Optimized", "World_904_EndingFallThree_Optimized", "World_905_EndingCollapseCutscene_Optimized", "World_923_AlternateEndingFallTwo_Optimized", "World_924_AlternateEndingFallThree_Optimized", "World_907_EndingZeroCollapseCutscene_Optimized", "World_906_EndingDarkCollapseCutscene_Optimized" }; vars.mandalaScenes = new List{ "AudioVisual_001_Optimized", "AudioVisual_002_Optimized", "AudioVisual_053_Optimized", "AudioVisual_051_Optimized", "AudioVisual_003_Optimized", "AudioVisual_063_Optimized", "AudioVisual_071_Optimized" }; vars.zeroPercentPoints = new List{ "Hallway_W000_W052_Optimized", "World_002_Optimized", "Hallway_W026_W015_Optimized", "Hallway_W612_W057_Optimized", "Hallway_W073_W026_Optimized", "World_804_Optimized", "World_071_AkshardhamTemple_Optimized" }; vars.configFiles = null; vars.settings = settings; var findConfigFiles = (Action)((string folder) => { var files = new List(); if (folder != null) { vars.log("Searching for config files in '" + folder + "'"); files.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.mg_config")); files.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.mg_config.txt")); files.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.mg_conf")); files.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.mg_confi")); vars.log("Found " + files.Count + " config files"); } // Only add the parent setting the first time we call this function if (vars.configFiles == null) { vars.configFiles = new Dictionary(); vars.settings.Add("configs", (files.Count > 0), "Split based on configuration file:"); } foreach (var file in files) { string fileName = file.Split('\\').Last(); if (vars.configFiles.ContainsKey(fileName)) continue; vars.configFiles[fileName] = file; vars.settings.Add(fileName, false, null, "configs"); } }); // Search for config files relative to LiveSplit.exe findConfigFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); // Search for config files relative to the current layout findConfigFiles(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(timer.Layout.FilePath)); // Search for config files relative to the current splits findConfigFiles(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(timer.Run.FilePath)); vars.log("Autosplitter loaded"); } init { vars.studioScreenDone = true; vars.doneFirstLook = false; vars.Helper.TryOnLoad = (Func)(mono => { var gameMan = mono.GetClass("GameManager"); vars.Helper["isLoadingGameFromUI"] = gameMan.Make("isLoadingGameFromUI"); var versionNum = mono.GetClass("VersionNumber"); vars.Helper["version"] = versionNum.MakeString("instance", "_text"); var rigidCon = mono.GetClass("RigidbodyController"); vars.Helper["gravity"] = gameMan.Make("playerController", rigidCon["_gravityDirection"]); var mandalaMan = mono.GetClass("MandalaManager"); vars.Helper["godCubesPlanted"] = gameMan.MakeList("s_instance", "mandalaManager", mandalaMan["PlacedGodCubes"]); current.onStartScreen = false; current.onMandalaScene = false; return true; }); vars.Helper.Load(); vars.configWaypoints = null; if (settings["configs"]) { string[] lines = {""}; foreach (var configFile in vars.configFiles.Keys) { if (settings[configFile]) { // Full path is saved in the dictionary. vars.configWaypoints = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(vars.configFiles[configFile]); vars.log("Selected config file: " + configFile); vars.log("Config contains " + vars.configWaypoints.Length + " lines"); break; } } } vars.updateText = false; if (settings["gravChanges"]) { foreach (LiveSplit.UI.Components.IComponent component in timer.Layout.Components) { if (component.GetType().Name == "TextComponent") { vars.tc = component; vars.tcs = vars.tc.Settings; vars.updateText = true; vars.log("Found text component at " + component); break; } } } } update { if (!vars.Helper.Update()) return false; current.level = vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Index; current.isLoadingGameFromUI = vars.Helper["isLoadingGameFromUI"].Current; if (!vars.doneFirstLook) { vars.doneFirstLook = true; vars.log(String.Format("Connected to Manifold Garden version {0}", vars.Helper["version"].Current)); current.onStartScreen = vars.startScreens.Contains(vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Name); // The "isLoadingGameFromUI" boolean is set while the studio screen is // showing during game startup, which means that if the autosplitter is // running before the game opens, it'll erroneously start a run. To // avoid this, when the autosplitter initialises, we check if we are on // a noSplitScene (the game usually reports itself as being on a start // screen rather than the studio screen) and if the game is loading. If // so, we disable starting a run until the load is complete. If the // splitter is opened after the game starts up, this shouldn't activate, // which means run starting should work as expected. if (vars.noSplitScenes.Contains(vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Name) && current.isLoadingGameFromUI) { vars.studioScreenDone = false; } } else { if (current.level != old.level) { current.onStartScreen = vars.startScreens.Contains(vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Name); current.onMandalaScene = vars.mandalaScenes.Contains(vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Name); } if (!current.onMandalaScene) { current.gravity = vars.Helper["gravity"].Current; } if (!vars.studioScreenDone) { vars.studioScreenDone = !current.isLoadingGameFromUI; } if (current.gravity != old.gravity) { vars.gravChanges += 1; if (settings["gravChanges"] && vars.updateText) { vars.tcs.Text2 = vars.gravChanges.ToString(); } } current.godCubesPlanted = vars.Helper["godCubesPlanted"].Current.Count; } } isLoading { return current.isLoadingGameFromUI; } start { // Start the timer as soon as a game is being loaded (specifically the // moment you click a save slot to start a new game in, although it will // also start if you just load a file). This boolean is set to true during // the studio logo when the game starts up, so we check for that as well. if (vars.studioScreenDone && current.isLoadingGameFromUI) { vars.log("START based on file load"); if (settings["zero"]) { vars.waypoints = vars.zeroPercentPoints; } else if (settings["allGodCubes"]) { vars.waypoints = vars.mandalaScenes; } else if (settings["configs"] && vars.configWaypoints != null) { vars.waypoints = new List(vars.configWaypoints); } else { vars.waypoints = null; } vars.prevLevel = current.level; vars.stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); vars.prev.Clear(); vars.firstRoom = false; vars.inEnding = false; vars.maxGodPlanted = current.godCubesPlanted; vars.gravChanges = 0; if (settings["gravChanges"] && vars.updateText) { vars.tcs.Text1 = "Gravity Changes:"; vars.tcs.Text2 = "0"; } return true; } } split { // Split when level index changes. We don't split for the first room change // in a run, because that is always going to be changing from 3 to 73, and // it happens a couple of seconds after the timer starts. if (vars.firstRoom && current.level != vars.prevLevel && current.level > 0 && !vars.noSplitScenes.Contains(vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Name)) { vars.log(String.Format("{0}: '{1}'", current.level, vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Name)); string action = "NO SPLIT"; if (vars.prevLevel != 0) { // Split rules: if (settings["every"]) { if (settings["fall"] || !vars.fall.Contains(vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Name)) { action = "SPLIT"; } } else if (vars.waypoints != null) { if (vars.waypoints.Contains(vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Name)) { action = "SPLIT"; } } if (settings["norepeats"]) { if (vars.prev.Contains(current.level)) { action = "NO SPLIT"; } vars.prev.Add(current.level); } vars.log(String.Format("Level changed from {0} to {1}: {2}", vars.prevLevel, current.level, action)); } if (vars.endings.Contains(vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Name)) { vars.inEnding = true; } vars.prevLevel = current.level; vars.stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); return action.StartsWith("SPLIT"); } else if (!vars.firstRoom && vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Name == "World_000_Optimized") { vars.firstRoom = true; vars.prevLevel = current.level; vars.prev.Add(current.level); } // Optionally split when a god cube is actually planted in a socket. if (settings["planted"] && current.godCubesPlanted > vars.maxGodPlanted) { vars.log("SPLIT on planted god cube"); vars.maxGodPlanted = current.godCubesPlanted; return true; } // Final split of the game: // Split after being in one of the ending cutscenes for 1.1 seconds. if (settings["raymarchitecture"] && vars.inEnding && vars.stopwatch != null && vars.stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 1100) { vars.log("SPLIT on Raymarchitecture"); vars.stopwatch = null; return true; } } reset { return current.onStartScreen && !old.onStartScreen; } onReset { if (settings["gravChanges"] && vars.updateText) { vars.tcs.Text1 = "Gravity Changes:"; vars.tcs.Text2 = "0"; } } exit { vars.Helper.Dispose(); } shutdown { vars.Helper.Dispose(); }