using AnodyneSharp.Entities; using AnodyneSharp.Entities.Enemy.Redcave; using AnodyneSharp.Entities.Gadget.Treasures; using AnodyneSharp.Registry; using AnodyneSharp.Sounds; using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net; using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Enums; using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.MessageLog.Messages; using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Models; using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Packets; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace AnodyneArchipelago { public class ArchipelagoManager { private ArchipelagoSession _session; private int _itemIndex = 0; private string _seedName; private long _endgameCardRequirement = 36; private readonly Queue _itemsToCollect = new(); private readonly Queue _messages = new(); private Task> _scoutTask; public long EndgameCardRequirement => _endgameCardRequirement; public async Task Connect(string url, string slotName, string password) { LoginResult result; try { _session = ArchipelagoSessionFactory.CreateSession(url); _session.MessageLog.OnMessageReceived += OnMessageReceived; RoomInfoPacket roomInfoPacket = await _session.ConnectAsync(); _seedName = roomInfoPacket.SeedName; result = await _session.LoginAsync("Anodyne", slotName, ItemsHandlingFlags.AllItems, null, null, null, password == "" ? null : password); } catch (Exception e) { result = new LoginFailure(e.GetBaseException().Message); } _itemIndex = 0; _itemsToCollect.Clear(); LoginSuccessful login = result as LoginSuccessful; if (login.SlotData.ContainsKey("endgame_card_requirement")) { _endgameCardRequirement = (long)login.SlotData["endgame_card_requirement"]; } _scoutTask = Task.Run(() => ScoutAllLocations()); return result; } ~ArchipelagoManager() { Disconnect(); } public void Disconnect() { if (_session == null) { return; } _session.Socket.DisconnectAsync(); _session = null; } private async Task> ScoutAllLocations() { LocationInfoPacket locationInfo = await _session.Locations.ScoutLocationsAsync(_session.Locations.AllLocations.ToArray()); Dictionary result = new(); foreach (NetworkItem networkItem in locationInfo.Locations) { result[_session.Locations.GetLocationNameFromId(networkItem.Location)] = networkItem; } return result; } public NetworkItem? GetScoutedLocation(string locationName) { if (_scoutTask == null || !_scoutTask.IsCompleted || !_scoutTask.Result.ContainsKey(locationName)) { return null; } return _scoutTask.Result[locationName]; } public string GetItemName(long id) { return _session.Items.GetItemName(id); } public string GetSeed() { return _seedName; } public int GetPlayer() { return _session.ConnectionInfo.Slot; } public void SendLocation(string location) { if (_session == null) { Plugin.Instance.Log.LogError("Attempted to send location while disconnected"); return; } _session.Locations.CompleteLocationChecks(_session.Locations.GetLocationIdFromName("Anodyne", location)); } public void Update() { if (_session == null) { // We're not connected. return; } if (_session.Items.AllItemsReceived.Count > _itemIndex) { for (int i = _itemIndex; i < _session.Items.AllItemsReceived.Count; i++) { string itemKey = $"ArchipelagoItem-{i}"; if ( != 0) { continue; }, 1); NetworkItem item = _session.Items.AllItemsReceived[i]; _itemsToCollect.Enqueue(item); } _itemIndex = _session.Items.AllItemsReceived.Count; } if ((GlobalState.Dialogue == null || GlobalState.Dialogue == "") && !GlobalState.ScreenTransition && Plugin.Player != null && GlobalState.black_overlay.alpha == 0f && !Plugin.IsGamePaused) { if (_itemsToCollect.Count > 0) { NetworkItem item = _itemsToCollect.Dequeue(); HandleItem(item); } else if (_messages.Count > 0) { GlobalState.Dialogue = _messages.Dequeue(); } } } private static string GetMapNameForDungeon(string dungeon) { switch (dungeon) { case "Temple of the Seeing One": return "BEDROOM"; case "Apartment": return "APARTMENT"; case "Mountain Cavern": return "CROWD"; case "Hotel": return "HOTEL"; case "Red Grotto": return "REDCAVE"; case "Circus": return "CIRCUS"; default: return "STREET"; } } private void HandleItem(NetworkItem item) { if (item.Player == _session.ConnectionInfo.Slot && item.Location >= 0) { string itemKey = $"ArchipelagoLocation-{item.Location}"; if ( > 0) { return; }, 1); } string itemName = _session.Items.GetItemName(item.Item); if (itemName.StartsWith("Small Key")) { string dungeonName = itemName.Substring(11); dungeonName = dungeonName.Substring(0, dungeonName.Length - 1); string mapName = GetMapNameForDungeon(dungeonName); GlobalState.inventory.AddMapKey(mapName, 1); } else if (itemName == "Green Key") { GlobalState.inventory.BigKeyStatus[0] = true; } else if (itemName == "Blue Key") { GlobalState.inventory.BigKeyStatus[2] = true; } else if (itemName == "Red Key") { GlobalState.inventory.BigKeyStatus[1] = true; } else if (itemName == "Jump Shoes") { GlobalState.inventory.CanJump = true; } else if (itemName == "Health Cicada") { GlobalState.MAX_HEALTH += 1; GlobalState.CUR_HEALTH = GlobalState.MAX_HEALTH; } else if (itemName == "Heal") { GlobalState.CUR_HEALTH = GlobalState.MAX_HEALTH; } else if (itemName == "Swap") { GlobalState.inventory.HasTransformer = true; } else if (itemName == "Extend") { GlobalState.inventory.HasLengthen = true; } else if (itemName == "Widen") { GlobalState.inventory.HasWiden = true; } else if (itemName == "Temple of the Seeing One Statue") { // TODO: This and the other two: move while on the same map."StatueMoved_Temple", 1); } else if (itemName == "Mountain Cavern Statue") {"StatueMoved_Mountain", 1); } else if (itemName == "Red Grotto Statue") {"StatueMoved_Grotto", 1); } else if (itemName == "Progressive Red Grotto") {"ProgressiveRedGrotto"); } else if (itemName == "Card") { int cardIndex = GlobalState.inventory.CardCount; if (cardIndex >= 19) { cardIndex += 1; } CardTreasure cardTreasure = new(Plugin.Player.Position, cardIndex); cardTreasure.GetTreasure(); GlobalState.SpawnEntity(cardTreasure); } else if (itemName == "Cardboard Box") {"ReceivedCardboardBox", 1); } else if (itemName == "Biking Shoes") {"ReceivedBikingShoes", 1); } string message; if (item.Player == _session.ConnectionInfo.Slot) { message = $"Found {itemName}!"; } else { string otherPlayer = _session.Players.GetPlayerAlias(item.Player); message = $"Received {itemName} from {otherPlayer}."; } GlobalState.Dialogue = message; } public void ActivateGoal() { var statusUpdatePacket = new StatusUpdatePacket { Status = ArchipelagoClientState.ClientGoal }; _session.Socket.SendPacket(statusUpdatePacket); } private void OnMessageReceived(LogMessage message) { switch (message) { case ItemSendLogMessage itemSendLogMessage: if (itemSendLogMessage.IsSenderTheActivePlayer && !itemSendLogMessage.IsReceiverTheActivePlayer) { string itemName = _session.Items.GetItemName(itemSendLogMessage.Item.Item); string messageText; string otherPlayer = _session.Players.GetPlayerAlias(itemSendLogMessage.Receiver.Slot); messageText = $"Sent {itemName} to {otherPlayer}."; SoundManager.PlaySoundEffect("gettreasure"); _messages.Enqueue(messageText); } break; } } } }