// Autosplitter script for Lingo, by hatkirby. // // Requires a version released January 27th, 2023 or later. // // Massive thanks to the game developer, Brenton, for working with me to // make this possible. state("Lingo") {} startup { // Relative to Livesplit.exe vars.logFilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\autosplitter_lingo.log"; vars.log = (Action)((string logLine) => { print("[Lingo ASL] " + logLine); string time = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy hh:mm:ss.fff"); // AppendAllText will create the file if it doesn't exist. System.IO.File.AppendAllText(vars.logFilePath, time + ": " + logLine + "\r\n"); }); settings.Add("every",false,"Split on every panel solve"); settings.Add("end", false, "Split on The End / The Ascendant"); settings.Add("unchallenged", false, "Split on The Unchallenged"); settings.Add("master", false, "Split on The Master"); settings.Add("pilgrimage", false, "Split on Pilgrimage"); settings.Add("levelOneThePanels",false,"Split on LL1 achievement panels (besides End and Master)"); settings.Add("levelOneOranges",false,"Split on orange panels that open up the LL1 tower"); settings.Add("levelTwoThePanels",false,"Split on LL2 achievement panels (besides Ascendant)"); settings.Add("patchAchieves",false,"Split on The Pumpkin Patch achievements"); settings.Add("showLastPanel",false, "Override first text component with the name of the most recently solved panel"); vars.prevPanel = ""; vars.configFiles = null; vars.settings = settings; var findConfigFiles = (Action)((string folder) => { var files = new List(); if (folder != null) { vars.log("Searching for config files in '" + folder + "'"); files.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.lingo_config")); files.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.lingo_config.txt")); files.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.lingo_conf")); files.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.lingo_confi")); vars.log("Found " + files.Count + " config files"); } // Only add the parent setting the first time we call this function if (vars.configFiles == null) { vars.configFiles = new Dictionary(); vars.settings.Add("configs", (files.Count > 0), "Split based on configuration file:"); } foreach (var file in files) { string fileName = file.Split('\\').Last(); if (vars.configFiles.ContainsKey(fileName)) continue; vars.configFiles[fileName] = file; vars.settings.Add(fileName, false, null, "configs"); } }); // Search for config files relative to LiveSplit.exe findConfigFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); // Search for config files relative to the current layout findConfigFiles(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(timer.Layout.FilePath)); // Search for config files relative to the current splits findConfigFiles(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(timer.Run.FilePath)); vars.log("Autosplitter loaded"); vars.levelOneThePanels = new List{ "Panel_seeker_seeker", "Panel_traveled_traveled", "Panel_illuminated_initiated", "Panel_intelligent_wise", "Panel_tenacious_tenacious", "Panel_disagreeable_agreeable", "Panel_colorful_colorful", "Panel_observant_observant", "Panel_perceptive_perceptive", "Panel_deterred_undeterred", "Panel_emboldened_bold", "Panel_steady_steady", "Panel_bearer_bearer", "Panel_optimistic_optimistic", "Panel_discerning_scramble", "Panel_wondrous_wondrous", "Panel_fearless_fearless", "Panel_challenged_unchallenged", "Panel_grandfathered_red", "Panel_ecstatic_ecstatic", "Panel_artistic_artistic", "Panel_scientific_scientific", "Panel_incomparable_incomparable" }; vars.levelOneOranges = new List{ "Panel_dads_ale_dead_1", "Panel_art_art_eat_2", "Panel_deer_wren_rats_3", "Panel_learns_unsew_unrest_4", "Panel_drawl_runs_enter_5", "Panel_reads_rust_lawns_6" }; vars.levelTwoThePanels = new List{ "Panel_the_analytical", "Panel_the_mythical", "Panel_the_unforgettable", "Panel_the_fuzzy", "Panel_the_sharp", "Panel_the_structured", "Panel_the_devious", "Panel_the_amazing", "Panel_the_frozen", "Panel_the_lunar", "Panel_the_learned", "Panel_the_arcadian", "Panel_the_stellar", "Panel_the_handy", "Panel_orange_8", "Panel_the_ethereal", "Panel_the_sapient", "Panel_the_worldly", "Panel_the_seen", "Panel_the_perennial", "Panel_the_memorable", "Panel_the_exemplary", "Panel_the_fresh", "Panel_the_veteran", "Panel_the_royal", "Panel_the_unscrambled", "Panel_the_appreciated", "Panel_the_exact", "Panel_the_unopposed", "Panel_the_unsullied", "Panel_the_multitalented", "Panel_the_sweet", "Panel_the_tasty", "Panel_the_hidden", "Panel_the_magnificent", "Panel_the_magnanimous", "Panel_the_magnate", "Panel_the_magnetic", "Panel_the_archaeologist", "Panel_end", "Panel_the_lonely", "Panel_the_lucky", "Panel_the_lettered", "Panel_the_knowledgeable", "Panel_the_welcoming", "Panel_the_direct", "Panel_the_expert", "Panel_the_infallible", "Panel_the_earnest", "Panel_the_right" }; vars.patchAchievePanels = new List{ "Panel_the_associating", "Panel_the_deciphering" }; } init { // magic byte array format: // [0-7]: 5b a6 7d fe b8 69 f1 80 (random bytes used for sigscanning) // [8]: First input // [9-40]: Name of last solved panel IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero; foreach (var page in game.MemoryPages(true).Reverse()) { var scanner = new SignatureScanner(game, page.BaseAddress, (int)page.RegionSize); ptr = scanner.Scan(new SigScanTarget(0, "5b a6 7d fe b8 69 f1 80")); if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { break; } } if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception("Could not find magic autosplitter array!"); } vars.firstInput = new MemoryWatcher(ptr + 8); vars.panel = new StringWatcher(ptr + 9, 32); vars.log(String.Format("Magic autosplitter array: {0}", ptr.ToString("X"))); vars.updateText = false; vars.configWaypoints = null; } update { vars.firstInput.Update(game); vars.panel.Update(game); if (settings["showLastPanel"] && vars.updateText && vars.panel.Old != vars.panel.Current) { vars.tcs.Text2 = vars.panel.Current; } } start { return vars.firstInput.Old == 0 && vars.firstInput.Current == 255; } onStart { vars.prevPanel = vars.panel.Current; vars.updateText = false; if (settings["showLastPanel"]) { foreach (LiveSplit.UI.Components.IComponent component in timer.Layout.Components) { if (component.GetType().Name == "TextComponent") { vars.tc = component; vars.tcs = vars.tc.Settings; vars.tcs.Text1 = "Last Panel:"; vars.tcs.Text2 = ""; vars.updateText = true; vars.log("Found text component at " + component); break; } } } vars.configWaypoints = null; if (settings["configs"]) { string[] lines = {""}; foreach (var configFile in vars.configFiles.Keys) { if (settings[configFile]) { // Full path is saved in the dictionary. var splitlist = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(vars.configFiles[configFile]); if (splitlist != null) { vars.configWaypoints = new List(splitlist); } vars.log("Selected config file: " + configFile); vars.log("Config contains " + splitlist.Length + " lines"); break; } } } } split { if (vars.panel.Current != vars.prevPanel) { string action = "NO SPLIT"; if (settings["every"]) { action = "SPLIT"; vars.log("Split on any panel: " + vars.panel.Current); } else if (settings["end"] && vars.panel.Current == "Panel_end_end") { action = "SPLIT"; vars.log("Split on The End"); } else if (settings["unchallenged"] && vars.panel.Current == "Panel_challenged_unchallenged") { action = "SPLIT"; vars.log("Split on The Unchallenged"); } else if (settings["master"] && vars.panel.Current == "Panel_master_master") { action = "SPLIT"; vars.log("Split on The Master"); } else if (settings["pilgrimage"] && vars.panel.Current == "Panel_pilgrim") { action = "SPLIT"; vars.log("Split on Pilgrimage"); } else if (settings["levelOneThePanels"] && vars.levelOneThePanels.Contains(vars.panel.Current)) { action = "SPLIT"; vars.log("Split on LL1 THE panel"); } else if (settings["levelOneOranges"] && vars.levelOneOranges.Contains(vars.panel.Current)) { action = "SPLIT"; vars.log("Split on LL1 tower orange"); } else if (settings["levelTwoThePanels"] && vars.levelTwoThePanels.Contains(vars.panel.Current)) { action = "SPLIT"; vars.log("Split on LL2 THE panel"); } else if (settings["patchAchieves"] && vars.patchAchievePanels.Contains(vars.panel.Current)) { action = "SPLIT"; vars.log("Split on Pumpkin Patch THE panel"); } else if (settings["configs"] && vars.configWaypoints != null && vars.configWaypoints.Contains(vars.panel.Current)) { action = "SPLIT"; vars.log("Split on config file"); } vars.prevPanel = vars.panel.Current; return action.StartsWith("SPLIT"); } }