# anodyne-archipelago Releases ## Initial Testing: [v0.2.0](https://code.fourisland.com/anodyne-archipelago/tag/?h=v0.2.0) - 2024-05-26 - Added clipboard support to text entry fields. - Fixed right bracket key not working. - "Endgame Card Requirement" option is now honored by the client. - Opening a treasure chest with one of your world's items in it will show the correct item in most cases. - Treasure chests containing items for other worlds will show the Archipelago icon. Download: [anodyne-archipelago-v0.2.0.zip](https://files.fourisland.com/releases/anodyne-archipelago/anodyne-archipelago-v0.2.0.zip) ## Initial Testing: [v0.1.0](https://code.fourisland.com/anodyne-archipelago/tag/?h=v0.1.0) - 2024-05-26 Initial release for testing. Download: [anodyne-archipelago-v0.1.0.zip](https://files.fourisland.com/releases/anodyne-archipelago/anodyne-archipelago-v0.1.0.zip)